The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

So you are a thief nothing more. I played for well over 15 years and have seen people drop mule in Pub games never once did I feel the need to steal their gear. I never once stole from anyone period.

The shared stash tabs are a long needed QoL change. They do not effect anyone because it is across the board and not a game breaker like removing or adding core basics of the game like some want.

I had very few problems muleing gear in Private games solo . The real problem becomes with Bnet stability and the random temp bans. Ya, I lost some gear over the years but not to any fault of my own. Knowing how long to have a game up before you can solo Xfer is a learned knowledge ,It is no big secret .

It also helps to remove some server load by not forcing people to make Private games and then log in and out to move the gear over and over ,Which in itself could get you a temp ban on the old Bnet.


i was kidding but w/e, you do you. i lost more crap to ninjas than i care to mention, it sucked. but that’s what d2 vanilla was all about: risk. shared stash removes it. so apparently some MASSIVE changes are ok but others are not. k.

no matter what, shared stash totally changes how people approach storing stuff: just keep every thing instead of really thinking about it. this means items like gems and low runes will have no value since everyone will just keep them instead of wasting time trying to mule them. i build my account this way in vanilla ladder: i store crap no one can be bothered with and then trade it to them when they need it. shared stash breaks that big time. if this is to be a purist d2 remaster, then changes like this should NOT happen. if you want shared stash, play d3 and leave d2 alone!

Welcome to how Diablo 2 was designed for loot. Shoulda researched it a bit in that case. Its how it works in D2 and they arn’t changing much core gameplay out.

Does the system suck, kind of (its not a great system for playing public multiplier) and you dont play public multiplayer in D2 for loot anyway as you will almost never get it (pickit programs and the like will always win).


It does not keep the value of anything, it also doesn’t give a feeling of anything unless you are just being willfully ignorant about things. Winning a loot that’s worth .10 because the bots will have everything so saturated with stuff doesn’t give a feeling of anything other than, yeah I fought all this time to get a .10 item. It’s like getting all excited you found a glass bead in Walmart.

The only people who want no personal loot are botters who are going to make thousand off of people the first 6 months till the game dies, then they will lower all the prices down to peanuts, and milk it for pennies till the only people left are die hards, cheaters, and botters.

But again
a limit that we removed easily.
Most of us (serious D2 players) had several accounts that we ran simultanesoulsy, to exchange the items for exemple. We had tons of mules.
Shared stash will just makes things easier, nothing more.


I feel like this loot system needs to stay. It adds value to the items you find. Makes for a good trading economy.

Also, you can do some private runs to get your own loot to either trade or use for yourself.


I always held onto my low runes. And they were easy enough to find doing countess runs.

The stored stash just saves you the hassle of moving them to mules. It’s not really a big change, just a needed one.

Most people play regular D2 anyway and just mod in a huge shared stash.

This is the problem that I have seen everywhere. Apparently modding is totally fine but when VV want to implement some functions from those mod to the game in a legit way, all hell break loose. We have the modern civilization today is because of huge changes, yet some people are just repelled by even QoL changes so much it doesnt make any senses.


For all those who are anti-personal loot, can you explain to me how having two realms: a strict remaster with FFA only loot and a modern realm with optional changes will hurt your gameplay experience if you only play in the strict remaster realm that is solely FFA loot?

So far, the only argument that carries weight in my mind is that it would split the playerbase where the vast majority would play the modern realm, leaving the strict remaster realm a ghost town. To me, this argument has some merit, but also shows why a modern realm is needed.


Unfortunately you can’t please everyone.

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Its not even that bad of a thing too, I would rather we have a huge community that is divided based on personal preference that doesnt change anything to economy/game mechanic than having just a tiny one. Its like some people are just repelled by the thought of having a bigger community to play with or something.

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True, all I can do is try to contribute in the most constructive and logical manner possible and fingercross.


Nope, really necessary loot system, to keep soloplay be an important part of the ladder still. With ploot you can leech lvls and loot. Have fun with other titles, there are many you can go for if you want ploot.


How to leech if you are required to contribute in killing the monster for loots to be available to you? As I have mentioned in countless posts regarding this topic, there are many way to implement ploot as an additional option for people that dont want to viciously fight over loot and want to focus on slaying monsters. You can also balance the loot pool to be the exact same as FFA so if you want FFA, create a FFA game, economy remain the same, more players will enjoy the additional option. Telling other people that are trying to make a legit arguement to “play other game” is the least constructive thing to say dont you think? We all paid for the same game so “all voices matter” yeah?

If you dont want to viciously fight over loot in public games, play diablo 3.

This is a remaster. I repeat. This is a remaster. Not every game on the planet earth needs to give Babyproof QoL spoonfeeding features for you. Certainly not D2.



This is a remaster. I repeat. This is a remaster.

Remaster is not just an HD version.

The title says ‘ressurected’. Not Remaster. I repeat, not remaster :stuck_out_tongue:
Is it said somewhere it’s a remaster/rework/reinvention/re-I-dunno-what?

What is baby spoon feeding about a ploot system like what I suggest, care to elaborate? I clearly said the loot pool remain the same as FFA, you have to contribute to get loot randomly selected for you and its an option, not overwriting FFA. Are you that repulsive of a healthy change to the game that can benefit the majority? Let talk number, how many players still play D2 up to this day? A few thousands may be 10k at most? Do you know the projected sale target of D2R is in the millions? By doing that simple math, I am sorry but you are clearly in the minority so effectively, you are telling potentially millions of players to go elsewhere because you refuse to accept a logical and healthy additional option for those players. Great arguement btw, I have played D2 way back in the days mind you and I love it to death but I am open minded enough to realize I am not the center of the universe and there are millions of potential players for this tittle.

What means contribute? Throw one random AoE spell that will do barely any damage to monsters and it will make you get loot? It’s a remaster of a 20 year-old game that for a reason was and still is one of the best games of the genre and it certainly don’t need any “improvements” like this to the core mechanic of the game that is itemization.

Hopefully Vicarius Visions are aware of this and I’m sure they won’t change anything about loot that there is nothing toxic about. Everyone has an equal chance to pick up an item in a public game and I’ve never encountered anyone being toxic because someone “yoinked” some good item in a public game. Plus it can be satisfying once you grab an item in a public game, but even if someone else does it I’m always smiling, I don’t thing anyone would be angry about it as it’s part of the game and everyone know that.

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And that is your personal opinion and I respect it, that is why I said FFA definitely need to stay and I also like to do FFA from time to time. Just that sometimes, I want to kick back after a long day of work or responsibilities with the family and I want an everyone get a piece of the pie randomly gameplay. A lot of future players will fall into this category so that is why this topic is being raised everywhere. There are also disabled, older players who cant click spam.

Regarding the contribution, that is up to VV to think of a method to make sure that minimum contribution is reached for you to have a random chance to receive a portion of the loot from the monster. And again, this is an additional option along side with FFA so if you are into FFA, you lose nothing but other new players will get that additional option to play the same game that you love their way.

Dont be selfish and think bigger guys, you have your opinions and we respect that but we also have our own opinions as people that paid for the same game as you do.