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I have made a suggestion regarding vyr and chantodo a while back that if done properly I believe can give vyr at least two distinctive playstyles.
If implemented these changes can not only preserve vyr chantodo archon, but also give us an archon variation where the archon skills themselves are the main damage dealers instead being stack builders. That said, I don’t expect any attention to be made to vyr or archon this season, especially since they didn’t touch on firebird.
Please revert Chantodo nerf! Or buff Vyr Wiz! Add more diversity where players can compete for a spot in meta. Vyr Wiz was an awesome Trash Kill build. Now hardly anyone plays that build. I honestly think I havent seen a Vyr Wiz in S21 at all. We need more diversity in this game please. Stop destroying builds that your playbase enjoys playing!
Last time I checked seasonal LB Vyrs was actually 1 with like 140 clear. It’s still viable for pushing and in “their” range for what’s good. As far as I remember, it also had to do with not being intended to scale like it did which was a bug that was fixed and neefed it at the same time. Like the WD SB big with pet damage %.
Edit: it’s 136 on season LB #2 now.
Oh I should’ve specified better, what I meant to say was that I haven’t been in a GR push group with a Vyr Wiz in S21 at all, and I’ve played with a good amount of different players this season. I know there are still a few players playing that build, just pointing out that the population of thier builds/kinds are very small. Havent seen a Vyr Wiz in any of my games for a loooong time.
Very well could be. I said it in another post before that I don’t see reverting Chantodo doing any harm as far as power. I never liked the play style of any wizard except when LoD hydra came along (which is now gone) but also not opposed to letting the wizard fans get back into it. Then and monks have been bottom feeders for a while.
Ya, well we all know that Blizzard isn’t balancing anything around the 10000+ paragon players. They are aiming to balance around the 3000 paragon mark in non-season. Vyr-Chantodo does just fine. The end goal of the game isn’t 150 solo, it never was. Once the developers get everything fixed in the next few patches, you’ll see that too. 150 was never suppose to be attainable in the first place.
LoD hydra is even stronger now than it was before
Not what I’ve seen unless you have 8+K paragons. What’s the wizard PTR LB look like and what’s the highest LoD thus far with what paragons?
I’m not playing PTR, I’ve just been watching Bludd and when he ran through both typhon and LoD, Typhon was a lot more powerful. LoD was tougher per usual but the damage was way too slow for the 110 he did with both hydra builds. He sat his paragon at 800 with 100 gems though and mentioned LoD might be a contender with very high paragon.
Chantodo’s only needs approximately 150% ish more damage. Seems easy for “Winter Flurry” to increase damage taken by Frozen enemies (would also work for Frost Nova, and Arlyse and Magistrate builds) by 150%, and that would fix VYR as well as Hydra/cold build.
Win-win-win. This is the ONE CHANGE we need right now.
I have done my best:
Can you guys please, please pass on specific feedback that Winter Flurry would be awesome if it was simply simplified. Something like "Winter Flurry has a 21-25% chance to cast Frost Nova on kill. Frozen Enemies taken 150%-200% more damage. That way, it works with Cold Meteor. It works with Magistrate. It works with Glacial Spike. It works with Vyr. It works with Blizzard- Snowbound. It’s not so narrow and clunky. there is choice built in. This is the kind of item with need, now, in S22. See what you can do. Please.
meanwhile I2A6 crusader is clearing 150 in every 10 maps.
There’s no point bringing up the sader as everyone knows it’s going to get the nerf hammer and usually that ends up being a 20+ GR nerf. They also nerfed ivory tower which didn’t need to be right now as there are other classes with more or the same clears. Wizards, monks, and barbs have the “lowest clears”.

Chantodo’s only needs approximately 150% ish more damage.
Where do you get this number from? EU non-season (so, no seasonal themes) highest wizard clear is 143, barb 146, monk 145, DH 150, necro 150. Cannot estimate crusader and WD, both had 150 clears prior to nerf but era did not reset.
150% (x2.5) is 6 gr, which would take chantodo to op territory, despite losing furnace (maybe -1 gr due to auto-skip juggs and longer time on guardian?). I would be happy with just reverting the 4/7 nerf, which was exactly 3.5 gr (or, on par with top clears barb and monk). Another important point on the non-extreme pushing chantodo build: pre-nerf it had the bugged squirt, so the total loss due to the nerf is somewhat lower since squirt was fixed on the same patch.
More in-depth analysis with more clears would obviously help, but don’t forget these are not normal distributions - they are top 1000 out of an unknown number of clears. Obviously, the flavor of the month would have a lot more clears and top 1000 would skew upwards.
TL;DR: take back the nerf and all is good on chantodo. Focus all feedback on our crappy sets and on etched.
You have different numbers than I have. 150% damage - 50% elite damage I calculated at roughly 6 GRs, so 140 to 146. Which is about right, to me. Maybe 125% is fair, too.
But highest clear is 143, followed by 2X 141 in EU. It’s 143 and then 142 in US. Of course, highest clear means nothing and is little more than a general indicator.
Yeah 6 GR levels would put it into about 150. According to many, 130-140 is the goal point for classes although yes, some have gone past this goal.
Furnace is elite only, not general bonus. With good kiting you don’t need elite damage, conduit will take care of them. It will make a difference on guardian though and in non-perfect rift situations. Proposal on flurry is against everything including elites and guardian, not only whites as you write.

I am apprecited with your detailed suggestions. It will be good if Vyr-related build can utilize either Chantodo wave or Archon abilities. Build diversity brings an enjoyment.
Much appreciated. While I’m not fond of Chantodo, I still would like to see its nerf reverted, however at the same time I want the archon skills to be able to deal significantly more damage than they currently do. Unfortunately I don’t see that happening unless Chantodo is further nerfed, which I would like to avoid. Hence my idea, which I believe should fulfill the needs of both side.

Yeah 6 GR levels would put it into about 150. According to many, 130-140 is the goal point for classes although yes, some have gone past this goal.
How’d you do in math? Wanna try again? If the highest clear, probably with 10,000+ paragon, was 143, what’s approximately 6 more GRs, minus one?
you guys have also overlooked the uptime will NOT be 100%, as there are diminishing returns on Freezes.