Top Adjusted Clear for each class so far in Season 28

I just think giving too much power means the required level of longevity and challenge isn’t there anymore.

And yeah it’s only one season but to me it being only one season when it is the last pre-D4 season makes it worse, I think it would be better for those who aren’t planning on playing anymore to have a last go that doesn’t end in a super short time. One last great theme that is super fun is great of course.

I know most won’t reach 150. I don’t even think it is a given that I will even with what I said before. But the people who put in a dedicated amount will just get to a point where there isn’t really a reason to play too quickly in my view.

And I also see it this way: What is gained for those who don’t generally push that high if they now go 10 or even 20 tiers higher? They get to see a bigger number for their highest clear, but essentially it is the exact same thing. What do more dedicated players lose, their sense of challenge and reward and reason to keep playing.

And then as well, yes I know if I get 20 tiers higher than I ever did before I would find that really cool but would also know it is just the theme and not that I put in more time or played better or any of the things one needs to do to achieve a goal. So it will kind of be an empty increase. So it also isn’t about choosing one group of players’ interest over the other but in my opinion the gain the one group get isn’t as great as the loss for the other and that is why it is preferable to not make it too easy.

And I also think the opinion on this often comes down to one’s view/goal in games. Yes I play games for fun and relaxation but I play them to have a challenge and achieve something. I don’t do 1 000’s of GR’s because they are all so exciting, I do it because I decided I want to reach a certain goal and putting in the effort is required to get that sweet sweet reward in the end. So while I am not one of those people who will get bored because it is too easy this season I can see how that would suck.


Figured I’d do an update since it’s now one week into the season, and all classes have reached 150 on the basic leaderboard:

Class / Tier / Time / Paragon / Adjusted Clear

Wizard: 150 / 4:41 / 2433 / 160.3
Necromancer: 150 / 6:31 / 1920 / 159
Barbarian: 150 / 6:49 / 1767 : 158.9
Crusader: 150 / 9:57 / 1884: 156.4
Witch Doctor: 146 / 9:31 / 2124: 156.3
Demon Hunter: 150 / 10:51 / 1662: 156.2
Monk: 150 / 10:05 / 10:05 / 2247: 155.7

Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, and Monk stayed the same. Necromancer moved up 1.6 tiers and inched out Barb for the #2 spot. Witch Doctor jumped up a bunch (+6.3 tiers) and went from 7th to 5th. Wizard actually fell a little (-0.3 tiers) because the earlier clear was overwritten with a new one that was only a bit faster, but had significantly more paragon.

Also, since this is only a quick update, I only fed the front page (100 clears) of the Wiz board through the adjuster- I didn’t feel like going through all 2706 GR 150 Wiz clears. So somewhere down there might be one with super low paragon that would adjust a little higher, or maybe not.

I can only imagine how many Tal 150s there will be by the end of the season… I’m not sure they make numbers that large…

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So the damage adjustment to GoD DH doesn’t seem to have done much for it, huh? That is a bit surprising.

Completely embarrassing how they refuse to do ANYTHING good for Witch Doctor. Even so far as to refuse to include it in D4. We’re not talking one patch here, we’re talking a decade long class oppression. Kinda suss, the exclusion is very suss. I guess some people in control dont like the Witch Doctor culture and design.

Well, these numbers are for each class as a whole. So the actual Sets involved here are Tal, Trag, Raekor, Akkhan, Arachyr, Marauder, and LoD Monk. GoD isn’t high enough to show up (top adjusted clear for the set so far this season is 149.4 - GR 145 / 13:28 / 1909).

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WD is a “dead” class since a long time.
They applied some patches, good or not.

If you play this class, you know what will happen vs some classes

I’m a main WD, I know I’m going to have “disadvantages”, but, I like to play this class (I don’t like Spin-to-win/Nothing-to-do builds), so…

If I can reach 150 with this season, good for me

Yeah, I suppose I could do that.

How do you guys update it? Do you just copy the clears from Maxroll, paste them in, parse the time, and apply your formulas? Or do you get the data directly from the leaderboard API?

I’ll still be playing D3 at least a little bit, I’ve done 100% achievements every season from season 3 (first season that didn’t require 10k bounties for 100%) to season 28, and I don’t intend to break that streak. So I’ll at least come back for opening weekend every season.

I’ll probably stop grinding full D3 seasons and grind D4 instead, but I imagine I’ll still do some non-season pushes here and there. So I’d have an interest in keeping the State of Set stuff updated periodically anyway.


Tinne, are you on Reddit? You can send me a PM there and I can fill you in on the details. I’m rage13139.

A season like this and the metrics go out the window. It’s like playing Moneyball with video game players.

We’ll see! So far the sets on top are exactly the ones you’d expect (Tal, Trag, Raekor, Akkhan, Marauder, Arachyr, LoD Monk).

just wait until people get bored! im actually trying to stay away from the s-tier builds now lol


Something shaking the force, while more classes with more builds cleared 150?

Natalya just overtook Marauder, but there is something off with the Knives Expert setup.

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Tal Rasha Meteor wizard should probably be labeled as an x-tier build relative to other builds actually in an s-tier. That’s how OP it is and how much the season theme favors it.

Hmm, any ideas on what’s happening?

Yes, but cannot say here.

Hey Tinne, just checking in again to see how you want to go about getting access to State of Set.

On another subject, how’d Wudi’s event pan out for you? Which challenges did you complete?

I did True Sprinter on both wizard (48:39) and monk (45:33).

I did a couple of the bonus challenges (400+ kill streak in Cows while wearing Staff of Herding with the Terror Wings equipped. I’ve farmed 3 staffs now (one for HC altar, a second one in HC to do the challenge, and one for SC altar).

Then I did three sets on wizard, 145 Tal’s, 140 LoD Meteor, 135 DMO.

Those were all super easy clears (most of them were 10 min runs), I could have pushed higher but I didn’t have enough time to get proper backup gems/sets so I couldn’t really afford a RIP.

The DMO run was kind of funny, at one point my no cheat death DMO run was rank 1 on NA in both HC and SC. Although I think EU already had some higher DMO clears.

I was going to do some other challenges (all yellows GR clear, all 2p sets GR clear etc.) but I was getting pretty burnt out by the end of the week trying to grind enough to get everything done so I sort of tapped out on the last day and half. The challenge would have been a lot better for me if it was 2 weeks instead of 1.

I still plan to do 150 HC, but with cheat deaths. I already did 149 with no Power or Conduit, but things were getting pretty laggy and I can’t really make proper pulls, so I’m going to wait a week or two and farm in SC in the meantime, then go back when hopefully there’s less load on the servers and bag the 150 in HC.


A day late, but here’s an update for 2 weeks into the season. I’m leaving out Demon Hunter altogether, due to the exploit.

Class / Tier / Time / Paragon / Adjusted Clear

Wizard: 150 / 3:09 / 3518 / 161.4
Barbarian: 150 / 5:31 / 2425 / 159.3
Necromancer: 150 / 6:31 / 1920 / 159.0
Crusader: 150 / 9:57 / 1884 / 156.4
Witch Doctor: 150 / 9:31 / 2124 / 156.3
Monk: 150 / 11:32 / 1925 / 155.4

Wiz went up another tier, getting further ahead. Barb gained 0.4 tiers and retook the #2 spot from Necro. The others all stayed the same, not counting DH which of course has had a major exploit corrupting its clears.

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Is barb 150 sub 2k paragon worth going for? Im around 1900 / 147 / 12 ish minutes atm