[Theory] Auction House in RoS

Let’s consider the example of this forum - is the main purpose of it making anyone to be friend to some other one? Or is it just place for accomodation of community to suggest some ideas and to talk about them, using the mind of all communiity? And what is better - to make someones friends (I do not understand: is D3 the only place where ones can find friends or what is?) or to provide for the game new nice features and to fix some annoying features? AH is like forum in such case, it is not dating service like clans.

They will remain garbage anyway. From the other side, on the softcore, any legendary that is slightly worse than you have already (or the same as you have) is also will be garbage. Even if you will take the second top primal item, it will be garbage for you (just 15 souls). In the case of AH this legendary item will be useful - it will be allowed to you to obtain another top primal item by exchanging one by another. Of course, you will continue to collect the tons of garbage (because of current loot system in D3) in the case of AH, but the amount of useful items (that can be exchanged on something useful ones) will be increased. Evident things, really?

Yeah. Because they can’t fix these reasons by themself while I fixed them in the first post of this thread (the theory of ideal AH without holes).

Look I use the friends example as a means of saying because trading is a social feature. And the most social aspect of that feature is player to player trading. The AH is not a social feature, even though it does allow players to trade.

With player to player trading there is always the chance that you might start a conversation. You might then go on quests together and join the same clan or form your own. That builds a community better than an AH does because it is too cold just a tool of trade instead of a tool that fosters direct player to play interaction.

The whole point is that the worse items won’t get posted they will get salvaged instead of being posted. Only decent up to perfect gear will be the only things posted.

You didn’t fix them, the two biggest reasons that I can remember is. One, it short circuits the reward loop. I didn’t see how you did that in the first post. You get something good right away. That shoots you up the gear curve. Then when you do get that same piece now it isn’t an upgrade and it is salvaged.

Two, the legal issues someone else mentioned. The RMAH isn’t coming back because it would be too much of a hassle to put it back in.

Further primals are suppose to be a time sink. Giving players something to chase after if they don’t want to try any other builds that they haven’t tried out.

but trading forces a permanent droprate system update.
-noone ever complained about being lonely in the game.

I am not saying what I have heard others state and to a degree it is no doubt true. That trading is a social feature that can cause others to find and make new friends. They put trading as part of it along with the normal chatting, clans, guilds, etc…

The more player to player features the more social features that a game has and that is what builds communities. Not cold AHs that no one would do more than just get their items posted and get the items that they want from it.

i agree with your point here but;

i see trading as an infraction on Lore;
-all our characters are Nephalems,
-those are already way stronger, Lorewise, than all other beings,
-so i see drops from their foes as the best way to improve even more,
-not from humans that are part of the Lore.

And I again repeat my example with this forum. The better thing of it - the accomodation of all community (mind of all players, their suggestions and ideas, their opinions). For that to find friends there are additional sub-forums. AH is also about accomodation of community (drop of all players which can be shared between them because we have the game with random and all values of random such as mean and standard deviation are calculated for all pool of players - I mean it can be that one can’t obtain some thing but it can’t be that all players can’t obtain the appropriate amount of such things which will be near to theoretical average +/- desired deviation). Clans are about friends. Both things are social features. DIFFERENT social features.

Without AH any good item becomes garbage (soul) if you do not need it. With AH such item remains good because you can exchange it on something useful.

You forgot again about one simple thing - your example is working only in the case of low number of players. In the case of millions players you will need - at first - to find this one player which will have the thing you need, at second you must have the thing this player want to exchange for, at third you will need to be in time for that another player do not contact with the player you need before you. And hence your 1-by-1 trading becomes very ugly thing in comparison with AH which allows to provide simultaneous interaction of millions players (the only way to do this).

One was: “players play in AH instead of playing game” - I fixed this reason by the item below.

(like devs did for D4). With this item it is impossible now to play in AH (to buy items for low price and to resell them for higher price).

I said already: Valve (Steam) does not have any problems with its AH for real money, though both companies are from USA. Moreover, I already suggested such additional fix for this:

No problem (second reason).

You forgot about season and the time limitation of them.

As I understand, devs can remove all sub-forums excepting ones about finding friends because only this thing is important. Do I understand correctly you? :wink:

… Really doesn’t have anything to do with Primals being a time-sink.

There’s no rule that says you should get a full set of Primal gear before a Season ends.

Anything that encourages player to player interactions in a game is a social feature that will help build communities. You just don’t understand player to player trading that is all. And you don’t want to understand it because you are all so focused on the AH as the all powerful, all knowing, etc… deity that will be the best in game tool for building a community when it is direct player to player trading that does a way better job of doing that.

What you don’t understand is that players that are playing that very build that you have found that good piece for will find it themselves. It rains legendaries both ancients and primals. Take a look at my seasonal barb and there is a lot of things that I could still do if I wanted to play.

Even though I don’t have the best gear possible yet. I still was able to do a GR121 in 14:01. I done all of that an getting the paragon level that I did all entirely solo. I didn’t need the help of anyone to do it

I am not talking about speed and efficiency as far as trading goes. I am talking about what does a better job of building a community. A cold AH doesn’t do that at all. No one would go out of their way to try to find the player that posted the gear that they got. Now if they got it from another player that is right there with them in town or on a team then that is a different story all together. In game features that encourage player to player interactions such as player to player trading do a much better job of building a community. Look at PoE, it doesn’t have an AH and it does just fine.

Look the whole point is that Blizz doesn’t want to put the AHs back in.

Look why don’t you be honest here. You are wanting them back so everyone can be decked out in all primal gear within the first few weeks of a season. You have seem to forget why they were introduced in the first place.

At the time primals were introduced you had non seasonal players that already had near perfect gear. The chances of them finding perfect gear was slim to none. Or it would take such a long time for it to drop perfect for their build that it is virtually impossible for it to drop. They had nothing to look forward to other than the paragon grind and that is boring.

So the devs introduced primals as the new thing to chase after. That was a win/win due to Diablo being a loot hunt game it gives the players something to chase after. Even though it takes a long time to find the ones that have the affixes and are right for your build.

Result is that players will have something to chase after. That means more players playing which pads the monthly average user (MAU) numbers.

Oh and so how dare a game have things in it that builds communities. Let that happen outside the game and outside the official forums. Maybe even going so far as to say let it happen at top secret forums that no one knows about. Where the community is very small. Games would die if they didn’t have a good strong community supporting them. They need features for that both in game and outside of the game. player to player trading gives it.

Third point that I happened to remember is that Wyatt said it short circuits the reward loop. You get a GG item from the AH. Now later on that same GG drops but is garbage now instead of an upgrade.

Look I know what you are really after. You are wanting your characters to be all decked out in primals that have the affixes for your build within a few weeks of a season. Again they are not needed to do the highest GRs possible for your chosen build.

Because both rules are wrong. :smile:
Primals = ancients with better stats, so it is enough to have good ancient instead of primal. Moreover, it is enough to have even not top ancient (= top primal) due to the role of random in rifts and the profit of paragon.
I.e. AH can affect nothing. :smile:

Your communities are nothing in the game without needed for the most of players features. D3 proved already this fact. D4 will prove it again.
Forum and AH are the ways to provide accomodation between players to make the game better (or to fix some bad features of it which are required big efforts of devs - I am about AH vs adjusting drop, legs and so on).

I saw already in classic what is the trade (1-by-1 interaction of players) and I see all bad things of it in D4.

It is the best way to return Black Markets for real money.
Or it is the best way to have the same sence of trade like we have now in D3 - when white / blue / yellow items are not bounded to the account and it is really not problem because they are not needed anyone, though - by your opinion - it is the best way for communication between players. :smile:

What you don’t understand is that D3 is about random, so you can collect tons of garbage and do not obtain another leg that will be better than you have. And it does not matter that you convinced yourself that this leg is enough for you. It is your own opinion. It is not opinion of ones who want AH.

You are wrong about rain of primals.

I have better suggestion - write here when you will obtain top primals for each slot.
I hope that you can do this before release of D4. :smile:

You just proved the conclusion I said - AH in RoS (that I suggested in the first post of this thread) can affect nothing.

Your trade can’t provide such speed and efficiency as AH and in the case of big amount of time for that to exchange one item to another most of players will do not use it at all without regard to:

because trade and AH is about exchange of items, they are not about “building friends”. For this purpose there are clans.

It has trade like AH in D3 classic (i.e. functional for searching items which are “shared” between all players), but players ask about AH because they do not like 1-by-1 interactions. :smile: Just ask players of PoE. :wink:

You can’t provide direct quote for this. They did not say this.

AH is needed back because effective droprate of legs was decreased in 400 times with introducing of primals. In addition it is the only way to compensate random (to average it between all players) for millions of players without additional bad things by exchanging one good item on another good item. And even with AH it is impossible to “everyone can be decked out in all primal gear within the first few weeks of a season” - it is your dream which is faaaar away from reality.

They just forgot what exactly they promised when they introduced their system loot 2.0 and highly increased droprate of legs at the start of RoS when they removed AH. So when they decreased effective droprate of legs back to the level of classic game, fans will ask about returning AH back and they leaved D3 when they understood that devs deceived them. Moreover, they will also do not buy D4 because devs shown already their incomprehension of AH and its role for the game when they said exactly what is the trade and for which purpose is it. They (devs) did all these things when they listen smallest amount of players on official forum which will buy D4 anyway (with or without trade, with or without AH; and even with the optional AH-addon from this thread they will use it anyway - for them there is not optionality at all). To understand all these “simple things”, devs need just to consult with several professional psychologists which will need at first to read the posts on the forums to explain what ones wrote, why they did this and what they will do if some of new features will be appeard. :wink:

Community can’t save game.
Only devs can do this - by their hardly work.
Community can save only games that support mods (not D3).

D3 is about random. So you can obtain GG thing very early and after this moment any such thing will be garbage for you. If you do not have AH in your game. With AH this GG thing is the very good item to exchange it on another good item.
This game is not about “upgrading of gear”. It was and is always about random. Players suggested and suggesting their ideas about upgraging items but devs do not want to hear them. They introduced always only features with random (say, Kadala, Miriam or Cube).
And yes: I think that you try to talk from the point of view of devs but you just provide your own understanding of their position or their words, not their exact ones.

You are wrong. I want to give another players the thing that they want - AH - because I see that now AH (from the theory of this thread) can’t affect anyone from its opponents, though I do not have any claims to its returning.

Yes, of course. Hence: AH can affect nothing now in RoS. :wink:

Get over it the AH isn’t coming back because Blizz doesn’t want to do it. It is not needed like I told you before. And now this comment says you know it isn’t needed

But it will be player to player trading not an AH. AHs don’t foster player to player interaction as good as player to player trading. PoE has no AH and still it has a strong community. According to your rules then PoE should have a very weak community because it doesn’t have your deity the AH.

Games like PoE do just fine without an AH.

D4 has restricted trading like in your OP so no black market due to best items being BoA. I highly doubt that a black market would want to go after pennies vs in the tens of dollars or more.

You are missing the point. You are so hook in primals being so important that you must have every slot filled with them before the season ends. And you yourself know that they are not needed so no need for an AH. That is because it rains legendaries at such a rate that you will be able to find what you need to reach the maximum potential GR with the build without an AH.

I have moved back to my barb for a while to run a few experiments in preparation for the next season.

Please show me all of the top ten players that have primals in every slot. After all in order to come anywhere close to GR150 you must have ever slot filled with primals right. I wouldn’t doubt that I could show pictures of the top ten barbs and they wouldn’t have every slot filled with primals but some of cleared a GR150.

It just proves it isn’t needed at all.

I am not talking about speed and efficiency. Heck if it was all about speed and efficiency you would have to change games where there wouldn’t be a single chat channel at all in the game. Where the only thing you do is play the game no talking at all in the game. Where even voice chat like Ventrillo and Skype wouldn’t be allowed or supported.

You just don’t want to understand the social aspect of player to player trading.

Look I have heard on youtube videos about a game like PoE that because of trading with the same person over a given period of time led to the one doing the video to start talking to the person. Then in time they did become IRL friends. It happens, if you are doing any activity together and player to player trading is an activity, like teaming, chatting, etc… will cause players to form friendships.

A lot of people play PoE so to me it is doing just fine. Even without an AH it has other tools that work just fine. Tools such as websites like PoE Goods that list items. Where you can search for the item that you are looking for.

If they wanted to do that they would’ve said it for D4, which they didn’t. Also the reasons that they gave where good enough as proof that they don’t want to do it. Third is that since its removal close to six years ago they haven’t talked about adding it back. So I don’t think they would do that. I makes no logical sense for them to do so.

IIRC the drop rates of primals were the only thing that were nerfed not all normal and ancient legendary drop rates. They don’t have weighted drop tables anymore, which means that you have an equal chance of getting the item that you want when an item of the same base type drops as legendary.

The drop rates during classic D3 wasn’t anywhere near what it is today. You were doing good to see a beam of light every 50 to 100 hours during the early days of classic. Get your facts straight it is the primal drop rates that were nerfed.

They are going with the best of both extremes complete free trade and no trade. A limited trading system still will give players something that they can trade. While at the same time they don’t open up the game to RMTs.

What not having an AH is crazy, no, it isn’t crazy to not have an AH. AH doesn’t fit a Diablo game not even this one Blizz learned that and won’t turn back to putting one in.

Community can only save games that have modding. Mind telling me how rogue servers for a game called City of Heroes that was shutdown came into existence. According to you they shouldn’t even exist but they do. They did save the game as far as that goes. Sure it is not the same game that I played and atm I don’t care to play on any of those servers for my own reasons.

But like I said earlier those that need such a GG item will find it themselves.

I would dare say that there are those on the tops of the leader boards that would disagree with you on that point.

I provide a wide ranges of understandings. I provide the devs POV, players other than my own POV along with my own POV (point of view).

Since this new forum started you are the only one that I know of that has made a thread asking for it. So I would dare say that there are not a lot of players begging for an AH.

If primals were needed to do such GRs then the devs would’ve adjusted the drop rates for them a long time ago. They are there like I said for players that have near perfect gear. Giving them something to shoot for, which means that they will keep playing. Which pads the MAUs that makes the suits happy.

So how can you sit there and say one person hasn’t a clue about AH because Blizzard gave out no numbers and in the same breath make a claim that nearly everyone was upset about the AH closure

So Mr are there exact numbers, NO, I’m guessing you pulled the numbers from where the sun don’t shine

You have absolutely nothing to base your claim on
If there are no numbers for ShadowAegis claim there is equally no numbers for your claim

And everyone else is saying the current drop rates will have to be nerfed to the ground because the AH crowd will complain that no one is buying their gear because the gear is too easy to get hold of

I thought you weren’t going to nerf the drop rates
Remember this

There are NO rare items in this game unless you drop the drop rate to make them rare

And that counts for absolutely nothing seeing as there is no dislike button
Big amount of likes in the first post?
You have 6 you call that a lot do you
The second post

has currently 34 likes
that’s almost 6x more dislike to the idea that liking it
and your 6 votes for an AH to the 34 votes to nuke it tells you that everyone wants an AH
Now if there was a couple of hundred votes for your trading and only hal a dozen dislikes you may have a point
You are that far behind the eight ball that you can’t even see it
And make up stats that can be checked aka all the likes I got for my AH idea
You are just lashing out because for the most part no one agrees with you and still think AH is a cancer
And you keep changing the story
like there is not going to be a drop nerf BUT there are going to be rare items

Why would they want to trade for gear in seasons, Why would I want to get an item I already have in non season, in the end it all goes to non season and all you are doing is doubling up on equipment you already have

And wheres the quote saying it will come back
Wishful thinking on your part doesn’t make it true

We already had that option in the AH but with you nerfing drop rates, even though you claim otherwise, to make items rare and valuable is no different to what we originally had
But the fact is you nerf the drop rates yo make things rare you are forcing people to go to the AH to get equipment
Don’t forget

So how can you have items rain from the sky and rare at the same time
Looks to me like all best equipment is going to be nerfed in drop rates so that you have to trade to get it
Just like the original problem with the AH, you want equipment, you must trade for it

I added to the end of the first post of this thread additional moments.


You can’t provide evidence that it is so. Skipped.

You can’t provide strong enough argumentation.
If you think that you can so repeat your words again or give quote of them.

I do not provide such “rules”. Community of PoE is strong due to the hard work of devs in the first and only time. Trade is just additional feature + players of PoE ask about AH instead of it because they do not like bad features of it (1-by-1 interaction you need).

It has trade. D4 has trade also. Trade is the same as AH (less convenient).
Games with the best loot system do not require neither AH nor trade.
PoE and Diablo are not such games due to excess of random.

You missed one interesting thing - devs removed already sub-division of items on something like ancients and mythical items, so now it is possible to trade anything without any limitations. This means - Black Markets for real money. :smile:

Nope. You are missing the point and you even do not understand what happens. You said by yourself that top primals are not needed at all hence AH can’t affect something (other players) so you can’t provide arguments against AH, but you still providing them. Very funny.

Yeah. In comparison with classic you do not need now AH to collect your gear so you do not need to farm it for this hence it can be exactly zero complaints against AH. :smile:

Do you understand that you provided arguments against yourself?

No problems: if you do not need it - do not use it (do not buy AH-addon). :smile:
Idea of this thread is OPTIONAL. It is the choice of any player. If you do not need AH you can do not use it. If someone wants to use AH this one can use it. You confirmed already that AH can affect nothing now in RoS. :wink:

Rankings in RoS are about speed and efficiency. I.e. D3 about them.

I said already: for this purpose there are already clans and sub-forums.

For that you need just to play. For example, in random groups.

I said already: D3 RoS does not have neither AH nor trade. D4 has already trade. What? Devs do not like such things but they return it back though they do not provide even trade for D3. Why? Just because they want to sell as much as possible copies of the game using their experience with the classic game and RoS. Why do they provide trade instead of AH? Because they know about PoE and do not understand by themself what is exactly wrong in D3 with AH and even trade. Very simple. :wink:

Because no one provided (simple) solution of all proplems of AH as I did in the first post of this thread. :thinking:
As you can see, even this set of 7 simple items is very hard for understanding, though some players understood them after tenth of posts. :wink:

This does not matter. The top items (the last quality of them) now are primals. Their droprate are in 400 times lower than was droprate of the top legs at the start of RoS (normal legs). I.e. the situation is the same as it was in classic with the only difference: legs of classic are primals in RoS, yellow items of classic are ancients in RoS. It was not problem in classic to obtain yellow items even without AH.

Really? I provided above more better analogy to help you to understand the position of ones who want AH back. Your own opinion about primals and their role is just one more form of your selfdelusion to keep your mind in safety (psychological trick of the brain).

I am about games like Diablo, not other ones.

No guarantee for this and can’t be. Because of RANDOM.

They agree with me because they do not have primals in all slots… :wink:
Though you said that this game is about “upgrading of gear”.

Where? I saw only one POV.

I have another (more simple) reason: they just tired ask for this and some of them leaved the game at all. That’s all.

It is now working as I can see. Very small amount of players. Though - by your and devs opinion - they (players) must play in the game while they do not obtain top primals. And for what purpose do they need them? To play with them in non-season while already started new one where they do not have access to the items they have in non-season. Really? Very strange kind of logic, I think.

I did not say: “everyone”. I said always: some amount of players.

For this purpose there is OPTIONALITY when anyone can choose whether this one want to use AH or do not want to use it. And the exact number of ones who really want AH back can be known just from the number of selled copies of AH-addon. Very simple. Especially because AH-addon in RoS can affect nothing.

Exactly, the effective droprate was already nerfed down to the ground (in 400 times vs the situation at the start of RoS) with introducing of primals. :wink:

Really? What are about top primals? :wink:

Dislikes for optional idea with the sence “do not like - do not use”? I think that it is much badly than posts with “no!” (“I did not read the first post, I just did not like”). :wink:

This means that there are at least 34 players that can’t read small amount of text in the first post of this thread. And very funny that devs returned trade in D4.

I do not use the word “everyone”. I use the word “someone”.

It does matter if one suggests permament feature which will affect all players. I suggested optional feature. And ones who do not like it can just do not use it. It is very different situation. So the number of likes and dislikes does not matter at all. Moreover, the number of dislikes allows to view (and devs too) the very nice situation - there is big amount of players on this forum that say “no” for most things even without reading and understanding of them. And I think that it is the best feature of this thread (and some other ones with another optional features).

At least I try to do something useful for players. :wink:

Such people do not play usually after finishing Season Journey. So you will have the choice to do not have access to AH during season.

The quote of their exact wotds is in the first post of this thread. I added this block of text today. Read it.

Exactly, you do not have such option. Due to rarity of items.
Moreover, now the effective droprate of legs is decreased in 400 times (primals) but AH is not returned back.

Very easy. Primals.

@ wrace Since you have added things to your OP I decided to comment on them and I do have proof of some of the problems.

It might be fine if either Valve or the makers of Team Fortress 2, which is the only game in the Steam lineup that I know of that has a type of RMAH don’t mind letting it be used for money laundering then fine for them. As long as the US government doesn’t get on them about it. But Blizz does care because it is part of their image. Do you really think that Blizz would want to make their reputation worse by having a tool used by money launderers? I don’t think so so stop asking for RMAH.

You are looking at the nerf to the primal drop rates that were put in to make sure that they weren’t easy to come by, ultra rare items, for a nerf to the drop rate for all legendary items. That isn’t true, so the AH is not needed at all. Something that isn’t needed will not be used even if it is added using your suggestions.

They haven’t decreased the drop rates of legendaries to the levels of D3 vanilla. In D3 vanilla it took around 50-100 hours to find a legendary. It was so bad back then they added a pity timer of 2 hours just because it was that hard finding a legendary.

What you have proven by your above statements is that you have never played vanilla because if you have then you have forgotten just how low those drop rates were.

Look it is obvious that they won’t be bringing it back. Even if your ideas were to solve some of the problems, except for possibly the problem that I mentioned where you short circuit the reward loop. Where when you get an item from the AH that is an upgrade. You get shot up the gear curve, now the next upgrade will either be longer or won’t come at all because you have the perfect piece already.

What is the evidence, well six years later there is nothing in the way of communication that says that they want to bring at the very least the Gold AH. No, communications or even an acknowledgement of this idea or any other ideas that players have made concerning bring back any AH. In six years I think we would’ve heard something about it by now.

You don’t want to accept what I say. Look just play long enough and you will eventually find everything you need. That is what playing the game is for.

But again you are just looking at those that don’t like trading. Which are the same ones that want an AH. I am talking about players that love player to player trading. Why not try looking at it from their point of view.

PoE and D3 don’t need an AH for two separate reasons.

PoE doesn’t need one due to having enough alternate gear that you can find that will still get the job that you want to get done, done. Sure it would be nice to find that BiS gear setup of but some really strong rares can actually do just as good for builds that are not built around uniques.

D3 doesn’t need one due to the fact that it rains lengedaries, even though you think it isn’t raining legendaries.

They didn’t say that mythic items are removed, just ancient legendaries, mythic items are still there. Plus their new feature of having legendary powers added to strong rares.

If the devs were to put in a Gold AH for what you are looking for it to be used as it won’t get used at all.

The only possible use is to get all decked out in primal ancients. So then by the first couple of weeks or maybe as long as a month nearly everyone if not everyone on the leader boards would be all decked out in primal ancients.

You just don’t want to admit that what you really crying for is to be handled primal ancients that have all of the affixes you need for whatever build you want. I want that now daddy dev, no Veruca Salt, you have to earn it like everyone else.

Does this mean that no one uses the chat channels at all. No one is speaking in a party. This is what I am talking about, no speaking at all in a game. Because when you are talking you are not playing the game. Not playing losses efficiency. Think town is lava here.

Having extra features that could lead to more communication is a good idea.

Sorry but D4 will not be putting in an AH because it will have the flaws that I mentioned even with your ideas.

Also you fail to understand those that love player to player trading. You will never understand their point of view.

Blizz understand why players love player to player trading and they will be giving them that in D4, not D3.

You see the problem cannot be solved with an AH. The reason is clear, in D4 there will no doubt be alternate gear to BiS gear setup. Other setups that will provide the same end results of being able to handle all of the content. The only difference is that it might be a little bit harder to clear.

Look you know full well what I am talking about when talking about the drop rates in D3 vanilla, more so if you have actually played it, which I still doubt.

I was using that game to show that a game without mods that was a great game that actually gave birth to the super hero MMO genre had a strong enough community to resurrect it after it was shut down. All without mod makers making mods for it.

Time is actually on the side of the player. They will in time find the near perfect to perfect items for their build.

They are up there without primals because they don’t need them to place on the leader boards and you know it. Primals are just a chase item, an ultra rare BiS piece of gear that if it happens to also have the affixes you need you won’t need another piece of gear for that slot.

They are a time sink, because those that will want them will chase after them thus they will play longer padding the MAU numbers.

You are so blind that you only see your point of view. You will never see anyone else’s ever.

What you don’t understand is that for some players they will not stop playing till they got perfect gear for their character. These are the ones that the devs designed the primals for. If players were meant to be all decked out in primal gear then it would happen that way. But since the devs haven’t made it that way then they won’t happen.

1 Like

I did measure the exact time it took me to find legendaries in vanilla. I done that by using the fact that the characters have something called time played. Every time I found a beam of light I logged out of the game to update the profile. Then checked the time, then with a little math I knew that it was around 50-100 hours between beams of light during the early days of D3 vanilla.

There has never been anything OPTIANAL about any AH in any game ever
and basing your numbers on an add on that doesn’t even exist is pointless
Noone is going to make a trading game just for you if you are the only one interested in it

Was not

They are still a legendary
Now you are changing the rules again

Bad idea is a bad idea

You call that a small amount of text?
You almost wrote a book
And doesn’t change the fact that the massive amount of likes you have is only 6 and those against the idea is 6 x that amount
and all you have is you think they haven’t read it
All it is is you can’t wrap your head around that more people don’t like the idea than like it and have to invent excuses for why they don’t like it
and there is only going to be limited trading in D4 if at all
Blizzard showed a PvP arena for D3 on release and didn’t come so what makes you think trading is going to turn up in D4, just because at this time they think they can do it
and the only reason to add trading is to get more mugs to buy the game
How do you know after a couple of years D4 won’t have removed trading from D4 like they did to D3

No it isn’t, and that isn’t an excuse
They are adding skill points back to D4 because people are complaining that it is too easy to change your character and we can use the same excuse
You don’t need forced skill points when at the end of the day changing skills is optional in D3 and all you have to do is NOT change your skills every 5 mins

If you keep changing the story you don’t have a clue
And the way I see it it is more about you then the players
You make a suggestion
people don’t like it
more people dislike the idea over liking it and your excuse is they mustn’t of read it
then you change the story
people still don’t like it
You get upset again because people still don’t like the idea
change the story again
Sounds more like you don’t have a clue, seeing as you have to change the story every 5 mins

So 1st level character hasn’t even done a GR 70 in full primals
can you imagine the complaints of P2W to win the LB
and if you are trading you are paying something for the item so you are still P2W
My guess is you just want to bot for items to sell for cash, black market, and to hell with how it affects the rest of the game
Otherwise you wouldn’t be so adamant of having just trading and to hell with everything else

Thank you very much that you explained this problem.
I said not about Team Fortress, I said about RMAH for trading cards of the big amount of games on Steam, which - by your opinion - can be used for the massive money laundering and - hence - must to attract attention of the US government, but no. So - in this theory of ideal AH - I made the system for real money like Valve has on Steam (for real money one can buy only gold using the same system as was in classic for trading mats - i.e. without even viewing nicks of players and with auto-mode). Moreover, I suggested also additional limitation for the withdraw of real money (one can spend them only on the products of Blizzard). Such system can be also used for money laundering even without AH just by buying and selling official products of Blizzard, but it is not used for this.
Hence, counclusion: I solved problem of Blizzard with RMAH by 2 different ways.

I said already:

  1. it is only your opinion, it is not opinion of ones who want AH;
  2. no problems with your opinion: “do not like AH - do not use it”. :wink:

What amount of time do you need now to find primal? :smile:
And yes: on the farming of ACT3 players needed much less time than 50 hours. Say, 8 hours or even less.

You are wrong. They added pity timer IN RoS. When droprate of legs was significantly increased (which was decreased about in 2-3 times at release of RoS). And - with this significant increase of droprate - they found bug in their drop-system that do not allow to take at least 1 leg during a long time, so they added their pity timer of 2 hours while - on CBT and OBT of RoS - the usual time for taking one leg was about 20-30 minutes. And in classic players wrote that they did not see legs during very big amount of time (months), but devs ignored this moment. I.e.: drop system in D3 is already bugged. Now - if you look at the bug-forum - there are additional proves of this, including bugs with recepies that can’t be solved during years. And now there are primals with the same low droprate as legs in classic. Of course, some players do not see them very big amount of time though you still think that anyone can obtain anything. Nope. Even with the true random there are no guarantees for this. But in D3 with have bugged pseudo random.

Really? You made 2 mistakes already - about pity timer and about time for taking legs in classic. I corrected you.

You need perfect gear, not only perfect piece of it.
And yes, I repeat again: AH gives guarantees and you can see the price of items = can simulate needed actions to take it. Without AH you have no guarantees because of RANDOM. Bugged pseudo random.

You did not see, I saw multiple threads about returning AH back. And now, in D4, trade is back. Because fans asked for it. Not AH because devs do not understand what is wrong with it.

What amount of time do I need to play? I already played 3k+ hours in D3. Do I need to play 30k hours? Or 300k hours? And for what? To see the evident fact that D3 has bugged pseudo random. I already saw this.

Because it is the HOLE for Black Markets for trading for real money.

And both (D4, not D3) have trade. Very funny.

2 moments:

  1. if you will find at least one such item, though you can find nothing during many many hours due to either random or bugged random;
  2. if you will find 2 identical items, the second one will be garbage while - with trade or AH - you can exchange it on something useful.

Your dreams are faaaar away from real life. I already said this.

Because I am talking about top items - primals.
In the classic was also the rain. Of yellow items.

Mythic items are the top items that was adjusted by the parameters of ancient items. And devs did not say that they are still there. So we do not know now about them.

Hm. D3 2.0. Again tons of garbage.

You are wrong. It is impossible.
Suggest to devs to check this moment in the one of seasons using AH (ideal version of this thread) as the season buff. So you will can see that you are fully wrong.

You do not know about this at all. Players are speaking in a party using additional utilities for their voice. They do not need even chat. Though players also use game chat for talking about many things. It seems that you are playing in the different version of D3 than all other players.

It is very bad idea - to force communication of people in the situations where much more preferable to do not do this.

I repeat again and again: I do not see big enough difference between AH and trade excepting convenience. Your main argument against AH is the rain of legendaries so the game is not needed in AH (and in trade too). But - in the case of D4 - you made difference between them using your idea of communication of people as the main argument. Very strange situation.

Does Blizz understand that 1-to-1 interaction is the direct way to Black Markets with trading for real money? I think that they do not understand this. If they removed all BiS items from trading, so such trading is useless at all. But - if there are still rare items - they will be selled for real money. This means removing of trade at all as it was in classic with AH.

It is again your dreams. In D3 devs can’t provide such system, but you think that in D4 they will can provide it. Good luck with your dreams.

Do you compared D3 with MMO game? You are “genius”!

You know exactly nothing about random and statistics. Moreover, you know even less about random in D3. That’s why you wrote these things which are faaar away from the real situation in this game. Visit bug-forum, for example.

I know that they are without primals because they just do not have them, though you repeat again and again that they must have them (after time sink and so on). Very funny.

Argument of one who know nothing about random.

Where will they play with such perfect gear and when?
In non-season while new season was started? Cool.

I talked about times of patches 1.0.5 or 1.0.7.

There is the choice to use AH or not = there is optionality.
It is like the choice to play on softcore or hardcore. Though softcore gives the advantage, there are people that play on hardcore. The same thing is with AH. In the current thread. You can use it - your results will be in one main rankings. You can do not use it - your results will be in two rankings (the main one and another one - for ones who playing without AH). And it is your choice - to be in both rankings or to be only in one of them. Like profiles on softcore and hardcore - it is your choice: to have both or to have only one of them (softcore). :wink:

Was. :smile:

Nope. They are legendaries with the red frame. :smile:

Really? Without providing argumentation with facts and so on? Cool.

I think that you never saw a book. :smile:

Already 7. :smile:

Exactly, I think that devs repeat their step from D3 and in D4 too.

Yes, it is. They can do not use AH, but they will use it anyway.
Arguments like yours are very funny, because you said that all players will use AH if it will be introduced (including yourself) though you are against AH. Thanks for demonstration of this moment (and for devs too).

I just provide to you one very nice example of people of this forum who uses dislikes. Look at this thread:

I saw many threads with the ideas like this one that were visited by your dislikers with the “arguments” and behavior they demonstrated here. But! The post of blue one and in this thread there are no one of your dislikers, though even now idea of it has only 13 likes. Anyone who viewing this forum with open eyes, see this.

Now, in D3 RoS, even top primals can’t provide enough profit for that to be P2W (in comparison with the random in rifts and paragon).

You are wrong. Especially because I already suggested 2 different (and simple) solutions for that to fix the problem with bots “once and for all”. And especially because I closed in this theory of ideal AH the hole with Black Markets. Hence you just do not read the first post of this tread, but you have complaints against it. Nice.

Don’t have a clue do you
You say Nope to them being legendaries and next sentence you call them a legendary
What border they have is immaterial they are still classified as legendaries

For someone that is all about options and you can just not use it and yet when it is put to skills it can’t happen
So much for optional

What they want is to get an item and turn it into the perfectly rolled equipment
got all bad stats on your wanted, no problem just turn it into the perfect item, fill out the character and you never have to pickup another item ever again

You are still trading for it so you are paying for it in some form and using it to get to the top

The thing is I did read it and you want trading no matter what, therefore you want to make money from it

Nope. I say Nope to them being usual legendaries.
Moreover, in the comparison with the classic I made, your usual legendaries are like blue ones, ancients are like yellow ones, so they are not legendaries at all if we use such comparison. :smile:

Their border is material because it means that such legendaries always have the best stats. :wink:

My main class is DH and I like such her words in this video:

“You always have a choice.” :wink:
So your “I have no choice while I have it” is very funny for me.

Yeah. They want to obtain primal from ancient.

You again forgot about random. It is difficult to obtain with it (even with suggested recipe) the full analogue of primal item with the best stats. You can remember rolls of stats by Miriam. You can obtain something better than you had, but it is very difficult to obtain the perfect item (like primal). And again one will need to farm bounties. And again boxing bots.

Now to get to the top means to get to the top in rankings. For that one still need to farm paragon and GR, and finally - to fish rifts for finding ideal one and to play in it using the certain build and in the certain way, so now top gear is nothing in the case of rankings without skill and playing in the game (big enough time). So now no P2W at all. Especially because top gear give the minimal profit in comparison with the gear that can be obtained by top players without big efforts due to the big random in rifts and the profit that gives paragon (simple math calculations in help to view this evident thing).

Not I. Another players, some of them want to make money on AH, some of them want to spend their money on AH, some of them do want to make or spend money - they just want to exchange one their items on another ones. I just provided this theory of ideal AH for them (and for devs) which allows to remove all holes and negative sides of the AH of classic for that opponents of AH can’t have any good arguments against it. That’s all.

Look like I have said many times before that Blizz just won’t be bringing back the AHs. If they were looking for solutions to bring them back they would’ve been asking for them a long time ago. They just don’t want them back again. It has been around six years since their removal so don’t even think about the possibility of them coming back in any form.

Wah, wah, wah, I want my characters deck out in all primal gear daddy dev. No Veruca Salt you will have to earn it like everyone else. That is what this is all about. This thread is the only thread that I know of that is calling for an AH of some sort to be put back into D3. And of late you and me have for the most part been the only ones talking to each other, except for a few others that jump in like Steve.

I am talking solo and the early days (no patches added).

You are miff because your characters can’t be decked out in all primal ancient. They are there to give the players that want to have perfect gear something to chase after. That causes them to keep playing. This in turn pads the MAU numbers that makes the suits happy.

To me it doesn’t matter when the pity timer was added. And like I said before I timed it in days before the first patch and my times were based on playing solo not teamed. Teamed it would go up because of the extra players, by how much is unknown to me. That is how I knew when they said that they double the drop rate of legendaries. I checked it out again and found that instead of 50-100 hours it was 25-50 hours.

That is my personal experience with playing D3 and that is what is the truth. I won’t let anyone change that because I did do the work and it wasn’t off at all.

I know that in time I would eventually find that perfect piece of gear if I were to chase after it. Again it is to make sure that you always have something to do in this game. Anything that keeps you playing D3 pads the MAU numbers.

The actual amount of threads is so small that I had to type auction house in the search to find it. That kind of tells you that it is not a feature that is in demand nor should it be. AHs are an MMO feature that should stay with them.

I have said it before that I have played enough time on my seasonal barb to reach GR121 and done that all solo and right now I am encouraged to try to go even higher. I will continue to learn and grow as a player. I still have a lot of things that I can do in D3. That means that I can just keep playing D3.

While true you still have the great majority that don’t trade items for real money.

I play SSF in PoE so trading is not an option. I just vendor what I don’t need that I have picked up or just leave it behind.

We know that you are QQ’ing because you don’t have all primal gear for all of your characters.

If Mythic items were removed then they would say so. More likelty they will be changed to having only two legendary powers instead of four. The reason I say that is because ancient legendaries might’ve had two legendary powers. Don’t know if they ever said that or not and maybe we will never know.

The idea is that with the right rares you can then put the legendary power that you want on your rare. In time I will be making a thread on itemization for D4 that I hope will inspire the devs of D4 to come up with something really great as far as D4’s itemization system.

You really don’t know what you are talking about. You are talking about combining the power of all of the players playing. I am sure that you will have more than enough players that will find the right primals that will give the ones on the leader boards the ability to do what I said.

A game needs social features in order to build a community and player to player trading is part of it. You just don’t want to admit it because the only thing in your world that is important is the AH deity.

Whoever said that players have to chat while trading. They can if they want to or decide not to. All up to the ones doing the trading. if they only need to talk enough to get the trade done then that is fine,

The only ones that feel forced are the ones that are like you wanting an AH.

Look everyone won’t be trading items for real money. The likelihood of it happening is slim and none. The items that are tradable are not gonna be high enough in value to warrant being part of a black market. What think that black markets want to trade items for real money that are as common as dirt or near as common as dirt.

Look if D2 and PoE along with many other games can do it then so can D4 devs accomplish it.

I was just using my knowledge of a game that didn’t ever had any mods made for it, at least none that I was aware of. A game that gave birth to the super hero MMO genre. A game so popular that the players found a way to make rogue servers for it. All without mods making it happen as you think that mods are the savior of games.

And statistics have a magical power to control all future rolls huh. News flash no they don’t, you could be suffering from gambler’s fallacy, fascinating.

Those that want them in non season will eventually find them because time is on their side.

Working as intended, still will get players that want them to chase after them.

You really think that I don’t know anything about random numbers. Here is an interesting link that shows what I do know about them.


This is the whole point, this person is QQ’ing to daddy dev to give her primal ancients like Veruca Salt of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Movie. So wants the devs to go against their own design of primals taking an extreme amount of time to find a full set of them.