The State of Sets and Looking Towards 2.7.2

My suggestions for two of the Crusader sets (have no idea what numbers should be).

Seeker of the Light: Change the Faithful Memory legendary so it refreshes stacks so it’s easier to keep the bonus at max stacks.

Invoker: Needs some serious area damage option. The 2-piece bonus was already crappy, and it got nerfed into the ground because of A6I2.

But above all, the developers need to remember that most of their playerbase isn’t pushing high tier GRs.

Sets can have a specialized playstyle for pushing, but they all should have a GR100 version that’s fun to play. And this is why I hate the Rathma and Inna reworks, that have all their damage tied to cooldown abilities.

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The numbers can be adjusted so that permanent invulnerability is impossible, maybe 20 seconds is the right amount. Testing would need to be done.

The difference between cold and every other rune is not even close. Since the Fist of Az’Turasq only affects the detonation and the cold detonation is so much larger than every other rune, there is about a 5 GR difference in power (2.27x stronger). If they buffed the DoT, coded it so that all remaining DoT damage is consumed in the explosion, and made Fist of Az’Turasq buff the DoT then there could be some choice in EP rune.

That’s an insane amount of damage though. Thinking the effects last 9 seconds and EP hits 1200% weapon damage as its base per second; consuming the all damage output in a single hit isn’t entirely easy to balance with currently immense multipliers.

I suggest Impending Doom to be granted as a legendary power to some Spirit Stone, but thinking Impending Doom doesn’t even have a damage over time effect, player choice have to override it by some coding magic. EP has to be encouraged to be cast manually by differentiating it a bit from the main course of choice.

My second opinion is modifying Uliana to synergize with Inna’s, Raiment of Thousand Storms or Patterns of Justice. Such as giving Uliana a simple new Set amulet or a new piece for it to be combined with others. That could remove Traveler’s Pledge from the scene but still Broken Promises or Zodiac ring could make a play with Convention of Elements depends on the combination.
If any of these options were to apply, then seeing a new item that activates Mystic Ally or Inner Sanctuary when Seven-Sided Strike is cast or cause Dashing Strike to lower cooldown of SSS would be nice.

The DoT is not 1200% per second for 9 seconds though, it is 1200% OVER 9 seconds, so just over 133% per second.

I admit I’m bad at reading tooltips. Then it would only push the damage for +43% or so compared to the default base on-death damage explosion. Compared to Imminent Doom this ratio is much lower. This ain’t the result we seek either. You were talking about 5-10 GR power bump; this difference only offers 2 GR tiers or so. Thinking Az’tur only apply for on-death multiplier, its impact is lower. Maybe if Az’turrasq apply the damage multiplier overall, like you have said, instead of only on-death explosion, this could be a maybe.
What about Essence Burn skillrune?

Here’s my thoughts on my 3 most played classes (DH/Wiz/WD). This is in response to the OP though to save space I won’t quote him.

Demon Hunter

Shadow: This should be reworked to buff Fan of Knives and Chakram as well. Chakram would work similar to impale, but to accommodate FoK you need area-of-effect to work with the set. A bracer could work, but a better idea is to rework the 6p bonus to deal damage that scales inversely with your distance from the target.

UE: agreed on numbers-only buff plus buffing multishot’s supporting legs

Marauder’s: transfer the Zoey’s Secret effect to the 4p somehow. Otherwise agreed numbers-only buff

Natalya’s: this should be reworked to be about Vengeance instead of Rain of Vengeance. Having the 2p bonus reduce the cooldown of Vengeance, for instance, would make Dawn unnecessary for Nats.

Witch Doctor
Disagree with your overall assessment of the class. WD sets are actually in a very good place design-wise, in that each set accommodates a different skill (Mundunugu SB, Arachyr firebats, Zuni darts, etc.). Contrast this with Hungering Arrow, Tempest Rush etc. Furthermore every set has an engaging playstyle, if played correctly. What the class really needs are numbers buffs, such as:

Zuni: needs more dmg reduction, and a rework of the clunky 6p bonus which only affects enemies hit by mana spenders

Jade: agreed numbers only, but Quetzalcoatl is in no way ‘mathematically-confusing’ provided you carefully read the 6p bonus. By compressing the DoT duration by half it is essentially doubling our dmg (But you don’t have to understand this to actually play the build).

Helltooth, Arachyr: only needs damage and dmg reduction buffs, playstyle-wise they are fine

Mundunugu: actually one of the most polished sets in the game, it just needs its ‘spirit barrage no longer counts as a pet’ nerf reversed


Firebirds: would be fine provided it is divorced from mirror images. I need not say more.

Tal Rasha: while many advocate a rework for meteors as that was its intended skill, I prefer this set to be skill-agnostic, as it is the only one Wizard has. And the ‘mental constraint’ of juggling 4 stacks may be artificially imposed by the OP rather than the set itself. Agreed that the 4p dmg reduction should be reworked into %dmg reduction. Besides that, it also needs a hefty dmg buff.

DMO: only needs damage buffs, playstyle-wise it’s fine, and should definitely NOT be made into a close-range set. If you’re playing DMO frozen orb correctly you should be able to intersperse Slow Time casts between your frozen orbs.

Vyr: agreed Chantodo is overdone. The best solution is to buff Manald Heal and turn this into the lightning wiz set.

Impending Doom is 6305% damage. If they buff the DoT to 3200% and code it so that the remaining DoT damage is consumed, that would be a total of 5970%. As it is now, cold is 2.27 times more damage from the detonation, and doubling your damage is approximately a 5GR increase in power. Remember that almost no one would be waiting the full 9 seconds of DoT damage before using SSS to detonate EP, plus the DoT is not getting the 4.5x damage buff from Fist of Az’Turasq. Essence Burn is unusual since the burn is higher (but again not buffed by Fist of Az) but the detonation is also a DoT over 3 seconds, so it is actually a lot less than Impending Doom.

Your agreement is irrelevant, since that’s exactly what happens.

Facts don’t care about people’s feelings.

Since Impending Doom has no Damage over Time effect, I take that you agree my idea of a legendary item offering Shocking Grasp (or any other really) skillrune. Yeah, another new item to consume DoT to hit it in an instant would be nice and performance friendly as well. Mass spread of DoT can cause some stutters altogether if you unleash it upon large crowds.

As I see it the problem of the Set is, losing out on the damage per second while waiting on the cooldown of SSS and inability to spread it properly without relying on SSS due Gungdo and Uliana synergy.
Shocking Grasp skillrune is my leverage point here as it offers DoT and it spreads without reliance to SSS on a manual cast and it can stack. I think something can be figured out from here. Cyclone Strike or Seven-Sided Strike unleashing the cumulative damage over time effects of the all caught or targeted enemies? I think that would be fun. If that’s out of the list of options due performance issues somewhat, I’d still be okay with EP spreading away on a single manual cast with no DoT.

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While a buff/change to Manald Heal would be great, it shouldn’t be done with the intent of changing Vyr into a lighnting set. Instead a buff/change to Manald Heal should be done to allow for a more viable lightning builds, with a lightning vyr archon variant being one such potential build. Best solution is to literally have the archon skills (regardless of their element) deal significantly more damage without requiring chantodo.

Sorry but i disagree here. GoD is not where it should be, currently it is too strong and mobile with the power of Ethereals. You can’t have best of both worlds otherwise the other sets will remain obsoletes. People who plays other classes have switched to DH just to farm paragons because of how strong, fast and easy to play it is right now. Running 126s under 90 seconds it’s not ok.

Okay. How 'bout this. The rest of our sets are trash. We’ve got one good build, GoD Hungering Arrow. It used to be good with the unlimited pierces, but they nerfed it. It was dependent on a single elite affix to clear above 140 while other classes were doing 140 like it was nothing, but we got nerfed.

I say, I want it back to the way it was, but if unlimited pierces are “too powerful” then giving us 8 instead of 4 just raises us 5 GR’s. And we’re back to clearing 140’s with decent paragon.

It’s not our fault the rest of our sets suck. But Blizzard has decided to do nothing about them, so at least give us a 1 set that competes with other classes.

Yeah, I’ll agree GoD is good this season. But in non-season, it’s mediocre at best when compared to other classes which was my point.


Yeah, I’m not going to go into a deep dive because I’ve done it to death before with no real result, but the DH sets, and the class in general, aren’t really “fine” in the grand scheme of things.

Wriggling Chakram and FoK into the Shadow set has pretty much been one of those forever suggestions, and I can’t say I disagree. It may mandate some more direct changes to the set itself, but sometimes you have to actually put effort into your code to make things happen beyond numbers tweaks.

Marauder’s continues to suffer by virtue of the sentries remaining stationary, not persisting between floors, and cooldowns (upon revival). Given the game’s emphasis on speed, these are collective detriments and even in higher end GRs where mobs may survive a bit, you’re not going to be a meta pick. Something more than just numbers needs to happen here.

I’ll continue to hate Nat’s because RoV is a garbage skill and the buff duration is too short. I’d welcome the most dramatic revamp here, especially if gets EA some love.

Also still not a fan of GoD’s play style, but with it being the most effective of the bunch even after a nerf, I’d rather get the others up to speed.

UE probably suffers most from being exceptionally bland, but at the same time, sets that aren’t some stupid rotation are a good thing. Numbers boosts are probably what’s needed most in both damage and survival, but I wouldn’t be against something simple like increasing movement speed based on enemies hit by MS since Vault use contradicts set intent.

More generally, though, the class just needs a number of legendary overhauls and new additions. The Dawn/Vengeance reliance is still largely a thing, which ties into resource costs/gains. Things like this are important for set considerations, but as long as people think everything is hunky dory because of GoD (which isn’t grammatically inaccurate, btw), I would expect the status quo to persist.

I’ve got a really nicely geared Impale DH.
I miss playing her.

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I can’t say I agree much with you here. There are a few sets that need somnumerical increases, and a few that need broadened, but most are fun if they worked as intended. For instance, helltooth has a few cool options, but generally lacks supporting items. You could make a pretty cool wall of the dead set with a couple more boosts. Helltooth gargs is rough because of pet ai. Add the damage boost to zombie dogs (or dare i say it…sacrifice!), and boost the tall mans finger a bit, and you’d have a pretty cool set.

The most frustrating set to play is delseres, but thats prob because i am on console.

I like rathma’s as is. I wish it still included bone spirit, but don’t change it back. Really, with a little buff, trag’oul’s could become the “pet set.” Buffing the damage blood skills do would boost life support mages which could compare to LoD mages. It’s tricky to boost it enough without overshadowing other sets though (corpse lance). Tragouls needs some survivability though

Like the sound of this. And I hope they reduce the damage bonus on BS and Phalanx and increase the attack speed (as a six-piece bonus) to match the overall damage output. I feel like those skills would feel a lot more fun at a faster pace.

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It is ok to disagree. Feel free to draft a counter-proposal in a separate thread :slight_smile:

Interestingly, according to a Reddit Thread by Lut Socks, the time set aside to polish Diablo 3’s itemization was re-directed into the Auction House.

You kind of have to wonder what happened during the other 8 years, though. I mean, RoS was a solid improvement, but imagine if they had have gotten RoS level itemization in 2 years earlier?

What might have been.

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To clarify, I was saying that if Manald Heal is buffed then the pre-dominant lightning-based wizard build will be with Vyrs. This is because MH benefits greatly from increased attack speed of which Vyr Archon provides plenty of, more so than other playstyles.

But agreed that MH could enable other lightning builds, especially for farming, and that archon skills (not chantodo or outside-archon skills) should do the majority of damage.

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Considering 6pc sets, RoRG is nicely balanced with CoE via Aughild and Captain Crimson and in very rare cases Zodiac ring. I still like to see more love for SoJ and a rework of Broken Promises.

GoD6 could use +2 GRs on non-season via adding one more pierce to the cap. But really, let’s move on to the other sets, which have remained in terrible shape for too long.

I see a lot of praise for the DH set/skill mechanics. GoD6, UE6 and S6 are fine. They deserve the praise. Sadly, they only enable just one skill to perform well, but all are underperforming on non-season.

LoN is fine for Rapid Fire, but it’s weak and boring and with a buggy Attack Speed snapshot. N6 RF is a little better, but its potency is gated by 6500+ paragon. FoK is weak and boring too with 30-32 second long damage cycles.

Cluster Arrow (non-Cluster Bombs) gameplay is very much like Multishot, the builds carry a similar skill line up too (companion, vault, vengenace, evasive fire). Elemental Arrow (non-Slow Ball) and Chakram are the same. Basically these all alternate between Spender+Generator, F&R and Wraps of Clarity, unless you are playing the latter two skills on UE6 as a generator, which mimic UE6 Hungering Arrow.

They are not good representations of fine D3 gameplay. Legendary items and or sets should give these skills more character.

When I approach a rift I like understanding the plan of attack, the way to approach enemies and how to do the most damage. The plan shouldn’t be identical for those 4 spenders that I mentioned above.

Better mechanics are needed:

  • M6 damage through Sentries with some twist.
  • N6 damage through some type of opportunity the player sets up, ie, RoV stack count increases the damage of X, Y and Z. Or the number enemies hit by RoV raises your damage by xx%.

The dev(s) shouldn’t just buff numbers on M6 and N6. They need a plan to make these set/skills play better.

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