Toxic D2 Purists

I’m so glad I’m done with LK runs.
The last SSF Din I made was hell to get his enigma :slight_smile: good luck

I also decided to quit on it too because of possible balance changes and such. I never actually put any serious time into LK since I mostly played on battlenet, and the single player mod (succulent) I played last year, had drops set to players 8, so I didn’t know specifically if it affected the LK chests. I loved that mod, even on P8 drops, still took a helluva long time to complete IK, Tal Rasha, and Mavina (which still sucked in hell, despite mobs being 90% cap on resists except for enchanted mobs…which shows just how nerfed Bowazon was in 1.10). Only thing that broke succulent for me which is why I quit playing, was a glitch that allowed anni and torch stacking once they hit your stash…still could only pick up and hold one each, but once they transferered into stash, could be stacked in inventonry…which became very tedius and no incentive to pick up other charms (annis and torches were random drops in Hell as opposed to uber drops, since mod maker didn’t feel the current emulated versions on Plugy were authentic enough to keep_

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Legit can’t tell if you’re trolling or being sincere.

Either way the thing the toxic purists need to understand is that most of us asking for change aren’t asking for forced change, we’re asking for separate realms, or character toggles at creation, or something. We’re not asking for the base game to be taken away from people who want it to stay, we’re just asking for optional improvements.

And the “just play mods” attitude is pretty worthless to the conversation. It seems unlikely that mod support will include servers for the mods to run on, and most of us looking for things like personal or instanced loot are asking it out of concern of wanting to play with friends and strangers alike, not solo, which means mods aren’t for us either.

inb4 my stalker shows up to this thread…


Really? i thought it was pretty clear im being sincere. I shouldn’t of acted like a jerk over anything, least of all video game suggested changes. Progress can’t be made if one side is being completely closed minded.

Agreed. This is why i said in the OP that most of the change suggestions are reasonable.


whats the fury bug ? :slight_smile:
i know jussst…Fend bug from amazon.
and something with the assassin and theyr boots was wrong. dont know exactly what that was…

I just want to play the game with what my computer is capable of. With a stable environment. Lets have it, lets go. :slight_smile:

This game is still rolling after 21 years. Lets get it right, alright? That server is capable of so much more. Trading post… :wink:

Edit: Classic needs the same stash treatment.

there are actually 2 fury bugs, one of them is the fend bug like amazon, and the other is its coded so its is in fact interruptible with a swirly on your head, despite the skill description saying otherwise, and it using the same wording as “zeal” which isn’t interrupted by swirly above your head

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Not what i expected when i clicked this post but im glad i did, cred to you just for making such a post ( even if you still dont agree on changes )

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and im just gonna chip in here, they could add personal loot today and not having to touch loot drops a single bit. simply put: there wont be ANY more items droped what so ever with personal loot, you would actually see LESS on the ground.

for charms, as it is now is terrbile and thats always been my opinion. people think they have a choice but they dont , having the inventory full of charms will ALWAYS be the best way. Anything less than that and you are at a disadvantage and they should totaly restrict how big % of the inventory you can keep active charms in even if they dont make it bigger. (even MrLlamaSC makes good points on this)

and its this right here that OP mentioned, its toxic AF. Why do you think just because someone thinks different they dont understand the game? you can make your point without having to downgrade others.

I concur with this idea. However, there are some who claim that they provide a service to carry weak players through hard content. Their idea is that should get the multiplayer bonus of more drops (as more players in party reduce the drop chance) and that they deserve access to all FFA drops and first dibs on the good gear. I disagree with this philosophical. First, helping others is a reward on to itself.

If you are the strong player carrying the weak, why should the strong character keep all the top gear to limit the ability of the weak player to gear up? The strong player is already benefiting from more drops and XP bonuses due to the multiplayer buff.

In D3 that has personal loot, there is vibrant powerleveling community. Strikingly, in this case, the carrier can only play T6 levels games to level another character from 1-70. Due to this fact, the carrier gets less XP and less items.

I’d argue the reason the D3 powerleveling community is so vibrant is because it takes 10 minutes, and D3 is generally understood to be a game where the leveling experience is no longer fun or matters in any way, so you’re better off getting you and others to 70 ASAP.

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Glad you’ve come around. I think more QoL changes will make the game thrive!


and this would literally make the game DOA. why the hell would i play with other players to get LESS drops, the only time this would be used is during a public baal run.

you changing the game from i get 8 player drops for killing a monster in an 8 player game… to i get less than half the drops i normally would… monsters take longer to kill.

it would utterly destroy the multiplayer aspect. the player doing the most would gain the least, the player doing the least would gain the most., and if everyone contributed equally you would still be losing on on drops becuase you wouldnt be able to pick up drops that the other person left on the ground.

its a lose lose lose situation. the only players that benefit are those who leech, aka the only player who dont deserve anything

i would literally refund the game for that. if some idiot was able to join my game and lower my drop rates and follow me around and pick up stuff i would have gotten while doing nothing.

even if an 8 player game just simply dropped 8x the items, then at least it would be possible to add a loot timer… but d2 literally drops less items… but thats not how d2 works at all…


thats the good part, the game would have BOTH FFA and Personal loot.
i dont even know why im answering you here, plagueing a good post and wasting time on a toxic person. @me in another post that concerns this topic if you want to continue.
because you are clearly in the blind about this idea of a system, im just not sure if its worth the time to try and make you understand how things work.


This is way more complicated than what you present and depends on the circumstances. If there is multiplayer co-op you need to take into account not only the total drops, the multiplayer buff, the exact number of players in game, the gain in monster hp, and the gain in party damage.

For example, party damage increases far more than monster hp, meaning that monster should be killed more quickly resulting in more drops per unit time.

The most critical calculation is the loot per player per monster kill speed.

Here is another way to look at the data:

Players in Game Party Damage (Assumes each player is 1X) Monster HP Total Drop Chance Average Drops per player Average drops per player per party damage/monster hp
1 1 1 0.25 0.25 0.25
2 2 1.5 0.438 0.219 0.292
3 3 2 0.578 0.192666667 0.289
4 4 2.5 0.684 0.171 0.2736
5 5 3 0.763 0.1526 0.254333333
6 6 3.5 0.822 0.137 0.234857143
7 7 4 0.867 0.123857143 0.21675
8 8 4.5 0.9 0.1125 0.2

The first thing you notice is that the difference between single and multiplayer is much less than what you presented. Moreover, there is a sweet spot of 2-3 players in game assuming each player contributes 1X damage and working together. It is only after there is more than 5 players in game, that single player is more efficient.

Things look different when one player can carry the entire group.

P.S. In real life, the final average drops per player per unit time also need to take into account relative movement speed between monsters.


I am not sure you understand how Blizzard has implimented “personal loot” in other games.

The idea is that a boss drops X items for the group. Say it is 10 items for a 8 player group + some standard stuff everyone gets like gold, a random rune of Z quality, etc.

Your group gets the same chance at a loot item - each of you rolls against the loot table and it gives you an item, and maybe some folks get two. Then you can all trade them if you want.

It just eliminates the need to scan the field, click, and hope you get something. It means everyone at least has a chance to roll against the loot table.

The amount of loot does not change for the group. It just means you can’t fight over it.

In D3 say a boss should drop 4-6 items per player + crafting mats and gold. Each player rolls against the loot table and gets their own “drop” of items.

In D3 you get to click on the ground to pick them up. In WoW the items go straight to your inventory or get mailed to you (an issue in D2 obviously because inventory tetris + no mail.

Right now they have no plans to do it. I would not rule out the option down the road to select a loot type though and make a game that way. So only people who like your loot type join you.


I really don’t think that this is the proper topic to argue in circles again about instanced loot and it’s details. There are plenty of other topics in which to argue that on these boards. I know exactly where Swift is coming from, and I think MissCheetah might have misunderstood what Kitten meant, but I’ve seen his argument before on other threads and this is just not the place to begin yet another toxic argument in circles.


it donest matter how it works in other game, it matters how implementing it would change d2.

i dont have an issue with “personal loot” in other games… games that are DESIGNED with personal loot in mind and balanced around it… diablo 2 is NOT one of those games.

yes if personal loot was always the way it existed in d2 it wouldnt be an issue, but its NOT.

diablo is is balanced around less items dropping total per person in an 8 player game but making any specific item easier to find.

by chaning any for this you would need to chane the entire loot table.

and yeah for a BRAND NEW GAME thats perfectly fine… there is no “old loot table”
there is no “old balance”
, but what “personal loot” in d2 would do is completely throw out the old balance
if i am playing with friends i now have to i go out of my way and tell them “im looking for X” if u see one plz pick it up"

i no longer have the ability to splitfarm with 2 freinds and have each of us get more loot.

by adding “personal loot” splitfarming would give us ALL less loot.

it has HUGE effect on item balance.

this ISN’T D4…
adding personal loot in a brand new game has ZERO issues because no one has played and balanced bad builds around made farm around around, and basically played around that system for TWENTY YEARS.

but you would be CHANGING these kind of dynamics.

even if someone else joined my “FFA” game now suddently they complain its “ffa loot” they start acting like a jark and we get another huge massive fight.


even if they could PERFECTLY implement personal loot in d2, perfectly balance it, make it miraculously have no issues, which is completely impossible


this is something that is 100% NON-NEGOTIABLE.

even allowing OTHER players to have, even i never met a single one of them talk ed to a single person… even if it has a COMPLETELY SEPARATE REALM.

that would be a massive shift in how the community is. you would sudden have less players on each server… you would have more fights in the forums in game.

keep that away from D2:R.
i would rather play POD which i HATE the balance changes he made… than play with “personal loot”.

the only way i would remotely find “personal loot” “ok”
is if EVERY player got “/players 8” loot.

becuase that is the ONLY way where it does NOT SIGNIFICANTLY harm me.

Because that that point the economy is trash anyways and i would be playing alone.

the REASON i played d2 for 20 years is because i was able to search for items no one wanted in 8 player games and make crazy builds with them.
personal loot takes that away from me.


To be honest, it seems like you have some issues with stress between this post and others I have seen from you. If it were me, I’d probably refund and put your mind into something else for awhile until the launch, then re-evaluate how you feel and make your decision purchase then. I’ll admit, my own hype has died down considerably since Blizzcon reveal, and I had toyed with the idea of refunding until game released due to the toxicity of the elitists.

Diablo 4 is coming out, should play that for new Diablo gameplay and ideas. D2 remaster is just a remaster of the old game visually and to make it playable into the future.