The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

I don’t run around with an empty inventory and I try to leave at least 4 rows open in my inventory for loot. I don’t leech and I contribute. My vast knowledge of looting mechanics in d2 let’s me pickup at least 1 or 2 if not all drops off a boss, so knowledgeable players should be punished for a system change because you think it’s unfair and just gee I don’t know… don’t know how to play??

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Make a private game if you’re too slow to pick up loot. What is wrong with you people? You want the option to have personal loot yet you have the option to make a game with a password. You complainers never cease to amaze me.


Right? They can’t wrap their heads around the fact that group play is meant for experience and solo play is the most efficient for magic finding. God forbid they play a game with systems that existed when they were in diapers or not even born yet.

I think most legitimate players would be slow compared to an automated script like pickit or a bot like Kolbot that automatically picks up loot based on heuristics. :joy:

Regardless of pick it or bots, solo mfing is still more efficient and guarantees you 100% of the loot, what’s wrong with this? If personal loot gets added I can easily see people joining games as a premade and making their own party / declaring hostile to prevent you from killing boss or getting loot. What’s more toxic, players killing you and preventing you from getting loot or learning to click faster and realize solo mfing will always be better?

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What’s wrong with wanting an option that prevents pickit or bots form stealing loots from players in multiplayer games who want to socialize and make friends in a less toxic environment.

Because it will split the playerbase further, lower drop rates. If you’re joining group games for the sole purpose of “your fair share” of 5 items off one boss you’re doing it wrong. The loot system does not effect socializing in anyway shape or form. You will make friends running Baal games and pvp, when you find fast runs and fun people to play with, thats always mattered more in group play than the loot distribution because everyone knew and understood solo mfing was more efficient and gauranteed you everything.

Let’s be real they can’t even add text chat or lobby system to console you think they’re capable of the vast undertaking that is changing one of the best systems of this game that is the itemization and loot? Good luck chuck.

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You are fighting against a system in the game that is an option and wouldn’t even personally impact your gameplay since you can just choose not to use it. You are simply just a gatekeeper which is one of the most toxic members of gaming.


So by adding a toggle that means I’ll play with personal loot or not, meaning that there will be less people to play with. It’s not a gate keeper issue. You’re literally going to make this game a social graveyard with personal loot. The ffa looters will obviously never play with you because we know better and we will end up with more gear than “your fair share” anyway. But that will hurt the health of the game overall. Pro ploot players are clearly Diablo 3 veterans who never played d2 and gen z has the attention span of a walnut. You will all get bored after a month or two then personal loot lobbies will be a graveyard too.

A purist is someone who wants no change to their favorite video game series. They are the reason why some series become stagnant with no new ideas because fanboys whine about them, so when the new games come out, they can complain about how similar it is to predecessor and thrive on old games. They contribute absolutely nothing to the future of video games. Guess what, this game has already changed and now with the ladder changes it has already changed even more. Your “pure” game is already gone and you will need to learn to deal with it or just go back to playing Diablo 2. The toxic minority doesn’t represent the majority no matter how much you decide to live in your own echo chamber on these forums.

I’m not a purist, I’m ok with changes if they make sense, personal loot makes no sense and is detrimental to the overall functionality of Diablo 2.

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Well, hate to break it to you, but you don’t get to dictate what determines a change that makes sense or not for Blizzard. My post was feedback on the beta forums for the developers. Your gatekeeping will not work here no matter how much you wish I would delete my post.

Makes no sense. Some posters keep saying that a lot of people prefer FFA loot. It will not be a graveyard, if lots of people will keep using FFA setting.

Besides, many of those people who dont want to play with FFA will play solo instead if there is no alternative, so the idea that you are reducing the available players you can play with, is likely false.
The amount of players in D2R is bound to be many times higher than they have been in D2 for years. Also with multiple loot rule settings. None of the game modes will be graveyards.

As usual, it seems like it is people who dont understand Diablo 2 who are against adding Personal Loot/Timed allocation.

It doesn’t make sense for them either and if they don’t have the money to add chat and lobbies to console you think they have funds to change the entire loot system? xD

Luckily for Blizzard, it has already been made. I already posted that link on my OP, but thanks for confirming you didn’t even read what you are fighting against for. :wink:

Nothing wrong with that, nor would the existence of personal loot change it.

You can do that with FFA too…

Note that people in different parties would still be able to roll on items. So that part would not make a difference, just like FFA. Only killing the other players, so they cant get to the boss, would work. Once more, just like FFA.

Point is adding a loot system that old players don’t want will create toxicity. Which is why I said be careful what you wish for

Old players do want it.

Nobody cares. People are not exactly going to be “afraid” of crying players :slight_smile: Just add Personal Loot, and then the FFA lovers can do whatever they want.

Old players don’t want it. Go to Reddit and look at any topic about it. You already have personal loot in the form of a private game solo mf… why isn’t that good enough?

Krayz, you aren’t wrong. They haven’t realized there have been numerous interviews on changing the core of this game. They have stated numerous times that they won’t. There are more of us against the changes then there are for the changes.

They will realize they wasted their time harping about it on September 23rd. Head on over to the Reddit, many of us are submitting feedback via email on this exact subject. The more of us that email in feedback, the higher the chances the changes don’t happen. I specifically cited multiple interviews in my feedback report.