This set is seriously far behind the others. While there’s the old Trag’Oul’s lancer build, it is still much behind the others.
I think if you add a 0.6% damage reduction per each 1% of extra life you have on the 4 piece bonus and increase the damage on the 6 piece bonus to 8000-10000%, that will help make this set a tad more viable.
You could also add on Lornelle’s Sunstone a damage modifier for blood spells, like somewhere between 200-300% as an extra bit of oompf.
Just give it some love Blizzard.
The problem is that this team that takes over D3 doesn’t know necro well or even play necro. It is evident by the fact that necro in general struggle against other classes and even with the new set, still falling behind. I wish D3 had mod and leave it to the community to tune necro and or design new sets.
The necro community knows necro better than Blizzard. How ironic. Yet Blizzard refuses to listen. Sigh.
I can’t agree more with a damage buff. And with that comes a natural defensive buff like mentioned in the first post. The damage percentages are so far behind other sets that are sitting at 10,000% damage buffs. I get that there is a healing buff that helps a bit, but no matter how much you can heal, it doesn’t stop you from being one shotted.
I’ve been playing around with Trag’oul’s set as the first one that is fun for me for necro and it’s unfortunate that’s it’s just too under powered to get runs in with friends with it that are running gr 90s+