The State of Sets and Looking Towards 2.7.2

A Review of Sets in D3 as of 2.7.1

Dear Devs,

I would like to start by saying that we appreciate your continued work on this game. It is long past its expiration date, and every addition you make to it is a gift, frankly.

I also must say that as of the last 3 patches (and arguably the 3 before that, where the 5th set for each class was introduced), the team has focused a lot less on updating class sets across the board, and more on pinpoint changes. I think a great deal of excitement comes from set rebuilds or number increases.

My goal today is to focus on which sets need only a numerical increase to their damage/mitigation bonuses (or to their supporting legendaries), and which sets need conceptual reworks from the ground-up. I will also end this somewhat-long post by giving an idea for one set per class that could be easily upgraded in 2.7.2 without a massive overhaul and the effort it entails.

Barbarian: Rich and flavorful potential, and not far off from where all the sets would be awesome. Currently, one set is 5 patches ahead of the rest.

Immortal King: Numerical buff only. The set is one of the coolest and one of the simplest in the game. Perhaps its only flaw is that it currently only support Hammer of the Ancients as a build. I would love to see this also be the go-to for a Seismic Slam build, as the spell works so well with the 4-piece.

Raekor’s: Full rework. The six-piece is not competitive, and turns Furious Charge into a support skill for the playstyle instead of its focus. The 4-piece bonus is useless, and makes a Charge-based damage build need IK.

Wrath of the Wastes: Good as-is. Last in line for changes.

Might of the Earth: Semi-rework. The fundamental problem with the set is that it auto-casts Earthquake instead of lowering the cooldown on your Earthquake on your bar. But as I understand, PDPP (“Procs Don’t Proc Procs”) applies and these auto-cast Quakes do not trigger area damage. The idea of the set can survive, but the mechanics must lower your cooldown somehow instead of casting the spell itself.

90 Savages: Mostly numbers. The only thing missing is that this set has no cooldown mechanic for Wrath of the Berserker, and cannot use Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, making it the only Barbarian build with no access to full WOTB. Perhaps a reverse-OROTZ is need?

Crusader: The same exact situation as Barbarian: massive potential that is so close to realization, and yet so far, combined with an oppressive set ruling the roost. The class is very close to being very well rounded.

Akkhan: Number only. My favorite set in the game, with a rich history and gameplay based around the class’s best skill. I think a massive damage buff combined with removing damage from Invoker 2-piece will open the set up for Blessed Shield and Condemn play. I would recommend lowering the buffs on Condemn legendaries, and perhaps adding more buffs to Phalanx. Every damage skill not associated with another set specifically belongs here. The natural combo with Captain Crimson’s also helps. Maybe buff the 4-piece to be all cooldowns, to work well with Crimson as a damage boost.

Invoker: Numbers only. Please move the 2-piece into the 6-piece bonus, or else any buffs to Akkhan will instead result in an overpowered A6I2 Thorns build instead.

Seeker of the Light: Numbers only. A very cool playstyle that involves jumping into a throng of enemies rather than attacking enemies in front of you. I think the numbers are fine on the set, but the Flail and the Shield have low bonuses that were normal 3 years ago, and the Bracer only provides resource. If damage of these 3 is buffed (Faithful Memory and Hammer Jammers are fine as-is), the set can be fun again.

Roland’s: Numbers only. Increase to damage from the set, and provide a Bracer and Belt that works with Sweep Attack.

Aegis of Valor: Fine as is. Both a push set (Heaven’s Fury) and a speed set (Fist of the Heavens). Last thing needing an upgrade.

Demon Hunter: Conceptually, this is the best-designed class. We have a melee set, a long-range set, a sentry-setting set, a primary skills/movement set, and an all-purpose buff set.

Shadow’s: Numbers only. Perhaps one more Impale legendary, especially one that buffs area damage, would be cool. The 4-piece is a bit underwhelming, but still a very cool set.

Unhallowed Essence: Numbers only. Buffing the Yang’s Recurve and Dead Man’s Legacy (both of which have 3-year-old bonuses) and maybe adding a Belt or Bracer is all we need. The concern that this set will be too good at speeds is less a worry since Gears of Dreadlands, which is always the best at speeds due to moving while dealing damage.

Marauder’s: I believe numbers-only. I wonder whether there is a mechanical block of area damage working on Sentry casts, which means the Sentries only are effective at buffing your own damage, but that is just the nature of the effect area damage has on rift pushing.

Natalya’s: Numbers only. It is a cool skill-agnostic set.

Gears of Dreadlands: Only fix is adding a “the” before Dreadlands for grammatical reasons 

Monk: Monk has several playable builds, and does not need work any time soon.

Inna’s: Perfect as-is.

Monkey King: Full rework. Every element of this set is used better elsewhere. LoD uses Wave of Light better, Patterns of Justice uses Tempest Rush better, and it also uses Sweeping Wind as an enabler better. The stacks of Sweeping Wind, which are cumbersome to upkeep and also do nothing on their own, create a clunky and unrewarding playstyle. If this is the Sweeping Wind set, it needs a fresh reboot.

Uliana’s: Numbers only. I know very little about this set, but I believe it suffers merely from insufficient numbers. The playstyle of building up large stacks and detonating the Exploding Palm damage over time is a bit unwieldy, but that is just how the ability works to begin with.

Raiment of A Thousand Storms: Full rework. This set is one of the very worst in the game. Dashing Strike has even less support than Furious Charge, and is not close to being a damaging ability. Monk in turn lacks support for a primary skills build (compare to DH, which has Hunter’s Wrath and several generator quivers.

Patterns of Justice: No need to rework. This is the least fun of the “spin to win” sets, but it is what it is. Both Sweeping Wind and Tempest Rush are, in my opinion, undynamic skills to begin with.

Necromancer: Necro is in the second-worst state insofar as set play goes, saved only by its LoD options.

Rathma’s: Full rework. Rathma’s sits in our hearts as a minion/pet set. The current set uses the word minions several times, but at the end, they do nothing but set you up for Army of the Dead. AOTD is cool, and should have its own place, but this set neither has the right flavor or power.

Inarius: Full rework. The only way present Inarius can be useful is to buff its numbers, which would simply mean it would replace LoD Poison Scythe. I think there are no other applications for the melee Necro set. What about making this the AOTD set? Bone Armor, close combat, and an apocalyptic quantity of zombies, count me in!

Tragoul’s: Full rework. Oh my. A set with no real damage mitigation, extremely low damage numbers (from 2017) and a buff to skills that are under-developed and largely certain self-damaging runes of other skills. This is not the skill-agnostic akin to Akkhan or IK. Perhaps this could be a set based around turning into a vampire with unique skills?

Pestilence: Full rework. A set with a clunky 4-piece and a confusing set of damage bonuses. This is not a true Corpse Lance set, nor is it a Bone Spear set, nor is it even an effective corpse-based set (LoD Explosion does this far better). I think either corpses or poison suits the design well, but I truly cannot say.

Masquerade: Numbers only. A brutal nerf to a sometimes-frustrating set was largely unwarranted. A return of a large chunk of the old damage, and a method to litigate the waller issue and lack of Essence production would be super.

Witch Doctor: Easily the worst, and likely least-played class. The sets are low powered and often step on each other’s design space. Several sets require legendaries to make them quite interesting, though. It is sad seeing every build use Sacred Harvester and Lakumba’s just for lack of better options.

Zunimassa’s: Numbers only. I have not played WD except for one season of Mundu, so I cannot say for certain, but the message of this set seems pretty clear and cool. Maybe clarify the “pets” language to just say “fetishes” and let another set do Zombie Dogs and Gargantua? Cool! Maybe it needs better legendaries, as 15,000% is not so far below market.

Jade Harvester’s: Numbers only. Jade has a cool damage over time theme. But the only legendary that seems to even support this is the mathematically-confusing Quetzalcoatl.

Helltooth: Total Rework. Witch Doctor’s attempt at the skill-agnostic set, Helltooth combines a disparate combination of pet skills, channeling skills, and direct-damage skills, and then require Wall of Death to make them deal damage. Surely there is a better way to make Zombie Bears good?

Arachyr: Total Rework. A very confused set benefiting “creature spells” that again involves a random array of abilities. Perhaps this can be a channeling set…or perhaps we can go full Spider! Throw a Spider King summon in there, and turn into a spider yourself with the 6-piece. I cannot say, but this set feels awful.

Mundunugu’s: Numbers only. A series of brutal nerfs made this set (which I always found mechanically unsatisfying due to its damage buildup and the fact that spamming might not actually be wise at all) crippled this build. Basically same thing as MoBC for Necro.

Wizard: The Wizard has one fantastic (if slightly frustrating) build. The rest of her sets are extremely clunky mechanically, and require a playstyle that this speed-driven game disfavors for no advantage or payoff.

Firebird’s: No changes. This set is perfect.

Tal Rasha’s: Total Rework. This set requires tremendous mental constraint and skill allocation to keep up the 4 different stacks, and is seemingly the only set in D3 to actually care what element your weapon deals. It is also not strong enough to be worth playing, and the 4-piece seems strange compared to other sets (since it buffs resistances rather than simple damage mitigation). Reworking this set to be a total Meteor set would be awesome.

Delsere’s Magnum Opus: Total Rework. The set is cool in theory, but utterly clunky in practice. Frozen Orb wants to be played like Multishot, spamming from range and ducking out when anything survives to get close. Instead, the Slow Time bubbles cause massive starts and stops in play, and for little payoff. If the bubble followed you like it does in Archon form, you can make this a close-range set with Explosive Blast support, but as it presently is, it plays poorly and buffs too random an assortment of spells.

Vyr’s: Numbers Only. Vyr’s has a very cool concept. Its biggest issue is that Chantodo’s controls the damage of the Archon playstyle, and it currently (besides being nerfed) puts all the damage on the wave pulses rather than Archon’s actual attacks. I would love to see Archon deal damage the way it used to: the Beam, the Punch, and the Wave!

Typhon’s: Partial Rework. Much like Marauder’s, sets that require setting a turret to operate suffer in a speed-based game like D3. Perhaps the Hydra can…follow you? A part of me wonders if Hydra really deserves its own set when pets are already the chief was to play Firebird’s?

Closing Thoughts and Quick Fix Ideas: I think that D3 is a beautiful game. There are a few structural changes I would make, but not to the underlying set issue. Below is what I would say could be awesome quick-fixes that the skeleton crew running the game can implement easily for each class.

Barbarian: Immortal King, whose six-piece should read that “Seismic Slam and Hammer of the Ancients deal 18,000% increased damage.”

Crusader: Akkhan, whose six0piece should read that “So long as Akarat’s Champion is active, Blessed Shield and Phalanx deal 15,000% increased damage, and Condemn deals 7,500% increased damage.”

Demon Hunter: Shadow, which will get a new bracer that reads “Impale attacks have double the chance to trigger area damage, and deal 200-300% increased damage.”

Monk: Nothing, Monk is good for now.

Necromancer: Either make the Rathma six-piece increase minion damage, or just return most of the MoBC damage.

Witch Doctor: One or two legendaries that add to Dagger of Darts or Fetish damage.

Wizard: Vyr’s, by making Chantodo’s buff Archon skill damage rather than the Wave of Force stuff.


I agree with all of this.

I don’t know how you could ever make this work, when the Wave of Force is literally like 95% of the set damage.

I will add Vyr is physically painful and damaging to play.

S6 impale just needs a bigger buff on the quiver, the bracer would destroy aughild and strongarm builds

Regarding Vyr Chantodo, I’d suggest first; having the nerf reverted, and then having the chantodo set lower all wizard damage, except for the waves of destruction by approximately 90% or so. This would allow for Vyr Archon to be buffed without needing to further nerf chantodo, while also making the Chantodo set an alternative and viable playstyle for Vyr. As for buffing Vyr archon, there’s a number of ways that they could go about it, but I suppose a simple way could be that they give the Vyr 6 piece bonus an additional damage multiplier that’s specificially for the Archon skills. Either way, I hope for the day that Vyr Archon can be viable without needing chantodo’s waves of destruction.

Tal-Rasha set on the other hand, definitely needs some major changes imo. Personally, I’d hope that they at least change it so that we’d no longer need to juggle two or more skills in order to deal damage and/or maintain offensive/defensive buffs. If they can do that, while also keeping the set’s damage buffs generic, I’ll be satisfy with nearly anything that they can come up with.

I don’t play delsere or typhon as they’re my least favorite wizard sets, so I’ll leave ideas regarding those to folks who enjoy them more.

It would be very easy to load the Vyr damage off of the Wave. I am against any revert that keeps Vyr’s as a Wave-based build.

I think losing Aughild’s or Strongarm on Shadow is just fine. Worthy trade.

no. we want less shoe-horning. just roll a new quiver and good to go

The bonuses of Strongarm and Aughild are so low relative to other uffs that it is irrelevant. I prefer the search of finding a well rolled new item, like I did 2 seasons ago for Gelmindor.

how good for you. enjoy finding a new quiver then

No, because it’s one e tra item to chase. Aughilds is a sign the build is not fleshed put and lacks specialized options, and using RORG is a waste of a slot. Feels bad moment IMO.

I would target reverse Archon. Right now, Vyr increases ALL damage dealt, I would simply change it to increase all damage dealt while in Archon and increase the multiplier appropriately.

Doesn’t solve the RSI issues, but it solves the reverse Archon cancer and buffs Vyr.

Does it really matter? I mena, ideally, you’re right, build trade-offs are good, but I’d be happy with a +100% Impale damage on the quiver. As long as the build is functional and competitive, right? Take what you can get.

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I’ve written several threads about this set in these, and the old forums. The set does indeed need a numbers buff to make it competitive, but what I’d REALLY like is for the build to have some diversity in addition to the needed numbers buff. As it stands, there is only 1 viable rune for Exploding Palm (Impending Doom since it deals WAY more damage than EVERY other rune) and 1 rune for Seven Sided Strike (Since it has WAY shorter time between activations between EVERY other rune). Since it is a CDR dependent build, you basically need to run it with Captain Crimson set, and the weapons (aside from the current season with Ethereal options) are completely cast in stone, Fist of Az’Turasq and Lion’s Claw equipped and Flow of Eternity in the cube. You flex spots are jewelry and armor cube, and even they have only a few optimized variations (Endless Walk and CoE or Focus and Restraint and Squirt’s; cube Lefebvre’s or Spirit Guards).

My suggestion to fix the skills is to increase the DoT of EP so that all of the runes have a similar level of damage when the DoT and the detonation is added together (relevant to Uliana since the 6 piece detonates EP) and to change the coding on EP so that if the EP is detonated, it consumes all remaining DoT damage. That would let you roll with runes other than Cold. Then I’d change SSS to have 14 seconds of CDR on every rune and rework the physical rune to consume ALL of your spirit and perform additional SSS strikes for every 75 Spirit consumed, leaving you dazed for a second and with no resources which you then have to build up to again. You could save up for a big elite pack or RG to have REALLY big booms, or activate as soon as it’s ready for a playstyle similar to the current one. That change would let you pick other runes on SSS for different uses, but physical would still be the best for pushing.

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Cool post – a sweeping set balance patch is welcome. Here’s the same tired feedback I always share:

Regarding Shadow’s Mantle:

This already has good gearing variety via CC3 vs A3 vs Elusive/Witching Hour, etc. Impale just needs a 6-7GR jump. Shadow’s Mantle is thematically the ideal platform for Chakram and Fan of Knives.

  • S2 bonus to 15000%-18000%.
  • S4 increases the effect of Shadow Power by 50%. (Added survival needed for 140+ solo)
  • S6 add separate 2000% damage bonus for Fan of Knives and Chakram. Only Chakram legendary effects require a buff thereafter.

Regarding Marauder’s:

This one needs the rework. It’s a pseudo Sentry set – in pure M6 the Sentries are a small portion of total damage, majorly eclipsed by weak player damage. M6 should be what N6M4 is, but smoother and quicker. I wrote up rework options for this not too long ago, but for simplicity they could reverse the damage numbers and it’d be more interesting to play:

  • M4: Sentries cast Elemental Arrow, Chakram, Impale, Multishot, and Cluster Arrow when you do. All damage is increased by 100% for each active Sentry.

  • M6: Enemies hit by your hatred spenders increase Sentry damage by 12,000% for 5 seconds.

5 Sentries now deal 6x121 each delivering 726x. If you played N6M4 it’d be 846x coming directly from the player (that’s your Cluster Bomber). Still requires buffs to Manticore, Chakram and eventually Elemental Arrow legendary effects.

I’m confident the above S6 and M6 Chakram builds would be balanced with each other, S6 Impale and FoK would be close as well.

One additional QoL feature I’d like with Vyr’s is to allow remapping of Archon skills to keep with the key layout that we have out side of Archon. I am a creature of habit, and I like teleport and other actions on certain keys. I HATE HATE HATE that my teleport button gets moved to new keys when swapping into and out of Archon. I know it’s not game changing, but I always found it annoying.


Thank you all for feedback, and let’s keep it up. If we can stay attention, we can get the easier changes pushed through perhaps.

Lol looking forward to what?

Popular sets + their supporting legs gonna be gutted, sets noone uses or likes gonna be buffed to pigeonhole us into using them.

That’s the gist of patching now.

I…dont agree. At all.

To be honest, this season, GoD is where it needs to be. Buriza gives a 150% damage bonus. So to mimic this without adding Ethereals into non-season. NCS should give 8-12 pierces. Not 4. Double the pierces and GoD is good to go.

In other words. It isn’t fine the way it is.


And a suggestion to make GoD Bola viable is create a Ring that gives Bolas all runes and 200-300% more damage.

If your wondering how giving all the runes would interact with Freezing Bola. You’d still get the freeze but for everything else it fires 3 shots. In other words it wouldn’t be a single target target but area damage skill.

And the problem is that skill rune doesn’t have damage over time but only rewards on-kill. When SSS is cooling off your only hope is killing one of the afflicted monsters but you’re unable to do so. That’s the soft spot of the Uliana’s that need to be addressed. I think it must be more clear why other Exploding Palm skill runes are more desirable for their spread or damage over time effects.
Mitigating the SSS cooldown with Captain Crimson and Gogok looks like the only legit decision here for sustaining the flow. However, lacking damage over time effect also gives you huge down time for picking the most obvious choice too.

I think Shocking Grasp is the next best thing after Impending Doom as it deals some damage over time also arcs to other targets when applied manually. Shocking Grasp doesn’t spread on third hit of a generator as far as I know, but I think Uliana’s setup need a legendary item that grants Impending Doom skill rune to the Exploding Palm when worn on cubed.
As a very rough suggestion; this would allow Monk players to experiment on Shocking Grasp or Essence Burn skill runes. When wearing or cubed that item, manual cast of EP can be a pure spreading SG or EB skill runes with Impending Doom blast on-kill, while third hit occur from Uliana bonus can be a pure Impending Doom that lacks Damage over Time. Something can be done to incentivize player to cast EP manually also gives an edge for damage output to Uliana Monks.

Gungdo and Uliana set both increase overall damage of Exploding Palm. Az’turrasq is the only one with on-death explosion damage increase modifier and that funnels player to bank on the on-death damage with Impending Doom skill rune.
Your solution seem to be the obvious but class designers had to keep some options like Captain Crimson in mind while making drastic changes such as mitigating cooldown of every skill rune down to 14 seconds. Permanent nigh-untouchable state by spamming SSS, shouldn’t be on anyone’s mind.

While GOD isn’t fine, 8-12 pierces is completely out of the question. I think an item with the “Frozen enemies are always critically hit” is a welcome addition to the game. I suggest it for Rimeheart, back in the day.

Maybe they should just make Rimeheart a dagger. I dunno.
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Yeah, I suggested something similar where they give Regular Buriza the legendary effect of Ethereal Buriza side effect. Ie. Replace the 1-2 pierces with 35% chance to freeze and 100% crit chance against frozen enemies.