TurboHud, Bannable or Not?

If Blizzards really decides not to ban all these TH cheaters…guess what happends in D4 or the near future. Even making it legit now will basically be a spit in the face for all these players who really tryharded without any 3red program or cheats.

I don’t care if the playerbase rises, this game is somewhat dead anyway. And I really don’t care if the playerbase is cut in half if the band every botter/TH user/cheater etc.

Blizzards really needs to step up and ban all cheaters (that includes botter, bounty-bots, TH uses, etc) asap without any warning. They know its forbidden, so why an extra warning? They waited waaaaaaaay to long anyway. Should have banned them on day 1.


I would generally agree with you, but being that over 90 percent of my friends play with thud, and another 25% or so bot.

I find my friends and social aspect of d3 significantly important to me.

More than the thud.

So in my opinion, I’d rather not loose the thud friends. The botting friends all have been banned repeatedly and they have just bought new accounts. So I Dont really think it will affect them.

But my thud friends may not come back.

And that matters a lot to me.

Since this is a herd like situation, the more that don’t come back snowballs and it can be worse with people that are legit like me with no friends around also stop playing.

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If it really matters to you, you should make your friends stop cheating.

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Sorry, I don’t “make” my friends from doing anything. They are adults know the risks and consequences. I am not their parents and respect their decisions.

I expect them to take accountability for their actions.

That being said, I would rather have beers with them in real life than to put this holier than thou stuff down their throats for a game that cost me a couple hundred dollars and gave me over 6k of playing time.

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So, you respect their decision to cheat?

Don’t even try make me accountable for my friends actions.

I may personally not agree with their decisions, but it’s not my job to police them.

good to know one of the reasons botting cannot be beaten sofar.
-well, BLIZZ announced these tricks will be detected in the future.

I’m not trying to hold you responsible for them cheating.
I’m holding you responsible for respecting them having chosen to cheat.

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Meteorblade, you are just looking to stir the pot. Sorry, I’m not in the mood to play with you.

I respect enough people to make their own decisions. It’s called free will. I respect their ability to make the decision. Whether or not I agree with decision is altogether different.

Don’t make this more than it is, which you appear to be trying to.

This statement indicates you’re okay with your friends making decisions.

This statement indicates that you respect them having taken the decision to cheat.

The statements are not synonymous. I’m not stirring the pot. You’re the one saying that you’re okay with people that choose to cheat. I’m not. If your friends are cheating, whether that’s by botting or using TurboHUD, they should be banned, regardless of whether that means you have less people to play with.

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No, meteorblade. Good try though.

You are trying. These are different things.

I am having a ton of RL friends that do things I don’t agree with since these are bad for their own health (alcohol, drugs for example), but I won’t stop seeing them because of that. They are grown people and if they want to live that way it’s their choice.

Anyone is free to do wrong things as long as these doesn’t harm anyone else besides him.

With that we can draw an important conclusion about whether one deserves a punishment in D3 - I’d say definitely if he is in the LB - he has to be removed from there at minimum.

Is this where magical solutions are given to solve the world?
I propose that there is an LB only of friends. When you think that a friend of yours cheats you eliminate him as a friend and so you will always have your LB clean
Remember that something is a cheat because it is included in the TOS. If something is removed from the TOS, it would no longer be a cheat. I ask Blizzard to make an effort to review that document and remove from him everything he is not willing to enforce to ensure a fair game.

yes, keep it simple, freedom stops where that of the other begins.

I don’t think you are a very good friend if you don’t at least try to influence a bad decision your friend is making. -If one of my friends or colleagues was messing up his or her life it would hurt me, so I would try to prevent it or help the person to become well again. -If they are not worth your concern they are not really friends, just “people”…

Let’s keep this in the context of this particular video game with this particular company with their current anti cheating practices and support.

Analogies aside.

This is what we are talking about.