The Paragon Board (D4 Blog Feedback)

It’s none of our business. Other than to decide individually if we want to continue playing Blizzard games or not of course.
Besides, how has it not been sorted? There’s been people that have lost their jobs over this. Not only that i believe there was settlement payments given.

I would definitely like it if the board caused you to focus a bit.

Making your choices meaningful and locking out certain other ones.

It would be cool to have a ‘generic’ boar option as well. Lacking the focused power of some of the other board but working with a wider variety of builds.

Yeah as per my main post this is really an unanswered question in the blog, it’s not really clear how boards are generated for the players. I was also assuming a lowish barrier to entry on respec points but in general I’m not a fan of the completely free respec mechanics that are in D3, I feel like investment is required to make the decisions feel impactful and meaningful.

Players will complain about pretty much anything they have to collect though when we have large enough playerbase, we’ll get people complaining about uniques they have to farm or find - I think unlocks for Paragon boards would be similar if itemized, some players will be happy to have something to hunt and others will hate they have to hunt things and just want it granted to them.

I guess the core of my concern is just how they plan to balance this mechanic for someone like me who will want to play multiple characters during a season.

There are implementations where the grind is designed in such a single character focused way that it may make players feel stuck on just a single character. (I believe this is the reason Paragon in D3 was changed from per character to account based in the first place?)

There are ways that the grind can be designed so that it’s not meaningful at all on the next characters but it does allow you to not feel restricted to just one character (I think D3’s Paragon fits here and I also hope this is not where the Paragon boards land in D4)

Then there a potential design where they find a balance, the grind is not so significant that you feel it’s unfathomable to swap characters in a given season but also there continues to be a meaningful goal for players aiming at perfection who maybe don’t even engage in seasons but still want ways to improve their character each time they log in.
(This is really what I’m hoping they hit and understandably it’s a fairly difficult balance to land because it’s a bit subjective on where exactly is the right spot)

So when I’m suggesting that maybe the boards should be itemised and finite, it’s not necessarily that I think it’s the only solution but I do see it as a solution that if implemented well can fall into the 3rd category.
The grind for completion can be far smaller than the grind for perfection; completion must be earned on a per character basis but perfection can be farmed over a longer time using any character who is lucky enough to earn the specific board you need.

Imo the boards themselves should not be itemized, but 100% static, for everyone.
The itemization aspect is already there, in a better way, since you can socket those glyphs into the board. Something that could also be expanded upon further, with more socketable types of tiles. Best of both worlds imo. Allowing players to modify these static boards, to some degree, with randomized items.

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Agreed I don’t want D4 to have D3’s Johnny on the Spot free respec either. I do want the choices to be meaningful like you. Changing them on a whim is not as meaningful as staying with your choice.

What I am saying is simple I don’t want the paragon experience to be faster because your first play through you unlocked all paragon points. Then being account wide you never have to earn another paragon point again. That is making it way too fast. And if the paragon boards that are generated are not ones you have to unlock then it means as soon as you hit level 50 you will have all of your paragon points spent. So that level 50 on each subsequent play through will be the most important level. Sure any other level after 50 will still be important due to needing the extra skill points and gear. But 50 would be what others would rush to get to so they can unlock paragon and spend them all.

If you want paragon to be account wide then you better had also make leveling as fast as it is in D3 as well. After all players will complain that it is way too slow. Where in season is the only place you might have to earn the paragon points again. That is only maybe if they don’t decide what you would love better is to have it where after you unlock all paragon points on non season you never have to earn another paragon point again, even in season.

That way D4 can be more like D3 lightning fast level, along with paragon points that you never have to earn again even in season. After all players will cry if it is not that way. Then D4 might as well also have some sort of gift gear that will be great starter gear for your character after completing the first four chapters of a season’s journey.

Where the game practically hands almost everything to you on a silver platter.

Then in following expansions it does just that. At character creation it is instantly max level with all paragon points unlocked, for new players of course, a lot of gold, crafting mats, etc… After all you need to remove the grind right.

That is why I am wanting it where you do have to put in some effort to earn the paragon points. When it is limited then character bound makes more sense than if it is unlimited then account bound makes sense.

Finally there is one thing that you might not have thought of. Just how much power is gonna come from paragon when it is all said and done. If the amount is super high compared to leveling then you would have a point about feeling stuck on a character. But if it is not as much as you would get from leveling or about equal then you won’t feel stuck at all because that would mean that you would have no reason to play a character in D2R or the original D2:LOD.

Because you would only play your highest level character.

Like you said, it appears level 100 is max and level 50 starts the use of Paragon board. so perhaps you earn x amount of points every level for the last 50 levels.

I would like this system and think the time taken to level from 50 - 100 should be similar to Diablo 2. I hope paragon points don’t apply account wide, and if this is the system, it seems that they won’t. Leveling should be per character, not account.

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It seems much more likely that when you hit lvl 50, you start again from lvl 1 on paragon, so 100 paragon lvls. Are there any screenshots indicating that is not the case?
If Paragon lvls builds directly on top of normal lvls, Blizzard make things more complicated for themelves if they ever want to increase normal lvl cap (which for better or worse they probably do).

I just have seen the video show a lvl 100 character with a full exp bar. We know you start paragon board at level 50. To me that says it is from 50 - 100, but it is possible they restart you to 0…would seem a bit odd to me though given what we know. Either way is fine, as long as it is finite and results in a choice driven end-game progression, that is hopefully thought out and balanced.

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None of our business? LOL. As a consumer, I not only look at a company’s products, prices, general service & support, but their ethics and morals.

I guess you must think that an abusive and toxic environment is OK as long as the people who complained get a settlement payout. That’s not being sorted, that’s a cop out.


Unfortunately no. Have we seen enemies or items that say 100? I’ll rewatch to see the numbers, but I’m thinking maybe level cap is 50 and paragon cap is 100 again.

I don’t care because the abusers are gone and the company continue to make great games.

Agreed also I will add as long as the power from the paragon boards are not nearly as huge as the infinite system of D3 then being character instead of account is way better.

So my take on any paragon system is that if it is infinite then account wide is fine. But if it is limited and what D4’s looks to be where the points are tied to the levels then being character bound is the best way to do it.

They only done it once with D3 so the chances of them taking a level 100 character and increasing the levels for a diablo game is not as likely as it would be for their other games. Time though will answer all things.

As long as the company exists those that work there that don’t take part in that BS deserve to eat like the rest of us. Punishing the piano player of the video game industry just because some of the other members are bad actors is not a good idea. It is not all victims and abusers at Blizz there are hundreds if not thousands of others that don’t do that sort of stuff and have never been victimized by the abusers.

It is there in the videos a sharp person on reddit noticed it and took a screen shot and posted it. So max level is one hundred and paragon point limit is 200. And I don’t think that paragon points are gonna be seen as paragon levels either. You will see leader boards that are based on something different than D3’s leader boards.

I actually don’t see them increasing level cap. The Paragon Board system kind of shows me this team has the ability to think outside the box. So more likely as they add new content they would find another way to add levels in some indirect way. Such as adding a new progression system outside of levels or some new item modification ideas. But hopefully they don’t go down the path of just increasing level cap.

I didn’t notice enemies at 100 in any of the videos, but this could also be do to only fighting normal enemies. Perhaps Key dungeons can make enemies a higher level than 50? or some other endgame content we haven’t seen yet could have higher leveled enemies. Too much missing information about different systems we just don’t have. :man_shrugging:

If our max normal lvl is 50 it makes sense that enemies are also at max lvl 50 (or slightly above), regardless of paragon lvl.

Boss levels could be higher even 100, so it would realy feel like a Boss fight. And not like KOing my little brother, when we were younger, whit a slap on his neck.

If we were fighting (and beating) enemies 50 lvls above us, that would indicate to me that lvls were meaningless., Which I wouldnt want. A lvl 1 character also shouldn’t stand a chance against a lvl 50 monster.
Having some lvl differences in endgame would be positive though. Kinda like how WoW has enemies at +0-3 lvls above you. In a dungeon room there could be 7 lvl 50 enemies, 2 lvl 52 enemies, and a boss at lvl 55 for example, giving some more variation to the fights beside the enemy types. Another room could have the exact same enemies, but the monster lvls switched around between the enemies, potentially creating a different feel to the two fights. Like which enemies do you try to to kill first, which enemies can you facetank or need to run away from etc.

Righto. Well, I do. You do your thing, I’ll do mine.


I didn’t mean they have to be 50 lvls above us. I meant if we could hit lvl 100, atleast bosses should too. Maybe slightly above like 110 for example. Because we will have the paragon board giveing us more power. But if bosses also max out at lvl 50, than those fights will be one shoting, no chalange fights again. And I would not like that, because it would be unrealistic.