Toxic D2 Purists


As of now, the only option is FFA loot in multiplayer. In public multiplayer games, I need to accept that a certain percent of my games will have cheaters and as a result, I will get disproportionately less good gear due to cheats in comparison to expected with its binomial variance.

With an selectable option, personal loot multiplayer games should be less bot-infested, but irrespective of the cheater frequency, I get good items as expected with the normal binomial variance.

Two things:

  1. I am worried about cheating broadly bot, pickit users, maphacks, etc…
  2. How did you come up with your 0.07% number?

To calculate this percent especailly since we are talking about public games, you need to know the number of players participating in public multiplayer games on average and the number of cheaters in public multiplayer games on average or at least their ratio.

You can back calculate this (which also gets at the percent players cheating in public multiplayer). If really 1 in 3 public multiplayer games (assuming 8 players) on average have at least one cheater, than the percent cheater is greater than 3% since we know that with 3% cheaters it is 50/50 odds to encounter a cheater in 1 in 3 games.

You are correct about confirmation bias. However, I rarely expect good drops to be “mine”. In an 8 player game, I expect 87.5% of drops to go to someone else. This leads to my personal issue where I am first to click a good drop that I sometimes have “clicker’s remorse” since I know that 87.5% of the time in a co-op game where everyone is contributing that drop was mathematically most likely for someone else.

But bots dont join your games. People are joining bot games to get easy XP. And they will keep joining them.

Also guys, your play with numbers is boring as hell to read. :slight_smile: i feel like you both are lost in it at this point :rofl:

MicroRNA argument is that no one will go into a botting game with FFA because ploot will guarantee that you get an item. So people will only go to bot games with ploot.

The problem becomes ploot does not work well without balance changes unless they are to implement them only for instances aka act Bosses and Super Uniques. If you implement it for everything people are going to be running around clicking deny which is a lot worse. So now you need loot tables. Problem is you have to do it for magical and up in D2 because some of the best and most gg items are magical in D2. Magical Items drop a lot especially with 400-600% mf. This is why in D3 magical items are not worth anything and rares are rarely worth anything because of ploot.

My problem is it breaks immersion every time because I have a window that pops up with a timer and a drop button. It no longer feels like I am picking up the item. They could make it appear on the ground only for me but, how long do I have till the other players can pick it up so loot isn’t being ignored and never picked up. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Now we need a timer of some sort and it implemented into the game. They could do it with making the items blood covered and slowly have the blood run off of them. That might work for a timer. If you implement it for every monster now you are going to have it where the flow is slowed down substationally if you are looking for gear vs leveling. It no longer is a smooth experience. You could have the timers vary per type and class of monster which helps but… You also need a way for other players to see what they got. I do not know how many times I have had someone ask me if I really needed that and had 1 or 2 already and just gave it to them.

MicroRNA do they have a way for you to see all the loot that is dropped by a boss in D3 or do you have to ask?

There also becomes the problems of chests, shrines, etc. Do they only do it for super chests and quest chests?

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Well he is definitely wrong about that as people do join bot games even now knowing that bot has pickit.

Baalruns were never about drop. They are done mostly for XP.

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We are all worried about it broadly but, ploot does not address other forms of hacking.

.07% is if you do 5 million people, 5,000 botters, 7 people, 99.93% of people are not cheating. If there are 150,000 people running bots in public games I would seriously be impressed. I can see an overall number of 150,000 cheating people but, not them all running bots. If there are then Blizzard should be able to put a stop to it legally rather easily because they can show clear impact to their bottom line. I also have serious doubts that there are 150,000 botters.

I belive there is usualy or was playing 30 000 accounts in D2 battle net. Few thousands lower or higher, depends on year.

So lets call it 35,000 botters out of 5 mil, 7 players. 5% chance of running into a botter. 95% chance of not. This means there were a lot more people doing baal, cows, chaos runs by hand then what I thought. This is actually pretty awesome.

So we have the solution Blizzard make the game awesome so we have the most number of players possible to help offset any cheaters that do squeak by.

30000 was all players not just botters :slight_smile:

And btw if you dont join bot games your chance to meet them is basicly 0% :slight_smile:

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It does address both bots and pickit relative to their impact on legit players in the same multiplayer game.

As Zax pointed out, knowing the percent is problematic and I do no think any of us really knows beyond educated guesses. The key variables are:

  1. Total players doing public mutiplayer games
  2. Total cheat player doing public multiplayer games
  3. Average time (or more correctly stated the number of multiplayer games done on average per day) for both legit and non-legit players.

If we assume that only 0.1% of cheat players are in public multiplayers games but they average 10X the number of multiplayer games in comparison to legit players in public multiplayer. Then effectively cheaters now occupy 1% of total players at any given time in public multiplayer.

In my calculations, I have intentionally glossed over this idea in part because if only 0.3% of players were cheaters with “inhuman” play time then it gets us to the estimate that I made.

Not exactly. I have not made any assumption of whether it is legit versus illegite player that started to the game. My focus was just on the players in that game of their integrity.

Also, it is not about guaranteeing that you get an item. In a instanced loot game with 8 players, Baal would still drop lets say 5 total items whether it was FFA or instanced loot. By definition, at least 3 players get nothing, irrespective of the loot system.

D3 has a interesting history about magic find. Ultimately, Blizzard changed how MF works after awhile. Initially, players received the full benefit of magic find on gear. What Blizzard saw was that some players would stack magic find at the expense of doing damage to increase their drop rates, leading to more leeching. As a result, they decrease the effectiveness of magic find on gear by 90% after a player reached level 70. to compensate, they increased multiplayer magic find bonus based on the number of payers in game.

That is not how instanced loot work. It is “instant”. Monster dies and if it drops an item, you can immediately pick it up.

In PoE, they have three loot “allocation” systems. FFA (like D2), instanced loot like D3, and timed loot. In instanced loot, if you do not pick up the item it is gone forever (this is why counterintuitively instanced loot in comparison to FFA makes it a bit harder to gear up and less items in the economy for exactly the reason that you state one man’s trash is another’ treasure.

Timed loot is a middle ground between FFA and instanced loot. In this loot allocation system typically, each drop is allocated to a specific player for a smidgen of time. After this short period, all uncollected items are visible to all party members and this leftover loot is FFA. There is no popup timer.

True that is why timed loot also has pros and cons. The solution to minimize this con is too have the “smidgen of time” be small. Certainly, 10 seconds is too long, but a second or two might be a good option to give a player a head start to click on their allocated gear before others can get it by FFA.

You do not see other’s drops are in D3. You would need to ask. Especially in early season, players will often say that they are looking for X or Y items and other party members can help out if they choose. Also, players frequently drop good gear for other party members if they have better. In D3 currently, the “overall” loot system is that trade is quite restricted.

In instanced loot, you do not see the items that other received from a chest drop and vice versa.

In D3, one must be near a monster kill to have a chance to get an item drop from that monster. Therefore, if you are farming two different areas there will not be drops for you in the area that the other player cleared from monster kills (The exception is rift guardians regular and greater).

Chests are slightly different and what I say applied to all chests grades (I think). If someone clears a map and opens a chest, it will still make an instanced loot roll for all players. Therefore, it is possible to get chest loot from an area that another person cleared and you were absent during this. In D3, Blizzard greatly nerfed chest drops as it one point it became more efficient to farm chests than kill monsters.

How can I avoid joining a bot game in public multiplayer unless I am always the game creator? Wouldn’t it be better to be able to make or joins game where bots do not affect who gets the good loot?

I can just play solo or with friends, but public games are supposed to be a viable option for those of us who prefer playing with legit players. Certainly, the transition to modern battlenet will help, but it is clear with how bots/cheats are handled in other Blizzard games (as well as the video game industry more widely) that cheats still persists despite the best efforts (and sometimes lackluster efforts) of video game companies.

lol, you have to make a password for your public game, or else bots will join and spam crap all day.

you prob have played with bots without knowing

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By 90% or to 90%?

Cause if it is by 90% then that means they couldn’t balance the items in D3 which leaves me even more worried for D2.

That is not how WoW instance loot worked.

This would create huge issues in item balance in D2R.

This to me this is counter productive. Most people will not ask because they do not know. I have no idea how many times I have been asked if I was going to use xyz item but, I know it is a whole lot. Like once every 5 baal, chaos, or cow games. It also makes getting an idea of what drops where harder.

Once again this creates another item balance issue and will make getting whites and ethereal whites for runewords a big pain.

Public bot games in D2 are basically only the xp games in Diablo II. If you make your own xp games and level the older way ie:

Den of Evil to 7.
Tristram from 7-15.
Tombs 15-20
Cows 20-25
Chaos 25-30
Baal 30-40

Getting to Tombs 40-45, Tombs/Cows 45-50 , Chaos 50-55, Baal 55-60.

Chaos 60-70, Baal 70-99

There are old school leveling guides for this and begining ladder guides as well and they still work and you are extremely unlikely to ever see a bot. You have also reduced your chances of running into someone with pick it by like 80-90%.

Not any more. Blizzard is very good about muting accounts for this any more at least in ladder.

On top of that you have the ability to mute them in game even if it was a problem.

It was discussion about bots for playing not about bots for spamming.

But player base decided to join bot games because theys are lazy. Its not like you create baalrun and hammer bot will join to help.

Do one run and you can see if creater is bot or not, never join his games again, easy solution.

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I can’t believe you fell that low and going as far as making such thread. There is nothing to apology for. People begging for changes are still plaguing this forum even though most of them seem to have left knowing their battle was lost.

Those who should apologize are those who kept spamming the forums for changes we already spoke about more than 10 times, and that includes those you mentioned. They should have been banned or at least warned for spamming in my opinion, as I was for two times simply because I blessed them with my dialectic, yet without ever being rude.

I am not begrudging anyone on this forum that upon introspection apologizes if they feel that their past behavior is suboptimal. Personally, I think that shows strength of character.


Despite my urge to agree with you, its still not appropriate to be condescending or straight up mean to others about wanting changes to a 21 year old game. After re-reading my comments, i could’ve been much nicer and more mature with my responses instead of essentially telling anyone who wanted changes they were stupid, delusional or somehow a jerk themselves for even making the suggestion.

We are all very passionate about this game and should realize that our personal passion is not greater or “better” than someone else’s feelings for the game and should, at the very least, be kind to eachother. (be nice? on the internet?! Blasphemy! :open_mouth:)


This doesn’t prove there is a common ground though. People that want personal-loot don’t necessarily want a charm inventory, and vice versa. And it doesn’t open the doors to making just any changes. Any change even on an updated server will still have to be made with great scrutiny because Blizzard can’t use the excuse “just play on the other server”, because that would be punishing people. They would be telling people to abandon a change they may like because other one is introduced. People on the updated server will still complain about changes going too far or changes they dislike or too many changes. I think you underestimate peoples’ expectations and ability to complain, and that’s why it’s often a mistake to try and please people in this way. I literally experience this at my job. It’s a nice idea… but I don’t even think there are enough realistic changes to warrant this sort of thing in the first place, to warrant dividing the the player-base and putting this sort of decision on players, and it may even set an expectation for Blizzard to continue to maintain and update this server regularly, which I really doubt is their plan.

The truth is we are already getting a game that is different in more than one way. Should there be another server without a shared stash? Nope. OK, they add personal-loot, now should there be another server? I still don’t think so, and that can be done on a game-to-game basis. Now at some point if they keep making changes then yes, maybe. But the idea of Blizzard making additional changes is just speculation. For now we can only assume we’re getting a the remake as they’ve presented it.

If there is no update, the game will die in 6 months or less.
Purists do not care (conciously or unconciously), they just want a more shiny version of the game.

If Blizzard just want to sell the game like a regular single player title, where most of the sales are first month of release & died within months, & moved on, then by all means, keep the game without change.

If I am a Blizzard executive in charge of the game, it will be crazy, knowing they can prolong the game & hence profit by having decent & not high effort regular updates like skill balances & QoL changes but choose not to do so.

I could just add a checkboxes for people who what to play the vanilla Ressurect versions (classic/LoD), & have updates for people who want updates, which I think will be vast majority base on all the survey I seen so far.

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I genuinely don’t understand when people make this argument. Explain to me how the incredibly well done remaster of a game that kept a huge playerbase for years and STILL has a large number of people playing single player today will “die in 6 months or less” without additional changes when its already going to be way better than it was when it was released? The graphics are literally better than the vast majority of games released today. What exactly is going to lead to its spontaneous demise?

My Prediction: its releasing on 7 different systems. Seven. and with the legendary sales of D2 and D3, there’s no way it won’t sell absolutely nanners amounts of copies worldwide. I think the modding community will explode and that D2R will live on for another 20-30+ years. Even with no additional content or updates in the future.

2041: Diablo 2 Re-Remaster. since D2 is still the best game in the world after endless amounts of trash is released. ( ಠ_ರೃ)

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