The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

i’d like a /player 8 option then. the amount of loot that drops in a filled MP is literally 8x the amount. plus the monsters are harder/give more exp. playing solo is about the most inefficient way to get top tier items there is. this is the exact reason why most botters in vanilla run up to 8 clients and or have open games so others can join: it’s all for the huge drop increases.

That really should be added to closed battlenet. Would be another great QoL and challenge change.

nah, in open and ladder too. if they are going to put ladder stuff like runewords/ubers/uber diablo/etc in open/sp then they might as well add /player 8 too. you know, so i don’t have to play with other people at all for that awesome co-op experience only d2 can provide.

Ladder is closed too, but yeah.
And sadly sounds like there won’t be an open

when i mean open, i basically mean non-ladder. it’s faster to type.

In the largest poll to date with publicly available results, there were >4,000 respondents where >99% self-identified as D2 players. Only 39% voted to keep D2R FFA only.

That’s a scenario that won’t happen though. You will find ploot games and ffa loot games but you’ve successfully split the playerbase.

When I ran my bots I didn’t use players 8 and still found stuff. let’s be real if you actually played d2 you botted at some point but that had nothing to do with ffa, more versus you could run games while you sleep etc.

i never botted, ever. only cheaters/rmters do that.

and thanks for the confirmation, hopefully blizzard keeps an eye on you in the future.

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I’m delusional for wanting a REMASTER from 20 years ago to stay as true to form as close as possible?

And you’re not delusional for wanting to twist and shape a remaster into a remake to the way you’ve been coddled to play games in the last 10 years?

Do you own a mirror? I think you need one.

I highly doubt you played Diablo 2 before 2 weeks ago and if you did you’re the first person to tell me they think this is a good idea that actually used to play the game.

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Lmaoo whatever bro you’re crazy if you don’t think a majority of the hardcore playerbase botted. I don’t have a pc these days and console version is so watered down I wouldn’t waste my breath looking for a bot on console.

Most purists as you call them don’t spend time on forums. Especially since they where told its a true to form remaster. If they knew what was happening more would be on here. Again I’m not completely against ploot as a veteran player but I do understand there is alot more to it then just adding an option to switch it on.

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oh now i get it, you don’t even play vanilla at all. if you did, you would see 90% of the games listed are in fact filled with a bots. every difficulty setting is swarming with them. botters in vanilla are now the majority. i should know, i actually play PC d2 still.

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You’re naive if you don’t think I don’t know that public lobbies are infested with

Hammerdinbaalbot-2447 etc. These games are a blessing for leveling knowing I don’t have to worry about loot but know I’ll be able to be helped leveling up then go solo mf and get all the loot for myself anyway. Lmao

Botting should be combated by blizzards prestigious bnet 2.0 that they always hail for security reasons anyway. If bots exist on d2r that’s blizzard / VV fault

actually many people are running single client bots too, they openly advertise them in chat non-stop. there isn’t a single legit game being played, it’s either bot runs or enchant games. is this what we want d2r to become? really?

Like I just said, if bots exist in d2r that’s :100: percent blizzard / VV fault.

Not to mention bans on d2r would be bnet account bans and not cdkey bans, something that was easily circumvented by buying new cdkeys for 2$ or whatever it was.

so no blame on the players using them eh. with pl loot, all those bots would only play private games. last thing they want is giving loot to the people following them around. sure it’s hiding the problem but that’s ok, better than having them infest open games too.

If someone was running a public hammerdin Baal bot I promise you it wasn’t for loot but for experience. They would run solo bots for loot anyways. Baal / chaos bots actually helped the community in the sense that there was always someone running a group game to help people level their characters.

I ran like 12 hammerdins at one point and they all played solo, know why? LOOT!

The only time I changed any to public games was to pay it forward and help people level their new characters.

Facts bro this kid doesn’t understand what a Baal chamber full of darksouls will do to a naked leecher.

It goes like this

“Leecher was slain by dark soul” x20

Hardcore players FEARED Baal runs solely because of dark souls and their ability to one shot a player if a pack was centered at the entrance of a new level.


You are not wrong but to be fair players didn’t quit d2lod because of ffa loot either. They quit because blizzard left it to die. Bots and dupers allowed to run rampant. There have always bin bots and people dupping but there was a time when blizzard did a darn good job slowing them down. It is my hope that with bnet 2.0 they can really step up there game and put up a good fight. Again not against ploot but that certainly isn’t what tanked the player base it was a combination of extreme dated graphics and abandonment on blizzards part.