The No Lobbies, PC Controller, and Loot System Experience

That has certainly not been my experience.

I will just repost, so I don’t type in circles.

If you think I want my loot mixed in with some opacity 50% loot tags for X seconds, you are sorely mistaken. My eyes would bleed. Hard pass.

Except for that important footnote of it being ffa, meaning everyone had a shot. This comparison is intellectually barren.

That’s fair, I still prefer ffa.

It’s implementation or reception is irrelevant. Ploot is a third wheel on a bicycle.

I bet your eyes would survive. Hopefully.

Especially considering, in D2 today, you already see those items sitting on the ground, if nobody want to pick it up.
Nothing significant would change.

That literally is the difference between the two loot systems. But the point is, those awesome items will be picked up quite fast in both systems. You wouldnt just let those items be on the ground, even with timed “personal loot”. Imagine a Ber rune drops, and you have 15 sec to pick it up, but you die… you just missed your rune. People will still try to pick up those top items fast.

And that is totally fair!

I dont understand why you care, as long as you can choose to use FFA. But you are of course allowed to have that opinion no matter what.

Hmmm I see what you mean, so since you are 1 screen away, you won’t make it in time for the loot not to be FFA. But really, if someone is running a chaos run, you aren’t really staying in place for that long… I get the 5-30 seconds is an example so I guess it could work… only issue would be when it comes to higher drops, like uniques & high runes…

I personally don’t see the benefits of giving the chance to get amazing drops for people following the run… maybe a delayed pick up for people who didn’t do the majority of the damage? “static field excluded” so the people who did the chaos run or what not, have priority…

Otherwise, what would be the point of normal/nightmare? The “grinding” aspect of the game is cut down dramatically…

This already implemented system fixes the issue of waiting around before the bosses are killed to grab loot first. It’s already being used and Blizzard only needs to copy the code over and iron it which they can do in a month.

The loot system is good the way it is.

Turn it into D3 and ill leave.

Sure, make sure you have a mirror pole on Reddit since a majority of the posters here are for ploot, where on Reddit someone asked a question about loot etiquette and the overwhelming replies were ffa

You already have personal loot. It’s called private solo game.
Y’all find 99% of your drops solo mfing anyway.

Why group mf when you have to compete with others, or in the case for ploot, why am I gonna group game and having little leecher Johnny have a perfect coa looted to him because a computer rolled some dice? Either way solo mfing will be more efficient and guarantee you more loot, regardless of ffa or personal loot.


I just want what Blizzard promised. I don’t want them splitting the playerbase with even more non-classic toggles.

There are so my modern f2p ARPGs that I really have little to no patience for people attempting to change the classic D2 gameplay, even if it won’t necessarily affect me significantly.

I miss the days of old school gaming and it’s unforgiving nature. I am immensely pleased that Blizzard (VV) graphically updated one of those games.

Like Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Dark Souls, Prince of Persia, Cuphead and other unforgiving titles, any changes or amended gameplay for casuals will be resisted.

I’m a casual too in some genres and hardcore in others. This game needs to be left alone, QoL only and no gameplay changes, especially ploot.

It’s bad enough some here that want ploot also want to do away with Open world PvP in favor of consensual PvP. That makes me yak, and I got got in Dark Souls III a fair bit.

Tested and scrapped. ALREADY.

You know why? They had more complaints about changing it than adding it.

Further supporting that any optional loot rules for multiplayer wont drastically change things, and this is just a minor QoL change.

And I’d be there fighting against such changes. Never ever add Difficulty settings in Souls games!
That would genuinely change the game though. Unlike this.

I’d also disagree on any attempts to turn these topics into hardcore/casual nonsense. Souls are not hard games, “casuals” can play them just fine. Diablo 2 is definitely not a hard game, or anti-casual either. FFA vs. Ploot is not a topic related to hardcore/casual. It just changes how items are distributed. “Casuals” can ninjaloot in FFA, just as well as winning a roll in personal loot.

Nothing stopping people from declaring hostility killing you then taking all the loot for yourself off the boss, at least with ffa you’d have a chance at loot in that situation, now it’s all one guys guaranteed :joy:

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See and that’s kinda what ploot feels like to me. ARPGs for carebears.

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I have no problem with that since my entire D2 Experience I was either PvPing, trading, Dueling, or PK’ing.


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The reality is that people saying that are counting on other “sheeps” to play along them, 8 players game, and they get all the loot.
Otherwise, they would not defend so ferociously FFA (we always have insults and contemptuous comments).

By the way, personal loot is not "D3’.
Personal loot is all games but D2.

And that is WHY it is WIDELY known and recognized as the best of this Genre. It did things differently.

You can always go play one of the mediocre ones with the features you want. This isn’t Burger King, you can’t have it your way.


Well, you would have to turn on hostility really fast :stuck_out_tongue: But yeah, the potential would be there. Exciting.

Enough for me.
It’s impossible to have a serious discussion with such brains.
I really hope Blizzard teams are smarter than that.

Smarter than what? Releasing a classic title with tons of QoL? Go play WoW Classic…same deal. Lets add most of this is game-changing. Whether you want to admit it or not.

This is what I preordered for:
“While a revamped minimap or icons showing you where to go may have made for a more modern Diablo experience, it didn’t feel true to what Diablo 2 was 20 years ago. And Blizzard’s philosophy was that if a feature doesn’t feel authentic, it gets canned.”

If a change completely alters the mind-set and play style, they can keep it. I have had enough of arguing with people who were either in diapers or not born yet when the game was launched. I will see you all on September 23rd with FFA and me Hostile in your Public Games.

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What a silly statement.

D3 was brought up because of it’s loot system and to illustrate how loot systems drive gameplay choices.

I don’t think anyone here said D3 is the end all be all of ploot.

Also, you’re incorrect, D3’s loot system is ploot.

So try something new for a change, or does that scare you? I’m sorry you grew up in an age where loot pinatas and participation trophies are handed to you.


Doesn’t take long to go to town declare hostile and teleport back. Especially if they aren’t geared players / leveling up.