[Console Feedback]- DEVs, can we take a look at some things?

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Where to start…

  • Lack of game creator or lobby?…Baal runs…we all know what these are for pwr lvlin, but how am I supposed to find Baal runs (at release) in this interface? All I can do is use Party Finder and look for games that are in certain Acts. So even if I went to Act 5 and choose the section where Baal would be, I could end up joining some party that’s not even doing Baal. Why can’t we simple create a game that clearly says ‘Baal run 002’? What about ‘TradeWF4SOJ002‘ games?

  • Lack of In-game chat, text or voice. How are we supposed to communicate with randoms? Is the assumption to invite randoms to our party chat on the Xbox? So when I trade I have to negotiate with voice?

  • No ability to turn OFF health bars on enemies? I know what i’m targeting and in D3 console I can turn this off. For me, the classic immersion is broken when I can already see a giant health bar over a elite target from a screen away.

  • 3D Visual update is not 4k, not even close? XSX and PS5. The visual updates I was seeing in the PC videos are vastly better. And it’s regardless of Quality vs Performance setting in Options. This one is concerning since this is a huge sell point for the new version of this game.

  • A‘ button is interact and a skill slot? Probably should be HOLD A to interact. <You can map the the General Skills ’Show Items’ to A and that seems to be the least bothersome. Turn on ‘Timed’ show item drop and it’s even better!>

  • Movement on console, frequent collision? From the stairs in Arcane Sanctuary, to the doorways in Tombs, to basic rocks on the ground…you constantly have to fight your character’s ability to move around, through, or over these structures.

  • Can’t zoom in or out? Zoom so we can see our character detail.

  • Limited to 800x600 in settings for maximum FOV? Should be way higher options based on PC support for higher FOV settings.

  • Bottom action bar is WAY too large…maybe a option to scale UI on console?

  • Potions don’t auto stack into belt? I have to missing something. <They stack if you have the same type of potions in the correct belt slot, but won’t fill a completely empty slot with a new potion>

  • Can’t scroll the map? Even if you uncover the map, you can’t see the whole map because there is no scroll. - Maybe add the Right thumbstick to scroll map since that stick does nothing.

  • Stand in place and attack/cast? On PC this is hold Shift and cast a ability. Take what D3 console did and apply to D2R console. <Update: When you cast a ability, you get rooted…or stand still…so you do have the ability to stand and cast as long as you don’t run out of resources>

  • Can’t pinpoint loot drops? Not asking for mouse accuracy on controller, but make the Right Thumbstick useful and have it scroll through the items on the ground that are highlighted.


  • Trade issue that needs attention, soon? When in trade window, drag a item that you are wearing to the trade panel. The trade window closes immediately and the item drops on the ground for anyone to pickup.

  • Multiplayer from console doesn’t work? I am assuming this is disabled for beta, but the beta is to test multiplayer? < Partially fixed at end of early access beta-

  • Once changed, Left bumper does nothing in game and can’t be mapped or used? Just navigates menus. <If you remove the default Show Items from Left Bumper, you can no longer assign something to Left Bumper>

  • Music bugs out when browsing inventories? This is more of a bug than a missing feature, but not sure why this is happening. It skips like scratched CD.

  • Sorcerer - Cold Spells Tree>Shiver Armor. In order to get Shiver Amor, you need to take Ice Blast. The UI is missing the line/arrow that points from Ice Blast to Shiver Amor to let players know that Ice Blast is a required skill you need to take.

  • Cinematics Stutter? I watched the released YouTube versions of Act 1 and Act 2 Cinematics and they were smooth. In-Game, on Xbox Series X at least, they stutter in video, not sound.

Patches during Beta

  • Skill purchases now require separate button presses‎ (Controller)

Developer Comment :speech_balloon:
We made this change because many players were accidentally allotting points to skills they didn’t intend to. We hope this change will mitigate that issue, especially since it’s more difficult for players to re-spec in Diablo II.

  • Fixed several bugs that could cause a crash on consoles

You can turn this on & off.
In the neutral setting, there is then a possibility of creating a key combo

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Yeah that change where you have to keep pressing to add stats is horrible. Holding was waaaaaaay better.

Idk if we’ll get lobbies and chat, we’ve been complaining about it and no remarks so far…


Agreed. I have a Sony AF8 4k OLED and it doesn’t look 4k to me. Looks more like 1080p content, not even upscaled to pretend 4k. Pity. With that said, I have a standard PS4, not a PS4 pro, so perhaps that is the reason why?

I noticed this too in the arcane sanctuary. The stairs are a nightmare!

I noticed this too.

I noticed this too, and couldn’t figure out how to toggle between legacy and resurrected mode graphics.

Probably would be nice to leave this as a default - old guys like me have bad eyesight you know! Larger icons and text tool tips are a boon for us!

This is annoying the hell out of me!

I think this is because adding voice will simply overload the Blizzard servers with ICMP traffic. Voice data uses a lot of bandwidth. A lot.

what’s this? Did they change how to increment your stat skills? If you have to click click click, that’s gonna be annoying as hell. Holding down L joystick was a much BETTER option. I haven’t levelled up yet on the open beta, been farming the countess for runes and not getting any XP.

I’m fine with everything, every graphical downgrade, every little bit of clunkyness here and there - as long as they just make the game playable in multiplayer by adding LOBBIES and CHAT!
Thats the non negotiable MUST.


This is a must. Right now the game feels like a single player only game on the consoles end.


I wasn’t refering to showing the loot drops, I use a Timed btw, I was talking about looting in general.
The devs had a article about looting on console and talked about their solution, which is what we got. You have to go close to the loot and MOVE your character very slowly over the pile of highlighted loot and once the highlight move to the loot you want, press A(interact) to pickup.
Or if you want to spam A and fill your inventory each loot drop, just to make sure you get what you were after in MP, then enjoy the enjoyable(/s) inventory management on console.


Then I have probably misunderstood that. Excuse me

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It’s all good. I took it as more of a conversation point to reply.

There is work to do on the console version for sure.


Quite a lot, it hits quite well.

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I am referring to text chat, like PC. Typing ‘pp’ is party please. ‘Portal?’ means can you drop a portal so I can come to you. ‘Have WF to trade’ in trade games (we can’t create). Etc etc.

Many console games added text chat with very good filter systems to block the toxic ‘words’, while allowing for basic communication.

I know some will say ‘we have a emote wheel (Right stick click) for basic communication’. Half of the phrases don’t even work, and some make no sense for D2.

Oh…switching between old graphics and new is Left trigger + menu button. The button left of the Xbox button. On PS its Left trigger + the touch pad…i think.

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I think we can imagine what there is will be what we get. On the fence re console. It’s gonna get old real fast without some of these basic features.

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Agree. Core features like MM seem to be broken. Already can’t find Tomb run games that fill up, or have anyone joining.

Either no one is playing MP or no one cares about D2 on console or simple matchmaking is broken.

Free for anyone to play, open beta, and can’t find players in matchmaking.

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Matchmaking is a bit of a joke. Without a lobby we can just to a quest like in D3 and hope there’s ppl there. Day 2 of open beta and finding very few games with more than 1-2 ppl. No game lobby is a killer.

Yeah I can enter game of a friend thru Xbox console UI …. But a major mechanic of classic is power leveling and carries on normal, NM Baal runs. Not even sure if level difference will let others then find the game. I.e. i am level 75 starting a Baal run to level my friend at level 30. They can join me thru console party but are other level 30s gonna get pulled in. Have not seen that so far. Makes 8 people room max xp runs almost impossible, no?

#GameLobbyNow #TextChatFTW


Still can’t even find games with the current matchmaking. Need a lobby.

Examples of broken matchmaking….

  • The Other>PvP selection actually isn’t designed right at all. It creates a new game that’s just a normal session. If you want to recreate the old lobby system, you look for games already created for PvP dueling and join players to that session. There, players are flagged and PvPin in the Moor.
  • The future Baal runs won’t even work for power leveling. The point of Baal runs were high level characters power leveling lower level characters and it feels like you are helping the community by leveling others or being leveled by others.

In this matchmaking system, you WILL NOT be able to be matchmaked into a Baal run if you are a lower level. You don’t matchmake into games unless you are close to the level that the matchmaking system thinks is the appropriate level for the content.

That’s why matchmaking will never work. Lobbies will.


Game lobbies please blizz more people are sharing the same concerns about this topic. Ability to communicate is needed also.


If they ever bother to look at Reddit there are hundreds of posts and convos on game text lobby and in game chat …. Silence

And what is with the PvP ears not having names on them??? What kinda carebear snowflake bullsh1t is that???

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You outlined most of my console concerns, only have a couple other things I noticed.

  1. when lighting waypoints it automatically takes you to menu instead of watching the character light it for t first time on PC, always loved that animation, be shame to miss it

  2. That knocking noise in all of the menus is overpowered or am I crazy? its in main menu and even in game I can hear it in menus

  3. Never Show Items? could that be a thing? unless button pushed?

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thank you, will test it out. I could not see this anywhere in the options.

Ahh. I think a kb/m would be a better option than a controller for anything to do with text chat imho.

So when the loot drops, don’t show the loot labels unless you specifically push a button? I can see where that would be useful once you hit higher levels and don’t want to see all the junk dropping.
I would actually add a item filter system. A threshold of the items you want to see in drops. Show only set items, show only blues and higher, show only yellow and higher, show only uniques, show only runes, etc.

I have a chatpad that attaches to the Xbox controller. It works great for MMOs on console., would be fine for D2R. Even for a quick text chat the popup onscreen keyboard does a decent job. But I see your point on kb being superior for text chat.

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