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Is this classic argument of people who dont like FFA loot? Oh you want ffa loot, you must be pickit user or botter… What a nonsense. Just because someone has different opinion doesnt mean its because cheating.

Also people who want ploot so far failed to present good argument how will that actualy affect botting. Because it actualy has almost zero effect on bots.

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If botting in a public FFA multiplayer game, then that bot can collect more than its proportionate share of loot. If a player uses pickit in a public FFA multiplayer game, then the pickit can collect more than its proportionate share of loot. In both cases, legitimate players will get disproportionately less loot.

In contrast, in personal loot game, both types of cheaters will not get more than what would be expected by random chance (in consideration of the variance of a binomial distribution). Since botting/pickit use is less efficient in personal loot games, this will discourage cheaters from playing personal loot multiplayer games.


Why would bot be joining public games? Bots dont do that.

Personal loot is a counter to pickit, not really a counter to bots.

Bots farm in solo games for the most part.

Reasons for personal loot include:

  • Countering pickit.
  • People with wrist problems who can’t click as fast to “earn” their loot.
  • Various other disabilities to consider for the above problem.
  • Different control schemes that impair rapid looting (like controller).
  • The simple consideration that clicking faster should not entitle you to more loot.

But I’m not sure that personal loot would impact botting very much. It would definitely impact the rare instances of bots in multiplayer games, but the usual bots people refer to when they say bots are an issue are the bots who play in solo games 24/7 farming items and then injecting them into the economy, or running RMT sites with them.

Still personal loot has its merits.

I have yet to read a single good argument in favor of FFA loot. Most people say “people who click faster deserve more loot” “just earn your loot” “it’s more authentic to D2” “it makes the game harder so you feel better about your loot” but none of those are real or even logical arguments. This isn’t Cookie Clicker. How fast I can click shouldn’t be the determining factor for whether I’m getting my share of drops.

Funny I watched a twich stream today of someone who was joining Hell Baal runs done by bots. At times there were 4-6 players running with the bot. The bot was a hammerdin with Enigma, it would telly down, open a portal for everyone, say if the portal was clear or hot, thank them for coming and kill Baal. It had pickit as well thus always got the drops it wanted, this was HC ladder. The players even acknowledged it was a bot and were discussing which drops it would take. At some point a griefer showed up and kept hostiling, thus causing the script to quit the run and start a new run.

So yes at this point of D2 Bots are hosting the public Baal runs, I think it was running Diablo as well but I tuned out.

No one in their right mind will argue that FFA loot is good. I will only argue that a major part of D2, being it’s loot system, shouldn’t be messed with. I feel they will screw up more than they will fix.

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Yup, and that’s why I think I’m going to take a break from here, if I can… The arguments are going in circles and they’ve devolved into putting the game down and putting the players down.

Ha, and this is exactly what I mean about going in circles! I’ve definitely explained why I like FFA before. They are merely loot options, dude. This whole idea that one is out dated or objectively worse is no more than an opinion and a tactic used by people on here to falsely “prove” their point. It’s merely a loot option, and nobody has to justify it. And it’s just easier to explain why somebody likes personal-loot because it’s more straight forward. If you think there’s no reason for FFA then you just aren’t listening to people. The best way I can describe it is that FFA feels more like you’re playing the game together. There’s a shared sense of excitement. Loot is central to the Diablo experience…or, it’s a loot-centric game, and further more it’s a game we choose to play together with others. Anybody can play alone, you don’t need to play with other people besides maybe trading, we intentionally play with others for a reason. Playing D3 and playing D2 with is totally different because in D3 you have no idea what the other guy is really experiencing. There’s a disconnect. Even in WoW you go into a dungeon and it’s basically personal-loot at this point, but you know what dropped, you know what you potentially missed out on, you can be happy for the other person even if you didn’t get some rare drop. Maybe a rare mount or pet drops, and you’re like “Whoa! that’s super rare, grats!!”. But WoW is about more than just loot, it’s about experience and being able to fulfill your roll in a group that depends on you. Diablo is primarily about the loot hunt, that is the experience you are having with people you choose to play with.

If blizzard will be actualy clean cheaters we dont need to change whole loot system because if this argument

Honestly nonsense. I have problems with my wrist too and i know people with nerve damage. They dont have issue to “click fast”

Same as above, its nonsense.

??? What do you mean? Please explain.

Why not? Try play basicly any game, reaction time matters and how fast you can click or press keyboard also matter in almost all games. Its what makes you better player. Sorry but this is really lame excuse.

Its added element to make the game harder. You want to make game more easy which i dont like. What will be next? Autoheal because you cant press buttons fast enough to heal yourself with portion?
Also you dont need argument for ffa loot to stay as its in game by default, it was designed to work like that. And it works well. I dont want loot system changed just because people fear the cheats.

Clicking loot isnt hard, straw men dont win arguments

Good for you you ? I know you don’t care unless you personally are effected by _____. Personal experience is not the same thing as objective truth, and there are people who have issues with clicking fast and accurately, who would also like to be social and not play solo or with diablo 2 friends they may or may not have.

This only applies to FPS, RTS, and some action games. While D2 has it’s moments, there is little to no reason why we can’t make a it a optional choose during game creation, then also create filters for people who want instanced loot and those who want FFA.

While I understand the social aspects of FFA, if you want to play with your friends with FFA I doubt the devs will remove it completely. If it does get implemented I am sure it will be optional.

Nobody is forcing them to join bots. Like wth, why do i keep seeing so lame excuses for ploot. I am starting to think that some people are just lazy to click on items to pick them up.

People talk about ffa loot like you need some kind of i human ninja reflexes lol. Thats not the case. I play also overwatch where reaction time and fast clicking is important. And guess what, there is even streamer who is playing with his foot. Yeah, he has no hands. And he is in 2% of best players. So please just stop making excuses how some people cant clict fast…

Now about the public game. This age is full of comunication features, if your reflexes are really bad, find some group to play with, players who will actualy share loot. For example i plan to have hardcore clan where we will share loot we find together.

You clearly never played diablo 2, if you think bots don’t run public games.

It isn’t just bots either any one can run those loot programs, just like most ran map hack, there literally is zero reason to have ffa loot vs personal loot if they can do it. Personal loot would remove any reason to have a cheat program to pick up loot.

As far as the person who thinks he can beat loot picking programs, and blaming it on slow reactions that’s just a lie. You cannot out loot a loot program, so either u never played diablo 2 multi player, or you are cheating your self. Which to my experience the majority of diablo 2 players cheated.

Ulitma online is another game from the d2 era, where people cheat with loot programs, and literally no one gets any loot but the cheaters. Which in turn sell the loot online for cash.

The only people who would support ffa are people who plan to cheat, and sell the stuff online. For any one not doing those 2 things, personal loot wouldn’t matter in the slightest. I suppose one could just be so bent on not having it for no reason but d2 had it, but generally in life people only defend things that personally benefit them. Ffa loot benefits cheaters, and botters the most. Especially those who plan on trying to ressurect diablo 2 black market.

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I said join, not “run”

If you have problems with pickit users, dont go into public games with unknown players or dont join bot games, easy solution.

Its hilarious that you talk like diablo 2
ressurected is out months and players run around with pickit program and other hacks. Are you Oracle who see future?

I dont think so, so splease stop making apocalyptic predictions and making suggestion to change how loot works.

This must be your first launch of a game I see, doesn’t take a orcale to know the cheaters will cheat from day one if they can. Adding in I don’t see blizzard stopping cheating in it’s other games, diablo 2 now is a bunch of bots. It def doesn’t take a genius to figure out the cheaters will be there.

Hahaha so your soultion is since cheaters cheat don’t run public games gtfo that isn’t a solution at all. How much money are you planing on making zax?

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I was honestly expecting that lol, no arguments so personal accusations will starts, how typical from ploot supporters who think that anyone against ploot is cheater.

Only money i ever made from Diablo 2 is 100$ for making special diablo 2 mod for someone who wanted to run it on private server without cheaters and who offered the money in the first place as i didnt ask for it.

I have never made 1$ from selling items and i will never sell items for money or any other currency outside of game because it damages the economy. Also i never used bot, never even tried it once.

So give me a break with such lame accusations.

They have to keep eliminate cheaters, not make major changes to game or limit legig players because of cheaters

Haha so you admit you make cheat programs, I rest my case.

Are you ok? Mods are not cheating programs lmao.

Yeah they are, it’s like saying that in no man sky the pc players can use hover cheat mod, increase all loot, and many other than the console players can’t do, and it’s not cheating. You already admit you have the knowledge to cheat.

The other people said it best tho, people like your self will cheat regardless of what blizzard does. The only way to stop it would be remove cross platform progression and then you could cheat all you wanted on pc, and if u figured out how to cheat on switch or playstation they would just ban your console.

So as I said you plan on either cheating, for your personal gain over others, or to sell it. Personal loot doesn’t effect any one but those 2 people.

It is one thing to make hack programs and another thing making mods. You dont know what you are talking about about…

I never played no man sky so i cant compare it. If it is mod allowed by server and all players on it agree with using it, i dont see a problem with it.

Stop making accusations. I dont plan cheating lol. Its silly. Is that only argument you have and you are unable to understand that people have just different opinion than you?