Thoughts on paragon leaderboard

will they ever add this gem of a leaderboard in?

Paragon leaderboards are rife for abuse.

Regardless, no they won’t. The game has no more development, sans an emergency security patch. What you see is what you get for the remainder of Diablo 3’s existance.


was a big miss :frowning:

you are right tho…

Was there an exploit last season? I see some under 2 minutes 150 GR clears.

Think it was a combination of really strong theme (shards/altar), and lots of paragon.

If you put in 1800 hours into a season, you probably will be running sub 2:00 150s also.

LOL, true! The guy had 10K paragon levels in 3 months. I have a little over 5K in 12 years. Talk about botting! Or the guy has NO LIFE! Or both!


Shhhhh or you wake up the apologists who say pushing the same 6 buttons 21.5 hours a day for 3 months is totally possible.


I think botting was not strictly required this season for crazy clear times. No-life mode was enough. Paragon 7k-8k was totally possible with “very low” play amounts (less than 10h every day).
What I didn’t expect before season were those 40 second group clears at GR150. During the good old DH exploit times, I didn’t see anyone going under 30 second. Now it took only 10 seconds more without any actual exploit.

Would be cool if they added paragon leaderboard, top 500 would probably be botters. Also they could add some cool buff, like everyone that isn’t in top 10 gets 200% multiplicative xp bonus.

Definitely there was some less than 5 min GR150s by legit players this season. The ones with about 500 hours (6 hours a day for the season) are most likely legit. The ones with 1000+ hours (12+ hours a day for the season), I am highly doubting are legit.

I don’t know about the details or if it was widely exploited, but the S31 patch notes suggest there may have been.

Extra progress orb drops from the Soulshard Stain of Sin and Altar of Rites node Reaper now only drops from monsters inside Nephalem Rifts, Greater Nephalem Rifts, and Challenge Rifts.

Maybe there was a way to get progress orbs outside GRs (that’s kinda how it reads?)? And maybe that counted for progress inside GRs?


It appears that may have been the case.


Thanks, I thought so. Some of the GR 150 clear times were ridiculous. One guy had the top 150 GR clears on most all of the builds at around 2 minutes each.

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dang thats crazy…people always finding out these crazy things

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