Top Clears in Era 13 if Patch Goes Live As Is

Why is this thread so confrontational to you?

It’s not.

You’re giving your thoughts, and asked people theirs. Then complained when they did.

Why is it so hard to see the problem with that method?

EDIT: Caught it before you changed your post this time


How do my thoughts on whether H90 should be buffed or not affect the rankings of top clears of classes if the PTR patch goes live as is? As is means without changes. By definition, I am not considering buffs or nerfs to any class post PTR. I definitely would love buffs to underperforming classes such as demon hunters and necromancers. I have discussed this in other threads. It is not relevant to this thread.

Definition as is

In light of this quote, then what is the point of your thread? Because I am clearly not the only one who doesn’t know what you’re trying to get at.

I am simply wondering what people would estimate for a class’s top non-season clear if the PTR went live as is. You can gain a sense of my estimates by looking at the rankings that I gave in the original post.

If it went live as is, then the only thing that would make it change is peoples willingness to fish for the perfect rift & mob combo.

I for one appreciate Micro’s hypotheses on meta rankings before the meta starts. I BELIEVE he was proven right that Wrath of the Wastes was a little too good. Like, absolutely right. That’s not to say Barbarians were not eclipsed by AoV, that came out of nowhere.

I disagree with him about the status of Wizards, however. I think we Wizards require a significant buff to TV and reverting the Serpent Sparker nerf for both TV and LoN.

You could probably be right. But I wait for the final patch notes, before something can be assumed. How some people were handled last ptr was a very sad moment in the d3 community.

H90, with a GR138 clearance, is the 2nd lowest of all the clears you listed. So, as you so often claim that you’re interested in balance, you’d think that buffing the set would be something you’d be advocating for or, at the very least, not giving people a hard time about asking if you think it should be buffed or not.

If H90 goes live as-is, it’s going to be irrelevant because it’s not worth playing.


I think that the top WD, crusader, and wizards clears on live would be higher than their PTR counterpart if no changes occur post PTR. I also think that the H90 frenzy build will clear more than GR 138 if it went live as is.

you clearly don’t understand the game, stop wasting our time please

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I agree that there is a distribution of understanding of the game as this thread illustrates. For people who know the game and follow the PTR, we know that you need to estimate the top live clears that will be higher than the PTR clears for any build that remains unchanged between PTR and live.

For those who are focusing on H90/frenzy, I would encourage you to judge for yourself. Last PTR, I and a handful of others predicted that ww/rend would clear GR 144-146 on live. We now know the accuracy of that prediction as the top ww/rend barb on non-season has cleared GR 146. Your first post on the “new” forum was in December. You may want to search by player’s usernames for older posts to see what they predicted for live non-season clears based on barbs clearing GR 140 in non-season during the PTR patch 2.6.7. My and their posts are easily searchable using their battletags.

FYI To see a battle tag, just quote them or hover over their avatar.

The H90 set, as-is, is weak and not worth selecting over WW/Rend for any reason unless changes are made to how it was on the PTR.

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Ah this thread perfectly illustrates the mob mentality that reigns supreme on these forums.

Why hound the OP to call for buffs to a build that already clears 138 on PTR and is likely to hit 143+ on live when in this very thread there are two classes that aren’t close to that clear (DH, Necro)? You desperate attempts at making it seem like there is a anti barb agenda are just pathetic.

WD, Crus, LoD Hydra were the strongest build last PTR and should get nerfed if Blizzard wants to achieve some sort of balance. If not then keep them as is.


Perhaps it’s because despite the OP regularly claiming to be in favour of balance not once has he made a post in the DH or Necro forums advocating for buffs to them.

Demon Hunter forum (5 posts in total)…

Necromancer forum (3 posts total)…

The MicroRNA’s witchhunting is still a thing…
Everybody that plays the game at normal lvl knows which classes need a nerf: HF AoV needs a big nerf; bazooka needs to disapear; and the wd set on the PTR needs a big nerf.
DHs and necs need a big buff; wiz class needs a rework.

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I don’t think this is accurate since they fixed the double dipping AT bug. I think LoN Hydra may be slightly underperforming now (2 GRs). I don’t know how it performs in groups, although my instinct is it’s not as good as a WD OR Necro in trash clearing, and not as good as a RGK crusader. It’s possible it’s in a happy medium between the two, particularly if they revert (only) the Serpent Sparker nerf. Magistrate was way overbudget.

Agree with your assessment (and your first sentence that I did not quote).

Unlike the last PTR where I felt I could predict fairly accurately the top potential of ww/rend, I am far less certain of H90/frenzy. Given its single target characteristics that will require extensive fishing for maximal clears, I think the top clear might be higher than some have predicted during the PTR. However, I am not sure how much people will fish for the yellow elite rich good map with good rift guardian (one without adds) given the power of ww/rend. One thing I was keeping track of was how individual’s players performance was for those who cleared GR 130 on the PTR with frenzy. I need to go back to look at the precise numbers but I recall that by the end of the PTR, there was a handful of players (GR 130 and above with frenzy) who also a current leaderboard rank with ww/rend. Strikingly, the top live (ww/rend clears and PTR frenzy clears were rather similar. It seems like that the consensus is that frenzy is 5 GRs worse than ww/rend among the barb community. My opinion is different. I suspect that it may be worse than rend, but as you stated it will be more than GR 141 (You said 143+) . I just don’t know how much more.

Those requests were made in general discussion and in the PTR feedback forum. Please look there.

For example, I am surprised that you did not mention this thread in GD where you and I posted about DH buffs and strategy to get said buffs.

I also posted in GD that monks and barbs needed buffs that they ultimately received in patch 2.6.7. The 2 posts from January in the barb forum has 6 links to even earlier quotes of mine (some in GD) on buffing barbs and monks.

The truth always wins.

State of ERA 12 as of 27 Feb 2020 21:50:00 UTC:

ERA12 World LB Crusader Barbarian Monk Wizard WD DH Necro
Max Clear 150 146 144 145 143 141 137
Min Clear 120 120 110 110 85 110 90
Average GR 130.9 126.0 119.4 119.0 104.3 117.7 104.7
Average top 100 146.5 139.9 137.1 135.1 132.9 131.1 128.2
Top 100 avr Paragon 9009.1 8834.2 7472.9 7305.2 7225.0 8109.3 7799.5
Avr top 200 144.5 137.7 134.3 132.5 129.3 128.5 124.6
Avr top 400 142.3 135.3 131.7 129.6 125.0 126.1 120.6
Avr Paragon total 5118.0 4476.7 3213.1 3748.2 2354.8 3676.1 4171.2
Avr GR - Paragon 1500-2500 125.9 123.0 117.2 116.2 103.9 115.0 100.6
Avr GR - Paragon 2500-3500 127.2 124.2 119.3 118.6 109.7 116.7 103.8
Avr GR - Paragon 3500-4500 129.2 125.3 120.6 120.2 113.4 118.4 106.3
Avr GR - Paragon 4500-5500 131.3 126.5 122.4 121.2 114.8 119.9 109.0
Avr GR - Paragon 5500-6500 132.4 128.0 125.0 121.9 117.4 121.0 109.7
Avr GR - Paragon 6500-7500 134.1 128.9 126.1 122.4 123.5 121.8 110.0
Avr GR - Paragon 7500+ 136.5 132.0 130.2 124.1 124.0 125.8 111.9

Nice work.

It is too bad that they could not buff some of the modifiers on necromancer’s sets this patch.

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Necro only one who has something with season theme, what do you want. Other chars turn wd And dh