The ethereal achievement is very concerning

I’ll be doing that with my wife, thanks for vid. Makes things really simple.

This is the bit that needs to change. They at least need to add some kind of bad luck protection, or make it so you unlock them class-by-class instead of every single weapon being required. When the headline of the season is Ethereal weapons, you want to have something meaningful to show for your season journey when going back into non-season. Imagine how you’d feel having collected 20 weapons when the season ends and you’re sat there still logged in grinding away trying desperately to get it. Sounds worse than a thousand paragon hardcore death tbh.


It won’t be that hard to get them all. Have a look at this farming guide: Diablo 3 Ethereal Farming Guide Explained in Detail - YouTube


While you can find people, this is not optimal for solo players.

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I’m pretty certain there’ll be communities specifically for this stuff next season.


+1 totally agree

A better solution would be:

  1. Let us collect an archivement for every class that unlocks it’s 3 transmogs and unlock these at least non season.
    or 2. Give us any ethereal we found as transmog and unlock those at least non season.
  2. They could additionally add an archivement for 100% completion, but please in combination with 1. or 2.

I’m pretty sure players wanted something enjoyable to do during a season. For quite a few of us, we either have no free character slots to delete and farm ad nauseum and/or we don’t enjoy playing multiple classes during a season. This feels like Shadowlands came and had a baby with D3 and Season 23 was the offspring.

I do hope you see the logical fallacy in your argument…

Did you miss the solo players part? Communities do jack all for those that play solo.


That’s the point, Tias. A double edge.

That’s why nothing is rare anymore in this game, because of the above mentality and Blizzard “acting” along them.

Rare Pets? Nope! Rare Legendaries? Nope. Rare frames? Nope … and the list go on.

GZ guys!

PS: I hope they won’t change this. If you want something THAT bad, work your …butt for it. If it’s “meh”, then skip it. Simple as that …


I agree 100%. I am not a fan of giving past seasons rewards either but that ship has already sailed.
Raxx and others have made videos showing it takes maybe a day or 2 of dedicated solo farming and if you use the ‘snapshot’ method with at least 1 other person it should only take a couple hours. It’s not that hard people, not everything needs to be a participation trophy.


He plays the forum game to get as many posts as possible.

Guess it’s time to play with others for a better shot at getting transmog, again, so sad that they want people in groups

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At first, I was also rather worried about this achievement. But on the other hand: It is possible to find non-smart-loot ethereals, just like it is possible to find ancients set items for other classes. I did not play much on the PTR, and I did found a Crusader ethereal with my DH within this shotr time.

I think that there is a good chance to find all ethereals for a few more classes than only my main class (dh only) during regular seasonal playing (leveling all gems to ~130, augmenting all items with ~130 gems and so on), so that I don’t have to play all 7 classes to finish this. Maybe only 2 or 3 more to complete the missing ones more quickly.

Oh how I wish that this would be the case. I am a completionist but only for my monk. I’m still waffling whether or not I’ll do this season; I’m not interested in the portraits and pets offered this season - I’ve been using the same portrait/pet for quite sometime now and I really like them. I would like to get the monk weapons x-mogs permanently but only those three.

I’m not sure if it’s really worth my time to get all 21 to make it permanent; I realize that in the grand scheme of things ~15 hours of my time may not be long but I’m at a point in this game where every time I log on, I play what I want to play and no longer what I need to play to get what I want and I’d like to keep it that way… :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t know, I’ve waffled so much that I started looking that those three monk weapons and thinking that they are really not that much different from x-mogs I already have…hmmm, I think my laziness is starting to get the better of me, lol.

I’m glad they didn’t change it.

D3 has turned into a catering service essentially, everyone expects the best stuff with little to no effort, or for free. God forbid you need to play the season a little bit longer than 3 weeks.

I think having to grind for the gear in a season that is paying homage to D2, is staying 100% true to D2. I think having this item chase is a much needed change since we haven’t had to chase anything since the cosmic wings.

Most of these kids will not enjoy D2R at all if this bothers them in the least little bit.


Some of the speed racers will blast through the entire season in the first weekend and complain for the next 3 months that they do not have anything to do.


People keep ignoring the good poitns other make and bring the effort nonsense. They talk about big effort and on the same breathe they talk about how to farm the items in a low-effort unintended way and ignore that solo players will have to put a lot more effort and people without the dlc will have to put maybe x10 the effort to get the same rewards.

We are just asking to get a reward according the effort, if your effort is 0/21 you get nothing, if your effort is 20/21 it is reasonable to ask more than one that did 0/21. That is all.


You mean the D2 that allowed one to mitigate randomness through trade?

I understand the desire for a loot hunt, I really do. It’s fun. I really hope D4 brings that spirit back and in the wait time there is always D2.

What I wish for ethereals is for there to be this trophy hunt without it impacting the season. Because ethereals have a lot of promise, as shown on the PTR, but that’s entirely wasted if the drop rates are not properly adjusted.

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I feel if the drop rates were closer to the primal drop rate it would be an issue. I don’t think it’s in a bad spot at all where it is. Of course, none of us will know just how good or bad it is, until the season starts.


I also paid attention to the “not optimal” part.
Whilst joining a community might be sub-optimal, it is an option.

Heck, I mostly play solo too but occasionally offer to give 1-70 boosts, or GR90 carries later in the season, but I still do bounties in public groups because of how woefully sub-optimal doing them solo is.


You mean the same D2 that the vast majority never played online.

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