Tips for "Curses!" Conquest

Do you really think someone would fake screenshots of something as trivial as getting a gold-streak? Regardless of whether you’re convinced or not doesn’t affect the fact that it’s possible.

Just for a giggle, I dug through my old screenshots / uploads and found this one from Season 19…

I’m aware of that, but not too worried about it tbh. Cow level is old news and not really worth the time, imho.

Dang, bro. I know on the internet you shouldn’t just blindly believe anything you see, but this on top of your reaction in your other thread (regarding reports and “griefers”), you have your guard too much up. This is a gaming community which you are part of, not some scammers group.

As already mentioned, it is really really easy to get that conquest done with Boon of the Hoarder. I used to think leveling 50/50 of leg. gem that doesn’t contribute to my damage, survivality a kinda waste of time. But nooooo~ I didn’t consider the second effect. When speed farming for keys or bounties, which you will do a lot, that speed boost helps. Plus, because of all the gold you get (better to equip Avarice Band also), you can pretty much empower every GR you run, at least all the ones you speed run to level your gems anyway. Definitely worth 50/50 even without the conquest.


Well it is either that or make the number so low that all of them can fulfill it, which means the better ones make it way too easy. Or changed all the cursed chests to spawn the same.

And its just saying a certain quest requires a certain thing, not the only one in the game or in gaming in general.

The hard part of this Conquest is finding the bounty. too difficult to find.

It doesn’t have to be a bounty. The Cursed Peat event spawn fairly often.


It’s surprising at how many people just search for the bounty. Your wasting your time if that’s how you’re looking for the bounty.

Just teleport to the area and do a quick loop around the waypoint. If you don’t find it, just leave the game and try again. And if you see one of the large bounties that’s not Cursed Peat, (sorry, I forget their names), either for the zone bounty, or when you’re doing your loop, leave and try again.

Doing the above, it only takes roughly 10-15 minutes to find the event solo. If in a group of 4, that time should cut down some more.


You are correct; I take my word back… The Cursed Peat “event” does not need to be a bounty to spawn. And in the last 30 mins, it spawned 2x, albeit I only did below 350 with LoD Mages…

So no Conquest for me. Any tips for sub P800 Necro? Corpse Explosion? Corpse Lance?

Take a multishot DH with you.

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Do you have the set? Fairly easily soloable as lightning hydra TV (but I also pushed the breakpoint to a decent level so, for spd farm purpose).
edit: LoD mages as in skele mages xD

But looks to me, you play on console. Heard that it is much harder on console because mobs spawn less.

I had “overplayed” DH for many seasons.

How do you rank WoL Monk vs Necro in doing this conquest?
a) much better
b) slightly better
c) equally

Once I found out you should just try it with that event I just checked for the bounty every time I started a game and would restart a game every now and then while playing until it came up.

Didn’t even bother with spending the time to look for the event and feels like I basically only spent the time that the actual conquest takes since the only difference was opening the map and some restarts. Not exactly a hard one to find even if you are lazy.

I wasn’t advocating for levelling / gearing up a UE/MS DH, I suggested taking one with you, i.e. find the event, shout out in chat, ask for a MS DH and do it together. A Bell Monk works fine too. Heck, I’ve even solo’d it on a WW/Rend Barb (just change the rune on WW to Hurricane to pull the mobs in from 30 yards away). Basic premise is that if you’re on a hero class / build that isn’t capable of clearing large areas quickly, team up with a hero in a build that can.

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spend 15 minutes minutes leveling up a lvl 50 boon of hoarder

set game to T16

put a cow stick in cube

wear or cube avarice band

for a total of less than 20 minutes work you have 200 million + Avarice done.
(only need 50 million tho.)

Noone in their right mind would spend all that time collecting all those bounties.
(how many day does it take to get 42-43 T16 caches?)

The bounty cache method not only means you get the conquest done, it also gets you lots of materials and legendaries required for the seasonal objective to extract 40 legendary powers, i.e. it kills two birds with one stone. It also gives you leftover materials for reforging legendaries.

A T16 bounty cache contains 1,640,000 gold, which means you need 31 of them to get enough gold to achieve the 50,000,000 streak that the conquest requires.

Seasonal heroes are currently enjoying the double-bounty buff. So, whereas a bounty run would normally get you 5 caches, it’s currently getting you 10. As you need 31 of them, that’s 4 bounty runs. In a split bounty group, even a public one, you’d expect each full run to take maybe 15 minutes. So, you can get this done in an hour.

To anyone who want to the bounty cache method,

There have been some reports of crashing/disconnection case after the players opened the caches and before they picked things up.
They lost all loots/gold and time of collecting those caches.

Blizzard has no way to recove the loss.

Just make sure you know the risk and consequences. Doesn’t mean it will happen to you. But it happens, I don’t want to see your bug report.

I hear ya bro, but just one run in a cow portal nets the achievement easily with lvl 50 BoH and avarice band.

I do bounties separately, when I get the urge.

I’ve done it with my WW and SB WD. Never play necro so cant comment on that to which is easiest for fast killing. WoL is good for it, my LoD wizard can do it with incinerate and one hydra out, crusader never tried but assuming someone has successfully done it with FoH.

I’m sure you could google it and find someone who did it with your build and will explain the setup they competed it with. Love it or hate it, the web offers tons of info…whether good or bad :upside_down_face:

Indeed, but it still leaves you needing to do 40 cube extractions, which means you’ll be running bounties anyway at some point.

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Doing Avarice with the Bounty Cache method or doing it by the other methods really depend on when you want to do it and at where you intend to stop playing season.

Say, if you just started season and only intend to play up to Guardian for the reward at the end of the Journey, then using the Bounty Method makes tons of sense. Because, as Meteor points out it accomplishes many other goals to go with the season like cubing items, Avarice, re-forging an item, among others.

But if you intend to spend the rest of the season playing season, then you’re likely to want to have a gold farming set anyway, which means BotH and the other items will be part of the set. So, at that point, you can if you want to, run a cow level and get it, but you can also get it just running regular rifts. In other words just playing the game like you normally would.

I use to do the Bounty Method all every time Avarice was a Conquest but stopped doing it because I was spending more time playing in Season and Avarice would come naturally at some point.

Point is, the method and it’s efficiency really depends on what you want out of season.