The ethereal achievement is very concerning

With the added bonus. There is less than 1 percent chance on a legendary drop to be an ethereal drop, if you farm normally.

If a person don’t have the necro pack can team up with 3 necros using raxx “level snapshot”, then the necros can trade the ethereals. Easy😋

Nope, ethereals are account bount. I guess to make botting useless.

They are account bound. Besides, I wish it was easier to farm at lvl 70 than to cheese into lvl 12 games|-ethereal-memory-|-preview-blog-7-9-2021#Seasons

  • Ethereals are account bound and can only be dropped by monsters, chests, and destructibles, but do not require your character to be level 70 to drop. Ethereals cannot be acquired through Kanai’s Cube or from Kadala.

Did anybody try during PTR to see if you can get the achievement with a mixture of what mode you find them in? For example, if you find all 3 of 5 classes in regular softcore and then all 3 of the other 2 classes in hardcore. Will the achievement be granted then or is it going to be kind of like the Guardian three gems to 70 where those three gems have be in the same mode?

The achievement wasn’t unlocked at all in the PTR. This is something I’m concerned about too. Typically though, other achievements, such as collecting X gems @ a certain level won’t unlock unless you have them all in the same mode, so I’m assuming the same thing will also apply to ethereals.

Every season achievement in Diablo III is doable by casuals. This won’t be any different. By the end of the first day overachievers will have done it and know the easiest way. It’ll be all over YouTube. The cognitive dissonance of believing both Diablo III is easy mode by design and that they’ll add something of even medium difficulty must be quite jarring. It might be annoying but it won’t be anything worse than that.


Right now maxxroll suggests the"snapshot" method for completion:
1 Char opening the game on torment 6 as a level 12 char, then minimum one player with minimum 4 level higher (16 or higher) enter and the level 12 is leaving (and may returning a level 16 or higher). This way the monsters and lootpool remain level 12, the game does not level anymore, which has the highest dropchance for ethereals by testing on PTR.

For usable ET they say farming Speed GRIFT lvl 90 (highest possible lootpool)


Lol, most of us do not have enough character slots left to run a new character for each class next season. Also, taking the time to 3 ethereals for every class JUST FOR TRANSMOGS is plain stupid. I would do it if it would also include an extra stash tab :slight_smile:


Different strokes for different folks.

I actually went through my stashes and my characters last night. Dropped anything that was not primal, ancient/non ancient-non meta items or non ancient meta items. I probably freed up 4-5 full stashes? Not sure since I didn’t organize it. Deleted 5 characters that I knew I didn’t need. I could probably delete more characters. The only one I actually care about keeping is my original barbarian. The other characters don’t mean much.

Now that the patch has dropped, it appears that the achievement should work if you do it in mix modes, kind of like how “A Unique Collection” works. If you find it hardcore, it should tick. If you find it regular, it should tick. Once you have all 21 ticks, the achievement is granted.


So dont get it? Nothing happens when you dont get the achievement.

1, if you play long enough you probably won’t need all 7 classes to be played.

2, just because others my enjoy it doesn’t make it stupid.

3, characters are meaningless. Delete one, get the items, remake it, level it to 70 in a couple of hours, and equip all the gear and it’s back. Lack of character slots isn’t an issue.


This requires two people and is impossible for solo players.

Yes, it is. Many of us have very old characters with a lot of kills and would like to keep those records and characters. They may be meaningless to you, but they aren’t to everyone else. Don’t assume your way is the only “right” way.


The proper way to have handled this whole situation, would have been to make it so you can earn toward having the full achievement unlocked eventually.


You could play as many or as few heroes as you want. Finding the 3 ethereals for each class might take some of you longer if you are only using 1-3 classes per season as those that do all the classes in one go, but they could still get there.

Instead of forcing players to have to delete characters and potentially have nowhere to store their items that are in non-season while attempting to earn the transmogs.

The whole tactic is unnecessary. More like a subtle way to get us to delete stuff and remove characters with old stats than anything else.

There is no logical reason to not have this set up so that players can earn their way to the achievement if they want at their own pace.

What this is, an easy out, since they obviously are only storing ethereal collected data within the season. They don’t want to bother with tracking what ones you have collected this season vs the next season, because that’s hard apparently and its easier for them to frustrate us instead.

They offer a carrot, but then coat it in donkey droppings.

Game on.


I typicaly only play 3 classes
DH, Wiz and Monk
But I’m really excited for this season, it gives me a reason to play something new.
I’m not going to cheese my way through collecting them but actually play every class, maybe I’ll find a new class / build that I really enjoy.
And it should keep me playing the season longer than the openeing week.


I play solo most of the time, too.
But I am member of a clan and for necessary stuff I call for help (or offer help).

Even as SSF-Player it should be possible to invite a friend from your friendlist or to ask someone of the forum to friend them and then invite their lvl 70 char to join your lvl 12 game, to keep it open until you relog with your farming char and then leave you alone.

You need minimum 2 Slots for Season for this, but it should be manageble for any player, even if they normally play solo.

it cant be that hard, i guess you can play public games and ask for the people of different classes to hand you an ethereal if get dropped so you can get the achivement and transmong