Literally no one complained about things like p loot when I played as a kid. People rushed to get real life done and get back to the computer(not make endless posts, whining). Ya, it was that addicting. Prolly more then vanilla wow tbh. Lot of people played too. I had friends that weren’t into it and didn’t get it… Usually call of duty players, and that was fine. So maybe keep the core game mechanics how they were? Just a thought… Just another moron here.
Get a good laugh everytime I read these forums. Keep up the complaints please. Thank god it’s like the same ten people and not more. I’d have less hope for society.
EDIT: A few morons like myself seem to not understand my post. Try and put it as simple as I can. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”
If a saying is not good enough, here is a cold hard fact. Diablo 3 has way less players then D2 did 20yrs ago(likely less still). Seeing how gaming is larger than the movie buisness now that’s just…awkward. when Blizzard removed trading and added ploot to D3 their player base took a nose dive.
So again… maybe keep it how it was for now? If the player base doesn’t last then yes go ahead, let your opinion war break loose. Not opposed to change.
That’s a matter of taste and preference. “New” mechanics don’t equate to better. And, there is no new anyway – only different ways to get to the same end. Maybe with altered graphics or faster resolve.
Such a matter of opinion that the original developer of Diablo 2 stated that he would of had personal loot in the game that he made if that mechanic was available back then.
Welcome to the Age of Entitlement. Everyone has a cellphone in their hands, people want what they want five minutes ago and a common first world problem is not having enough followers on Twitter.
If you can somehow separate the average person from their cellphone, you might want to have a first-aid kit and a defibrillator handy, as they might start experiencing convulsions.
Thank you, that is what I keep telling friends in regards to older titles.
I kept telling someone that limited inventory in older resident evil titles was deliberate and that it posed a strategic element, picking up items you don’t actually need would lead to more backtracking when you needed to pick up more important items to progress.
He finally actually played RE1 remaster and agreed with me after experiencing it himself.
I’m not entirely against personal loot; however, David Brevik though… for all the good that came from D2 how has his work on similar games gone?
Hellgate London? That was a multiplayer disaster, not to mention the whole subscription thing that wasn’t even on the box.
D&D Online Eberron? That game was largely a flop and it’s just been crawling since a year or two after its release.
Marvel Heroes . . . yeah, that went over like a lead balloon. It sure had personal loot, but nearly every other decision involved with it SUCKED. It was a crappy Diablo 3.
Just because he would change it from what was done initially doesn’t mean it’s a great idea. Everything he’s done differently has crashed and burned in regard to rpg loot games.
If private loot comes to D2 it needs a larger overhaul on how the game works and distributes loot. Quite literally 90% (possibly more) of the stuff that drops is common crap anybody can get with minimal time invested. The only thing people want private loot for is the best-of-the-best.
That said, I like David Brevik. He’s done more than I have, but just because he supports a change doesn’t make it good. Especially considering what his decisions apart from that original Blizzard North team have looked like.
Considering how his other ventures into rpg games have gone, I kind of wonder how much it was the rest of the team that made D2 come together instead of just the guy with the popular name.