The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

Instead of team mates in public games filling up their inventory with charms so they can help better contribute to their groups on killing mobs and bosses, they just keep their inventory empty and then spam mouse click as fast as they can to get all the loot so they don’t risk not having room to take all the loot. The current FFA loot system is a very toxic system that only benefits players the most who leech, use pickit script, or bot to get loot they couldn’t of got on their own.

Ok wait a second.

So you’re suggesting that giving every enemy in the game up to EIGHT chances each to drop a valuable item vs one (8 rolls for 8 ploot)??

Gee I can’t see at all how that could cause a flooded trading market leading to no trading because “everyone wins” now and make values plummet through the floor to the days of botnet.

Yep - all this just because you want something — and you call FFAers toxic :rofl:

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That in itsself is an assumption that i consider toxic towards the players that like the system.



Personal loot does not change the number of total drops. If 5 items in total drop for 8 players in a FFA game, only 5 items total will drop in an 8 player personal loot game (not 40). The difference will be in which players get which items. In FFA, it is who clicks first get the item. In personal loot, each drop is assigned to a player by RNG or an ordered system that requires physical proximity to the monster kill.


Yeah, that’s what you say right now, but once that’s implemented, people of your ilk will still cry because they are not getting loot. Your arguments are terrible, but your :sob:, are so salty. :joy:

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Personal loot is a horrible idea.
And there is so many reasons why

• the drop rates were not designed for it.
-if they kept drop rates the same, people would only have upto a 1/8% chance to even see loot… horrible idea.

• its a D2 remaster, not a how to turn D2 into D3.
The devs already stated they want it to stay the original game, and such a change would change the game too much to be acceptable by the majority of players.

• the majority of players like it the way it is.
This post is even as long as it is FFS because the minority of entitled personal loot players can scream and kick the loudest.
But they are the minority here.

• it takes away from the experience.
It adds tension, a thin layer of risk when playing with randoms, & a euphoric reward if you manage to snag the godly item first.

• it would divide the community.
Most D2 players didnt like D3 for a multitude of reason, and this was one of them… it would seperate players further and would even cause hostility between groups.

• it wasnt a problem 20 years ago.
As many OG players have already stated it was fine back then and wasnt a problem, it only became a problem with a new generation, players wanting casual play. Which is not D2

• its a waste of the developers time.
Its fine the way it is, you will be ok. We need things that add value to the game, not this garbage personal loot.

• you will be ok.
Its ok, calm down little screamers. No need to tantrums.
You cant get your way this time.
screaming louder doesn’t mean your right.
And thats ok.
Because You will survive,
Stop fretting, over what isnt meant to be.
There is no safe space here little ones.
Come here. And give me a hug.
Daddy will comfort you…

Now show me on the doll where FFA loot touched you.

• you could always play D3
D2 was meant to play differently.
Its a different game.
Its time to accept it for what it is.

• make a private game.
99% of good loot comes from quick MF solo games, public games are not meant for finding loot to begin with.

If you cant handle randoms grabbing loot.
And not sharing
Get over it they dont have to.

If you cant handle friends grabbing loot before you
Get new friends.

• again get over it.
Its a horrible idea.
And no matter how many times you shake a stick at it.
It will remain a terrible idea.
And its not going to happen.
Your wasting your energy and the developers time complaining.


Toxic loot system lol. D2 is designed to be toxic in all ways. Pvp is toxic or they would of gave you the option to turn pvp off and on in your lobby. Any grouping is toxic because of loot both because of people stealing your crap but because people dying or not doing anything when loot about to droop because they are stupid.
And just wait till you see some of the toxic tricks on console. Unlike on pc if you drop a portal at an area exit you can absolutly not zone in. Think of that during baal runs soon as the event done the sorc zones in as she drops a portal and locks everyone out of baal.
Or how about the potential scams on console. “Hey let me see that enigma ive never seen one” Open trade and he tries to put enigma in the window and it drops on the ground…yoink. Go try it take an item you are wearing and try to put it in trade window in the beta on console see what happens,

The solution is so simple.
At game creation you choose whether the game session should use “Free For All” (FFA) or “Timed Allocation”. Anyone joining your game follows that setting as well.

All loot generation math works exactly the same in both modes, and like it does in D2. Same amount of items will be created. Magic Find will work the same way too.

When an item drops, a roll is initiated; 1-X, where X is number of players who were nearby when the monster died.
The item drops on the floor. Everyone can see the item. But only the person who won the roll, can pick up the item (make the item text semi-transparent to signify you cant loot it).

If the item is not picked up, then after certain conditions are met, the item turns Free For All, allowing everyone to pick it up.
The conditions are:

  • X seconds have passed since the item dropped (X might depend on item type and rarity. Like potions might instantly turn FFA, blue items after a second, High runes and uniques should take longer), or
  • The player who won the item quits the game, or move to another zone (except town) instantly turns the item FFA.

Completely agree. Nothing about what you have purposed will damage the Diablo 2 enconmy, and make that a opt-in feature on game creation. The toxity on this forum simply comes from people wanting to go into random games and pvp people that don’t want to pvp and steal items from others.

Apparently if you consider wanting to create a open game that you want to inherit all the crappy multiplayer problems from 2001 like people coming in and kill you and stealing all your stuff.

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My biggest problem is I really like Diablo, and I really enjoyed the beta.

But clearly, like many vets, I was never happy with the loot system, and I played mainly in private games (solo). As a multiplier game, Diablo 2 was not that good in this regard.
I’m really wondering if I’ll play multiplayer private games, so I can potentially trade things that I miss or don’t need or if I’ll play solo so I can /players8.
But honestly, I would have loved an option or a realm to have personal loot, like…hey…all the other games (D3 yes, but also PoE, Grim Dawn).
I also find some people very toxic, if you propose something different or ask for “options”, you get insulted or called ignorant, casual, new player, noob.

I also really dislike these same persons who bash D3, while they did not play it seriously. It’s easy to say D3 is sh1t, is too easy, is this and that…while none of them passed a solo high GR.
Yes D3 is very different thant D2. But to be able to say that it’s easy and a no brain game, eh, at least you should have toped the leaderboard.

I’ve stopped answering to these people. It only drags my D2 joy into sadness.
The only thing I hope is Blizzard teams will listen and have a more open minded: I really don’t see where the possibility to have 2 separates realms (a traditional one and a modern one) would be a problem.
And in the same kind of thing, D2 was supposed to have another expansion, that it never got. So I really don’t see the problem to have additional content, an act 6 and even 7 could be great, as long as it does not impact the others acts nor it changes the drop rates.

What killed D3 (while it is a great game…just less addictive than D2 on the long term. And no I’m not a kid, been playing since 2001 Diablo 2 classic) are the parangons that create too much difference between players and the very easy gear grinding.
They nuked the “grinding” aspect of Diablo in D3.
BTW, both PoE and Grim Dawn are great games, more similar to D2; grinding wise.
I’ve seen some “purists” called them “mediocre”…I guess they did not reach either the top leaderboards of these games.

The solution is so simple.

There are tons of possibilites. when there is a will, there is a way. Always.
It’s just that we have a handful of people who are opposed to absolutely everything they don"t like. Even as option, separate realms and so on. Never seen that, I can’t even understand how people can be so close minded.

Sorry for the wall of text.


I come from Everquest were I completely understand what your talking about. The grind makes the reward so much more worthwhile. But even in Everquest(even in P99) you can’t grief kill players directly(indirectly through trains).

The core issue is you can’t get more hardcore D2 players unless you allow newbs to level their skillset up, and it isn’t going to happen with grief killing, loot stealing and other such issues.

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Without reading all of this. Also since I was a long time original diablo 2 pc player. I totally agree, shared loot has always been terrible. And I absolutely hated it on pc in bot runs and vs games with 7 other real players all fighting for good loot.

This is why people would go fight other bosses in full games for the added mob difficulty for better loot.

I hope they add a private loot option eventually and I hope they add lobby search/create support for console… during the beta it was a travesty of me trying to find games to join, it always sent me to create a game when I went through the multiplayer option.

And with no in game voice chat, or text chat, it was nigh impossible to make a player send a town portal for me to join them. I found 1 or 2 players I was able to auto join when attempting to join multiplayer. And that was it.
A 3rd I joined didn’t even realize I joined or did, and just didn’t send a town portal even though I waited 10 minutes.

Without in game voice chat or text chat in console… multiplay is going to be tough.

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Thank you! Another one…
There are so many threads on internet about it, and long before D2R was imagined.
that’s why we have :slight_smile:

  • a small minority a “vets”
  • the rest of the vets PLUS all the new players (or probably 95+%).

I can’t conceive why Blizzard would ignore that, because I’m convince that having an option or a dedicated realm would :

  • not destroy the economy
  • not destroy the “classic gameplay”.

All it would destroy if the maximum profit some people gains from multiplayer when they take all the cake for themselves.

How many of us played private multiplayer games to avoid the loot system?


Dont kid yourselves.
The minority is the people wanting personal loot.
It just seems like alot of you because you complainers whine and scream the loudest.

So many complainers about the games system.
Loot & pvp.

If you dont like the way it plays.
Go play something else.
This game is not here to coddle you and hold your hand.

This is diablo 2.


An option to have private or shared loot would be nice. It was never very fun having 8 players fighting to pickup a couple of rares or unique from one boss run.

And when bots and lootpick became a thing it was nearly impossible to loot anything at all in the original version.

That’s why most players either solo for loot runs or like me, would join a full Cow run game, or another full game of tomb runs or questing and I’d do boss runs in the full games by myself.

It will be basically impossible in the future, to find full games to do solo boss runs in, on console. You can’t create/search game lobbies on console.

Either way it being an option would be nice.

You serious?
You want the game to be built around your disabilities?
You sound really selfish.
Here’s a thought, play solo or with friends, less issues.

Yeah we have to admit, the Atlas was one of the best end game mechanics ever created. I think we should all just play PoE. From the look of things, even D4 won’t even come close.

don’t bother mate, the same people complaining about the lack of personal loot are the ones that helped d3 become the abomination it is.

botters and cheaters should be banned, across all bnet games, permanently.

no matter how frustrating I may find players with really really sticky fingers, or seeing a ber drop and failing to pick it up, I’d much rather play solo than turn this masterpiece of an ARPG into the fetid dumpsterfire these people advocate for


Not true. Blizzard did that. I’ll never understand why so many people always want to absolve Blizzard of their responsibility. We see it with Warcraft 3 Reforged too, with some people blaming players for the failure. No, Blizzard did it…

At least there is one thing most people can probably agree on :smiley:

This is nonsense. How would timed loot allocation or similar turn anything into a dumpsterfire…

Definitely good advice. Still, no reason the remaining people participating in multiplayer couldnt have some choices in loot allocation rules.

To OP, let me understand something…

100% of drops between 8 players is about 12% of the loot for each one, and you are literally complaining because you got around 10% of the loot…

BTW I don’t think it is toxic, Is just less passive, is not like in D3 where one guy with 200 paragon, goes to T16 with 3 guys with 3000 paragon and waits in a corner they finish the job to get in a completely passive way XP and loot… D2 encourage a more active gameplay style for everyone in the room so if you want loot, you must be there in time, if you as amazon, are far away using your bow, when you see the boss is about to die, just get closer to pick whatever you can.

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