The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

The majority of the players on Reddit are old players. OK. Reddit is more toxic than dealing with the gatekeepers on these forums lol.

Quite a lot of old players in these threads want it. That is just a fact.

Why would it be good enough?
You also have FFA in solo mf games… :joy: Completely irrelevant.

I am pretty sure the younger audience uses social media platforms like Reddit more than the official forums lol.

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Which is really good.
But loot rules is not a core part of the game. It is more like changing to autogold pickup, or adding ladder items to non-ladder and offline.


Go on D2jsp and they have the same sentiment. So that’s 2 communities vs 1 in terms for or against. And the jsp community is apart of the group that’s kept this game alive for 20 years and why you’re even being gifted a REMASTER, not a REMAKE.

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Then why is every personal loot post I see on Reddit filled with replies like get good and learn to click faster?

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The fact that you think the minority of Blizzard’s customers who use the forums make a bigger impact on the financial success over the casuals who don’t even use the forums is hilarious.

The casuals you speak of wouldn’t even know any better, it’s the Vocal minority of d3 players crying that would make them think otherwise. Why can’t you just enjoy the game for what it was with updated graphics?

Why does it matter to you so dearly that 5 items get “fairly distributed” by a computer rolling dice?

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Casuals can mean anyone that aren’t D2 veterans, like the D3 crowd (which is bigger than D2 by a landslide and made up for the biggest profits of the Diablo franchise over customers who bought D2 20+ years ago) These casuals are the majority who are used to personal loot that played D3 and who will be buying more copies of the game than the “purists” with their nostalgia goggles, which means Blizzard makes more money lol.

The only reason more people played d3 was because it had consoles and everyone buying the game was riding off the hype that it would be as good or better than Diablo 2, which it was not by a landslide. So essentially you just admitted you want your own version of d2 to cater to how you’ve been treated playing games this generation. Which also means you’re more concerned about your own personal gains than the overall health and gameplay of the game.

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The fact that you are still advocating against a system that doesn’t even personally affect is why I have to end the conversation here. I don’t want to engage with toxic gatekeepers on these forums anymore.

Well, that does sound like something kids would write, so it supports RocknRollas point I guess.

Nah, all the people who want to only have FFA loot are D3 players. Logic! :crazy_face:

It doesn’t personally effect me no, but it does effect the overall core gameplay and health of the actual game, which is detrimental and then that’s detrimental to me, so of course I’ll be vocal in my opposition.

Or it emphasizes that some people understand how the game is played and it doesn’t need to be changed to cater to you being bad at how a game is played.

There is zero reasons that an optional personal loot toggle would affect the overall core gameplay of D2 in a negative way. It would only make the game a little better for some people. Nothing more, nothing less.

It does. The people advocating for Personal loot clearly knows D2 better.

Wrong. You already stated your willing to remove ladder in favor of the personal loot toggle in fears of splitting the playerbase further. You’d rather remove core gameplay for your personal crusade.

What. I have never stated such a thing. More strawmen. Great.

Bullsh1t bro I can’t quote but if I could find it you quoted me and suggested removing ladder to suffice for the playerbase split.

This person is so toxic that he is now resorting to making up things to fit his own narrative about an optional system that he admitted doesn’t even affect his own gameplay. I would advise just putting him on mute at this point.


Reading comprehension.
I said that “splitting the playerbase” for personal loot vs FFA is no different than splitting it with ladder vs. nonladder or SC vs. SC.
Which in no way implies that ladder shouldn’t exist. Quite the opposite.
Talk about splitting the playerbase is concern trolling at best.

And then, on top of that, a personal loot toggle doesnt even split the playerbase since in the completely imaginary scenario where you cant find any Ploot games you can just join an FFA game. Unlike what is possible in ladder, HC etc.
It would be like claiming that solo vs. multiplayer splits the playerbase. Just let people play whatever they prefer, or both.