The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

Finally someone in this thread with knowledge of the actual problem

is it possible to have a conversation without personal attacks/assuming things that are not true? i have been gaming since black and white stand up arcade machines/pong were a thing, thanks.

Me too man but it’s fair to say you’re in the minority on that front. Anyone that actually played d2 scoffs at personal loot

Find me a thread that’s titled along the lines “I’m a veteran d2 player and want personal loot”

I’d be colored surprised if you found one, and not you making one because I said so

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Would never work

That would then decrease the average drop rate that a player sees when splitting those odds between 8 people

When someone screams that a jah rune dropped for them while their party member got nothing in their personalized drop……

Yea - won’t go over well and then you’ll hear more complaining than the complaining for ploot

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i have played d2 for well over 10k hours, off and on since beta/launch. unlike some people, i have an open mind. no where have i demanded PL. it’s just a suggestion.

i am fine with FFA loot, i will play no matter what. but i do think it would be nice to test it. why do people feel threatened if blizzard actually gives it a try in a beta server setting? what harm could that possibly have on the live game just to try it out?

it’s like people are fine with giving blizz 40 bucks just for a graphics update and nothing much else? does bobby really need a new yacht?

I’m not against it being tested. I’m against the sentiment that’s being displayed by the people for personal loot and their reasons for it without understanding that it already exists in the most optimal format of solo mfing. If they want to give it a try and put it on a PTR and get extensive feedback before they make a change? I’m all for that, but the feeling I’m getting is that everyone that is advocating for this wants a knee jerk change made before launch without any testing or feedback like I suggested.

You’re literally the first person to mention testing it and asking for feedback where everyone else here is screaming I want d3s loot system without openly saying it

again, no where in my posts have i demanded a change.

it’s a suggestion i would love to see blizzard explore.

anyways, you have fun now. i am off level up another sorc in D2 vanilla, there ain’t anything else to do. god, it looks so bad compared to d2r. lol!

Where in my Last reply did I single you out? I didn’t. I merely stated the sentiments from pro ploot players isn’t about the games overall well being but for their personal desires to how a game should be played because it’s all they know. I literally just said im not against it being put on a ptr with a Major discussion WITH THE DEVS regarding the issue.

Physical proximity isn’t good enough. If little leecher Johnny throws a bone spear from 4 screens away and gets a perfect crown of ages for doing nothing because his bone spear does 5 damage your okay with that? That feels way worse than someone who knows how to spam click a fkn screen lol.

I feel like y’all afraid pick it is going to be rampant. But then again the pro personal loot people refuse to acknowledge that solo mfing is superior regardless of ffa or personal loot

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can still get FFA loot and that loot amount can far more than what would be expected by random chance alone.


you edited before i could quote and missed the revision. i can’t help that. anyways, you are replying mostly just to me so i am going assume i am being singled out. just a hunch. w/e. done fighting for the day, hfgl!

I logged in specifically to reply to this post.

This brings back an amazing memory for me. One of my buddies was in a game with Diablo Clone in Chaos Sanctuary. Whoever he was with in the game was having a really hard time with him. I brought in my Smiter, which naturally made short work of him and I was able to get the Anni as well. Even though I came in and did all the work, there was a 1/3 chance I would not get the Anni. This made it that much more amazing when I did get it. I love Diablo II and am glad they haven’t changed this.

Not to mention mf. Should little Johnny get loot based on my mf? The parties overall mf? That coa wouldn’t have dropped for Johnny otherwise. How long are the items on the ground? Are people standing there waiting to see what loot was passed on just to have a click war anywase instead of killing the next pack? Again not against ploot but alot of questions. And if it’s based on group mf wouldn’t that result in higher chances of good loot dropping than in a normal ffa game? That would mean you could stack mf teams for thousands of mf per kill not just one guy with high mf that happens to get the killing blow but each and every single kill stacked to the top with mf.

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Rod Ferguson just confirmed NO NEW FEATURES before launch so you personal loot bois can have a seat. It’s not happening before launch. Start learning how to click.

He confirmed that new features are coming after D2R launch, so I guess we have more time to advocate.



No he confirmed they’re open to changes after launch and personal loot will have a staunch group advocating against it.

Where as no one is advocating against consoles having basic social functionalities that existed in D2OG

Yes, the 39% who want D2R to be FFA only if the poll data can be extrapolated to the wider playerbase.

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Is it just me, or does everyone who is complaining for ploot seem to have an obsession with the word “toxic”?

We’re all aware of what sector of society those who speak that way are part of. Theyre unpleasable and should be disregarded as once you fulfill one desire, they’ll find another thing to complain about.

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I love how quiet this thread has become after the executive producer said no new changes before launch

Start practicing you’re clicking skills gen z, hope y’all don’t get carpal

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So you admit there would be literally zero problems.

More goalpost movement… A leecher does not need to be naked.
Staying alive in D2 is easy.
Unless you are a self-proclaimed botter I guess.

Yes. Loot allocation would jus let be a small but useful improvement for some players. We don’t have to pretend it is some huge game changing thing.

No, all sensible D2 players prefer having a toggle :crazy_face:

Why so entitled? It is okay if you don’t get any loot.

More lies, awesome.

You are allowed to think for yourself. Testing new features is obviously fine.


Mf should work exactly like it does with FFA.
This thread goes in circles :slight_smile:

Post launch it is then :rofl: