There will be no lobbies on console!

If you are upset about lobbies not being included in consoles and you still have the game pre-ordered then you are part of the problem. Lobbies haven’t been confirmed for post-launch, and Blizzard is known to bank on pre-orders to determine success. The posts with votes from the thousands of voices didn’t even matter about this core issue. The only way you are now going to be able to get Blizzard to listen, is by voting with your wallet by refunding your pre-order and stating why in the feedback portion of it.

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guys just remeber you have to refund soon… On Ps and Xb u have 14days before launch date… if ur within those 14days they wont refund ur money so do it now and pick it up later.


I didn’t have a problem getting my refund from Sony just told them I would like a refund and in like 3 mins they said ok well be in your account in a few days didn’t ask why but I did it on the online chat had to wait about an hour due to 366 people ahead of me just think if all the 366 people ahead of me was getting a refund for this game that’s a good bit of money wish we could get all pc users to cancel their pre orders to stand behind the console users in regards to getting lobby’s and in game chat but just don’t see that happening bet if they did blizzards would start listening


Also, XBOX is currently taking huge steps in the right direction with streaming/cloud gaming. You can stream your xbox from a tablet, phone, or PC with a controller connected (this has been around for a bit TBH). You can stream gamepass games from a PC through a web browser, tablet, or phone, and this winter they will add console cloud gaming as well. They are basically crushing it with feature additions right now.

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No money for no lobbies


I think if they don’t add lobby’s and in game chat it’s going to hurt them in the long run with D4 and immortal I just don’t see many people trusting them if they don’t add them I could be wrong but that’s just how I see it


The only reason at this point that I’d also “re-purchase” the Xbox x or Ps5 version again is to play my melee characters as that was a lot better on the controller.

But then again I can just use a controller on the pc version. :man_shrugging:


I think many of you are going a bit overboard with your “doom and gloom” scenarios for the MP on console. Let’s break this down…

The lack of MP like PC has, is not a lack of MP altogether… The console version still has 8 player MP support. It isn’t just going to be solo players and casuals on console. It doesn’t go from 100 to 0 simply because the feature is implemented differently…

Console players understand that console versions of games are not always 1:1 exact in what they offer or how things are delivered, compared to their PC counterpart, so right off the bat, this issue isn’t going to be as bad as many of you hype it up to be. Just the fact that people can play D2 at all on console, is amazing for many of them.

And honestly, the only people who this will have any deep and/or meaningful impact on, are those who are familiar with the original game and can see the differences. There are 3 things to factor in here:

  1. many console players are ONLY console players - they have never played D2 prior to D2R.

  2. console tends to attract a younger audience, so couple that with #1 and the number of people who have never played D2 ever, is going to be larger on console vs PC, so essentially, what they don’t know won’t hurt them. Many people are not going to give a sh*t, because they don’t even know that anything is different.

And finally, 3) the way D2R MP operates on PC, like it does/did in D2 classic, is still kinda foreign on console. Some games have server browsers, but even this isn’t universal across all MP games. The ability for players to create their owns rooms for others to join, is almost never seen on console. Console players are more attuned to matchmaking in MP - hitting a button and just joining/creating a game. Sure, it might not be optimal, but it’s familiar, and console players aren’t going to see it and be like “WTF is this?”

As for type chat, that feature is also almost never in console games, so again, not a lot of pissed off people and if they somehow don’t include in-game voip, they can still create parties and chat that way.

I’m not defending the game or trying to dismiss the lack of features, I’m only trying to add context to show that for most console players, it likely isn’t going to be even half as bad as some of you claim.

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There’s plenty of games with lobby lists on console, overwatch, Conan exiles, rust to name a few


F*** this game and those f****ng developers im out - simple? Simple! :slight_smile:


They can cut the 8 players to less you dont need 8 Player Zombies who cant talk to each other

If you can not create games and talk with randoms to trade its totally different game.

Its still a game yes and casual or Single play works but not intensive and with reaching old aims. Exept you have pc+konsole


Stating that “plenty of games” have server browsers on console, can easily be debated, but that isn’t even the main point. The main point is creating lobbies for other players to join - that is ultimately what is needed - which I assure you, is not a feature that “plenty of games” on console offer.

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Jesus. There is so much WRONG with your take. It is obvious you are a massively casual gamer and don’t understand the Diablo 2 gamer, the console gaming ecosystem, nor the issue here.

I’m not even going to write a novel to point out all your wrongs.


Except you’d be wrong… I’ve been playing D2 since before LOD and have been playing console since atari. For context, I will be purchasing D2R on console and PC, so even for someone who is well-aware of how the MP is on console, I’m still buying it, and will play the sh*t out of it on both platforms.

See the thing is, you don’t really need to understand the “Diablo 2 gamer” (is that even a thing?..) to understand that the issues being brought up by the current irritation of MP on console, are largely only problematic as they are being described, to people who know what to expect. You can’t get mad at the lack of lobbies, if you aren’t even aware that it’s supposed to have them… And it’s also not like the options that console MP does offer (private game or random matchmaking) are awkward or foreign - they are the standard options for countless console MP games, so many players are just going to see it behaving like any other game.

The only issue needed to understand is that if you are a D2 gamer, then the issues with console MP are infinitely more egregious, and I’m not talking in any sort of objective claim, I’m talking from a more personal perspective - it’s more of a problem “to them” since they know how it’s supposed to be vs how it is.

If you are not a D2 player (and to a degree, you are also primarily a console gamer) the issues with MP are essentially non-issues.

And if you’re not willingly to show me how I’m wrong, then you just offer empty words.

People who never played d2 will not have any issue thats obvious. People like you using both platforms have big advantage over only Konsole players thats totaly obvious too. The Problem is only for the intensive playing konsole Player who wants to play d2r as he did 20 years ago .


Doesn’t matter whether console players or vet players, console version should have same features aa original and PC remaster as without them it is broken as a multiplayer game.

You are right some new console players will only happily see the light dappling on the surface of the lake but original D2 players also see the dark, cold that lies beneath the surface and we want it fixed asap! It’s unfair and pretty much a scam to charge same price for half a game to different people

Also you have played diablo for 20 years since Lod but only have 4 posts total on these forums. Doom and gloom it is I’m afraid until lobbies fixed.


I played Adventure(glitch those walls) on Atari console growing up. I played games on a Commodore Vic 20 growing up. Based on what you are referring too, that should give you context on where I am coming from.

The console version of D2 has more problems than just no lobbies and the lack of quality in the port is bad compared to other console ports today. POE port comes to mind in the same genre.

I’m really tired of going over it all again so here…you can see my feedback across reddit and forums. Post


And my main point is this - of the console playerbase for this game in it’s entirety, what percentage will make up “player who wants to play d2r as he did 20 years ago?” Seeing as how many of those people can and will just play on PC, especially since PC also has controller support now.

I’m not saying that the MP on console isn’t an issue - it definitely needs the ability to browse and create rooms - I’m only trying to rationalize how significant of an issue, in the grand scheme, it will actually be. Some people going on like the game will be DOA on console - because of the issues of no lobbies/chat in MP - are being ridiculous

Also consider that how a game launches isn’t typically how it remains throughout its lifecycle.

And those issues are a separate argument, so keep them separate… The issues in this thread are about the MP, concerning a lack of lobbies and in-game chat (voip or text.) Those are the issues I have been taking into account and addressing when I post.

Yes, because:

1.) playing a game but not posting on a game’s forum, invalidates any experience you have with that game…

2.) these particular forums are apparently the only place to discuss D2, ever…

3.) There’s also the case that people can lurk on forums, retaining information from other posts, without actually signing in or posting anything.

4.) And finally, of the 20 years that D2 has been around, how long have these forums been around? How viable was it even for people to post on forums in that time, accounting for things like internet speeds and internet coverage in general?


i mean yeah, there’s literally nothing wrong with the game on pc. why wouldn’t i buy it because of its console issues ?

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They need to put lobbies on console and a better way to talk with other players!!