The Fun Police are undefeated

I read this and about lost it lol


This is entirely untrue. The majority of his content is catered towards casual players.

Assuming GR110 Rats with an average total rift time of 2mins, 110h from zero paragon.

Most casual players cap out at 1k paragon in a season. You’re not at all a casual player.

I fully intend to rep Shield Glare Rolands in season. It doesn’t all have to be about the top meta builds!


This season still gonna like the easiest ever to clear gr150.
They even buffed some other nodes after nerfing the pot power. Every class should be able to do gr150 pretty ez.


Running speeds at 2 minutes and no pools/all solo. Add in time for farming keys.
GR 90s/411 hours
GR 100s/252 hours
110s/155 hours

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This season, my highest GR was a GR113 at Paragon 696.
I ended the season at Paragon 746, with under 36 hours played.

Even if it took me another 30 hours to get from Paragon 746 to Paragon 1000 (it wouldn’t actually take anywhere near that long but let’s go with it) and took the total play time to 75 hours, the season lasted around six months. That would be an average of around 25 minutes a day.

Isn’t 25 minutes a day casual?

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WoL will be even better in s28. IF you play the same amount you did in 27, you’ll get way more paragon due to the pools node. You’ll have more damage reduction, Resource on crit, the triune circles, the shrines ETC. If you don’t understand this it’s on you.

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Well, you got past me in GR levels. lol

And I’m nearly to 1k in Paragon, but I typically hit between 800-1000 every season now. I cannot devote the time to the game like I used to. I think I manage usually between 50-100 hours a season tops and that’s with me playing solo, taking my time and probably not playing efficiently enough.

I have played every single season D3 has ever had. I have always done at least the first 4 chapters each season. Completed Guardian I think 6 times or something, Conqueror 8 times (got all the stash tabs), but I hate dungeons so I rarely bother completing the journey. Like this season. All I need to do is complete and master a dungeon and do one more conquest. But I don’t care. *shrug


There are a lot more casuals than there are those that grind 2K+ paragon and reach leaderboard/high GR levels. Just the way it is.

Image having to be that bad that you want the game to be ruined just so you can do a 150 :wink:

#fundied #zerohype #funpoliceout

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You know what I don’t get, why did you stop at 148? So close!

I really don’t like fishing in D3. The amount of RNG needed is too much. Did the 148 in my 5th attempt I think. Tried 149 for a bit but no luck. I might try one last time before season ends today.

I actually started S27 just to have a laugh playing horse crusader. Wasn’t planning on crafting a monk and get on the leaderboard. :slight_smile:

Personally, I do not feel the original powers to be fun. It made the game waaayyyy too easy and irrelevant, tbh. Z builds could do gr150 in mere minutes…

Tying powers into using potions is not something i like at all.

It should be fairly easy for solo players to do gr150. There should be great power in s28. There is such a thing as too much…

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So what? D4 is going to replace this game. Who cares if it’s “broken” or whatever.

I was told by the tryhards that the scrubbiest of casual scrubs were going to be be able to immediately win at gr150 with a single push of the potion button during all their complaining, and that’s not what we got.

Instead, we got nerfs that went beyond even what they were calling for at the time.

My expectations were sky high because of their ridiculous over exaggeration of how powerful this stuff was going to be in the hands of people who don’t play this game a lot.

So now nobody is happy except a few forum trolls and gatekeepers. Even my cat is upset and taking her frustrations out against me by knocking things off the tables while staring right at me and kicking the litter everywhere.

The fun police turned something that could’ve been amazing into something that’s nice enough. But compared to other seasons is pretty mediocre. Now D3 doesn’t get the final send off it deserves.

#fundied #zerohype #funpoliceout


Yeah, you mean like D3 “replaced” D2? Because clearly no one has played D2 since 2012…

And how is that anyones issue but your own?


I don’t think D3 will get the same small group of dedicated players D2 got. To avoid saying anything mean, let’s just say the D2 hardcores are a very special unique group.

I’m sure there’ll be a few who stick with D3 but I think you can agree that the huge majority of players will move on to D4 immediately and not look back for a long time

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I have no idea. From the Diablo players I actually know some 20% have shown any interest at all in D4, and I include myself in that percentage and my interest so far is “I’ll try the beta, but I really don’t expect much”.

No. It is not a replacement. D4 is an addition.
Some of us will still play d3, like me.
Some of us are still playing d2, like me.

No need to destroy d3.

I get the feeling you do not care about d3, so whatever this season’s content it is not going to make you happy…


D3 will not get destroyed by 1 season of chaos.

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“Fun police” won?
Does this come from his long playing history? As I recall, people could barely do GR 90 in a group when I started.
It is empirical that Fun police NEVER won. On the contrary, who won this whole time was the group of a$$holes who said “no nerfs only bufs”.


Fully gear up, play on normal, then come back and tell us how much fun it was.

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