The one thing you would change if you could

Steps, so you could actually pick up stuff where you are standing. Oh, and the mobs that fly off the screen never to be seen again…

Loot 2.0 gets the axe.

Basically most of the other changes I want would have to follow up to keep the game working, so changing 1 thing is all I need :woman_shrugging:

make it so that at least 15 players are allowed in a game :slight_smile:

Unified stash/inventory management system where you can review and move gear across your entire account from one screen.


I do miss that from WoW. Should be able to use a set of letters to indicate which direction you want to go, or arrows. For those that prefer to point and click, there should be that option as well.

I would thrive to change and make most, if not all, skillrunes viable for endgame for different purpose specs just to introduce a separated PvP mode.
Currently we have two-three skillrunes viable, stemming from one skill; one being speedfarm and if we’re lucky a group and/or solo push next to it by default. A small haul and implementing a few tweaks for bonuses would solve the issue and can even create PvP oriented builds besides speedfarm and group/solo push. This can be an opportunity for empowering off-class weapon setups (shields, two handers) and zdps subspecs of the class by amplifying crowd control.

This might require a few extra work for balancing set dungeons, but I think that’s a risk that I would take.

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What exactly is it about Loot 2.0 you don’t like?

I mean, I have my issues with L2.0 and it definitely has its disadvantages, but I also would say that it has advantages over the classic loot.

So what exactly do you not like about it and how would you have changed Loot 1.0 instead?

I’d like to see a six or seven zeroes cut from damage numbers.


Then there simply needs to be (at least) one Zero removed from Legendaries that give xxx% increased damage to Skill X and (at least) two Zeros from Sets that give increased damage to Skill X, etc.

And these massive amounts of damage reduction, reduced resource cost and cooldown reduction could get nerfed as well.

I would want it to support Linux native. None of this wine garbage, just Linux executables so I don’t have to run Windows.

I would change business model.

Change 1 thing about the game?

I would change the story. I hate that this nonsensical cringe-fest is canon lore.

D1 and D2 was nice, D3 not so much. I think the devs tried to hard to mimic D1 and D2 instead of a completely new experience.

Fix the one issue that’s been a PITA, known since beta, that was never ever fixed. Don’t make me use a skill/spell to open a f%@#ing door.


D3 when it first came out was like D1 and D2 in the aspect that it was mainly played in story mode. Now its just about speed runs and getting to the boss as fast as possible. No story or listening to what any npc says. GR’s ruined any place for lore that’s for sure

I remember that. Before the rifts and greater rifts and even bounties, it was just the story play through. However, if you had all of the story points, then you could pick and choose where you wanted to go.

That allowed you to skip to the bosses and do boss runs. Of course that’s when the Legendary drop rate wasn’t they way it is now. Finding one was actually fun, even if it wasn’t what you were looking for. But the story itself was still ‘meh’ overall.

Act One would have been nice if Cain didn’t die. Come on, at least give him a full act. His death was too comical to take seriously too. Other than that, Act One was okay because it had the rehashed Skeleton King and The Butcher.

Act Two was annoying. Desert? Again? In Act 2? Really? At least the Oasis was kind of fun. That saved Act Two from being poop. Those flying bugs? Don’t get me started.

Act Three was the only good part about story mode until you got to Azmodan and he was a joke and a half. Later they nerfed him? What? He was the absolute easiest boss. Why the nerf?

Act Four being apart of Act Three was too much for me. Seriously, doing this again? Basically Act Four was really Act Three and a Half. Then there is the storyline that ends with the namesake of the game, Diablo. Talk about comedy in the most tragic sense. What? Really? This is the Diablo you came up with? Really?

I’m done. At least WoW was still half playable. Dragon Age was sitting on my desk waiting to be installed. If I remember the timeline right, Left 4 Dead on Steam was available as well.

Then came Adventure Mode. THAT SAVED D3! I see NO REASON to go back to STORY MODE for any reason save for a colossal amount of boredom. Even then, I doubt I would play beyond Act One…

D2 only had one female boss, ONE, and she could walk circles around ALL of the bosses in D3 save for The Skeleton King and The Butcher. DIE MAGGOT! Putting a bunch of female bosses in a game, just to put in a bunch of female bosses in a game, does not make it good in any, way, shape, or form. Put in one or two that’s a complete badass or just down right cool and take my money now. Looking at you D4.

Devs, PLEASE, make the story in D4 really awesome like you din with D1 and D2.

Don’t forget the quest bosses, Blood Raven and the Countess. :wink:

Andairel was far more memorable than Leah as Diablo for sure.

Good catch. Blood Raven. I remember her. My rogue scouts just reported an abomination the monastery graveyard. Her death was epic too. I am still trying to remember the Countess though.

I admit I had to look her up. As soon as I saw her, I remembered. The big fiery pentagram. The treasure chest that exploded and all those goodies flew out. I loved going into that tower. I opened every chest, destroyed every barrel, and killed every monster. Yes I picked up every piece of gold of the floor.

HOW COULD I FORGET? Thanks for that tid bit of rememory.

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