The reveal of the Paragon board is super interesting, it does leave us with some questions and concerns so I wanted to make a thread to discuss them.
My main questions are this:
- Is the Paragon Board unlimited?
- How are they generated? (random? itemized? selected from predefined sets?)
- Is Paragon Board progression, attached to Character or Account?
I’ll ask anyone reading this to jump in with their concerns below however I’ll outline my concerns.
Seems we don’t know if Paragon is unlimited, I’ll post my concerns to the scenario that it is unlimited.
First is the effect of bots, if power is unlimited then it really means more time = more power. Leaderboards and PVP become uncompetitive for non-bot users.
The second concern of unlimited Paragon is the feeling of completion, I don’t see any point on the Paragon board where you could feel like “oh, I can keep going but really this is good enough” - in D3 when you get to 800 paragon it can feel like you have hit the completion of Paragon because you are now only gaining generic damage or life, all the important interactions are behind you.
The third concern is the idea of a unique board, if it’s unlimited then it’s just the order that is unique not the trade offs that you have to make - I think it would be better to have a limit of some sort so that we have to make interesting tradeoffs.
Another concern I have with unlimited is that they are at risk of being neither simple for a new player(overwhelmed by the sight of the board) nor actually complex for a veteran (just pick biggest stat, go in straight line to the nodes, no actual choice made)
If you make the total amount of boards limited, itemized and swappable then I think the system would be very strong. After you unlock all the board slots, you would still have progress to make by finding better boards by playing but players who are not chasing perfection will have their feeling of completion at the point they unlocked it all.
Lastly I want to poke at the idea of progression, we saw Paragon become account based in D3 so that players could feel like they are making progress even when playing alts or after losing a hardcore character - I think this was a good pick and would personally be frustrated if I had to re-do the end game grind every character (I play seasons so I already re-do the grind every season)