The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

It also takes very little time to pick up an item though.
If you kill them before you kill the boss, sure, but then you can do that with FFA too.

If you kill the boss and you aren’t in the party the loot won’t get shared with you, in that situation with ploot, hell you won’t even have to hostile just unparty and get last hit but that’s riskier than making sure everyone’s dead first

Personal loot should not be affected by whether you are in the same party. Only if you are nearby.

But if you kill everyone, and then kill the boss before they can get back, so nobody else are nearby, then you get all the loot. Same as with FFA.

Are you going to literally port back to town and dump all of the gold, you picked up after every single mob, into the shared stash? Probably not. PKing will still get plenty of gold. :roll_eyes:

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So the person standing next to the drops with all of the MF gear getting the killing blow gets robbed. Nice… :roll_eyes: :man_facepalming:t2:

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Not getting “robbed” anymore than if someone else pick up all the items with FFA. Just how the loot rules are.

Oh but see now they don’t have to drive for it they can just sit whatever the pre determined distance away is and get free stuff while the MFer is taking all of the risk.

Again I’d like to remind everyone favoring personal loot that the drop rate isn’t what you think it is. In an 8 player game on a boss kill (not first kill or bugged bosses), if things were divvied up evenly, at least 3 people would get nothing, two people would probably get a potion, or a scroll maybe a key. Someone might get an el rune, or a blue item, then a yellow and if really lucky one person could get a Set or Unique, maybe even a high rune. After enough of this people are going to be very frustrated with the drops the game keeps giving them, and would probably want to have a more competitive advantage, like say FFA loot?

I know you guys want a toggle switch (not that easy when you are talking about such a huge integral part of the game code), but at the end of the day, and at the expense of lots MORE development time and testing, it won’t pay off because people will end up a lot more disappointed in the drops.

When the loot splash currently hits and you try to click it, you have that “I almost got it” feeling… and then you get to complain that it wasn’t that you were too slow, but that you didn’t get the “UBER ITAM PLS SHINEY”, because of some bot or macro, when in actuality you were probably just too slow.

I also don’t like the idea of the Game deciding that Player 1 gets this but I get the poo drop or whatever. Let us see it and fight for it like the glory days.

Of course the good news is that all of these crazy posts don’t mean anything because they ARE NOT changing this anyway.

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Exactly as with FFA. There is no risk in going in and prepare to grab the loot right before the boss dies. If there are still enemies alive afterward, the risk is the same for both, since you still need to get in and pick up any items you won.

And as always; these loot rules should be optional. So that theoretical Magic Find player can just choose to only play FFA games. Nobody gets robbed, you agreed to the loot distribution system when joining your current game.

I know you’ve played XP leech games before. YOU KNOW as well as I do that most leeches hide from all monsters as much as possible (behind pillars in Baal runs etc.) There would be no risk of exposure with personal loot, but they would also get the free stuff.

Also I edited my above post to add a few things. :wink:

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That distribution of loot occurs in FFA games now.

Excuse me. The game already calculated the drop/no drop chance and item identity where it considers players in physical proximity to monster kill. Currently, the item drops as FFA. Instead in personal loot, an RNG roll assigns it a player in physical proximity and the item drops for that player.


You say that as if it is a bad thing. It is good. It is how it should be. And no different from how it is with FFA.

And they can do just that! Joy!

And you totally can do that! By picking FFA on game creation.

Listen, Diablo 2 is a really, really easy game. Some people in these threads act like if players are in constant risk of dying. You are not. Staying alive is pretty damn easy. Staying alive at Baal is pretty damn easy. Even if you want to ninjaloot stuff.

Also, if you get into a game with a bad leecher, here is how to handle it:

  1. Turn hostile and kill them
  2. Make a new game

DUH??? :man_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2: :man_facepalming:t2:

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It is how it is currently in FFA, what are you not getting about that? The people who don’t know this might be disappointed though.

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In hell? Yes by hiding behind a pillar, Ninja looting takes a lot more skill.


You are the only one trying to make it a problem though. Concern trolling I believe it is called.
If someone is disappointing they are not getting enough items, let them be disappointed. They will be disappointed with both loot systems, so it is fairly irrelevant for the topic.

Also really easy while not hiding behind a pillar.

Oh. OK I’m sorry I didn’t know I was talking to a super pro diablo 2 gamer that can naked farm Hell Baal in 8 players games… :roll_eyes:
For the rest of humanity it’s not that easy.

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Your argument is that players in personal loot games will be disappointed if they can only see 1/8 of what drops in an FFA game but can collect all drops that they see. While in FFA games, average players will only get 1/8 of good drops (assuming no cheats in an 8 player game) which is exactly the same amount of good drops that they would collect in the personal loot game.

You are not. As said, it is really easy, you dont need to be a super pro player.

A leecher dont have to care the slightest about their dmg, they can go all in on defensive stats.

Says the same person who just said:

A leecher doesn’t exactly need to be naked…
Nor are the leecher farming Baal. That is the entire point of beeing a leecher. They let someone else do the hard work. They can focus entirely on staying alive, and ninjalooting.

Same can be said for people upset if personal loot gets added

Go hostile kill everyone and take the loot.

I don’t think you realize how toxic this game can be and by forcing an unwanted and unnecessary change to the loot system will bring out even more toxicity. Jus sayin. Be careful what you wish for

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It wouldn’t be forced, as people could just choose not to use it.

I dont really care about them. Not my problem if people are toxic. If they go too far, outside of what is allowed within the games rules (such as turning hostile), hopefully Blizzard will ban them. Otherwise, it is fine.
Letting toxic people win because we might fear what they do, is a bit like the saying about terrorism.