Inventory = Freedom

Yall crazy. Most of you speak about how easy the game is, yet you wouldnt be caught dead without using 80% or more of your space on charms.

Add some challenge for yourself, rock 50-70% free space, rest for charms and tomes


I don’t think the game is too easy, not at all (but I don’t really understand the link with my post, sorry :confused:)

My prefered repartition is 70/30.

I am pretty picky when it comes to charms so until I have a character for awhile, I am not that restricted on space personally.

I would be quite interested in knowing the repartition people generally use.

I sometimes read “everybody do this or that”, but it just sounds like “everybody who plays like me…” ^^

So please let me know what’s your own repartition !

Well, for me, I am just picky, I pretty much keep 15+ life SC, Any All Resist Charms, All MF Charms, Small Poison Charms over 15 and Min Max Damage AR FRS GCs. Then Skillers and the uniques.

All the other charms are trashed, defense, single resist, mana, FRW, Elemental Damage.

So it takes me a while to fill up an inventory lol.

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The Devil wants sacrifices, not QoL!

The whole reason to not have a charms inventory is for inventory management. PvP and Solo games people are going to use full charms to get the most power(PvP), or mf/life/etc.(Solo). In a public party game where people are doing Baal runs, or any kind of runs then most people are not going to use charms because the party is going to kill the monsters fairly quick without the help of charms. There is really no need of a charms inventory based on the above info, and the way people play PvP, Solo, or public runs.


It totally makes sense to fill inventory with charms in PvP and you’re also right saying charms doesn’t bring so much in multi-players games.

In solo, we don’t really need to inflict ourselves the pain of a lack of space…

It’s why I can’t understand what is the real point of a charms inventory.
I try, but I always conclude it’s a player’s choice and that people are lying themselves saying it’s a game issue.
They just don’t assume this freedom :thinking:

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My Lvl 93 Sorc is currently running 30% charms and 70% open storage. She is running a little over 325MF and has mostly resistance charms along with Anni, Torch and Gheeds. I have added charms at times to bring her up to 50/50 but that is as high as I go usually.

I played most of my first 2 years in D2 with no charms at all. However, my level 9 duelers all have 100% life, ar and mana charms so I do understand the benefits and power that they provide in a game. Being able to fill up and inventory solely with charms does make the game easier.

I do not necessarily oppose a charm inventory but it would have to be limited in size(say maximum of 8x4) and charms would only work if in there. Charms in the normal inventory would have no effects. In that is not the case then I would oppose adding a charm inventory. I also do not want it if adding it would delay the release of the game.


That’s quite interesting !

How to you use your free space ? Do you wear some kind of “switch” items (e.g LR wand or MF stuff) ? Or is it just to pick loot ?

And how would you use the additionnal space if there was a “charms inventory” ? What would it serve ?
Would it really improve the game experience ?

I often play singleplayer, I don’t always have the items I need, so I compensate the missing stats with charms (mostly life, resistances, AR and fhr). Which means I mostly run 70% charms, 20% free space and 10% for tp+id book. It’s annoying not being able to pick up much stuff because of it lol, I always hated it.

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Everything D2 represents is Freedom. Inventory, Stats, Skills, diverse builds. And it does it at just the right amount.


thats understandable annoyance, atleast with D2R you can shared stash items in singleplayer so you are less likely to be get item drought on one character.

I also use 70% charms, but my last 10% free are for a few more potions, gems or smal items.

OK, but do you agree it’s still your own decision to use 70% charms ?
You could choose to use 50% only, right ?
So you fill with charms the more you can until it becomes not “acceptable” in terms of comfort/QoL.

I wouldn’t mind this :

  1. 4x10 Inventory.
  2. 3x4 Horadric Cube.
  3. 4x4 Charm Satchel.

For me, gaining power with non-equipped items seems odd. Especially, with skill bonuses.

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Yes, I think this is a real improvement because the stash limitation is very different with the inventory one.

Indeed, the current space doesn’t allow to use simultaneously the various ways to upgrade our character, i.e through runes/runewords, gems/craft and items which could fit some future needs.

Furthermore, it doesn’t allow to store enough stuff for various experimentations, for example in view to respec the character or to try maximized MF.

And of course, it doesn’t encourage to create another character / test another class, when we’re forced to sell items which may have been usefull somewhere else :roll_eyes:

Problem is having tons of space does make game more easy, i can hold items for specific buffs, or elemental absorbs in my inventory creating more power/defense, example BO weapon, Enchant weapon, Assassin armor that gives fade, wands that give curse charges teleport charges and the list goes on… This gives people way more items to play around with making game more easy. This is why Charm inventory changes the game a lot and why I do not think its a good idea. Also gives the abilities to store way more potions it just gets ridiculous.

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It depends on how a charm inventory would be implemented. Comparing a small space where charms only work to another space the size of your entire inventory. One would obviously maintain some balance, where the other seems overpowered.


OK. So, your conception of the “charms inventory” would be more a limitation of the current possibilities, rather than keeping the current amount of charms and adding free space.

Maybe it’s the kind of things I missed in this debate… Thanks.

However, in the current D2 inventory, you still have the choice to use a 40/60 repartition (4x4 charms + 4x6 free), right ?

This point of view also makes sense.
We could consider D2 being too much permissive with charms, making them a bit “abused” / “overpowered”… :thinking:

But it would also mean less freedom :disappointed_relieved:

It’s also what I’m afraid of.

So what about the current 4x10 inventory having only its half (let’s say the left one) where charms would be active ?

Note that it would also bring some complexity / need of visual adaptations (e.g colored vs grey charms).

[ I really have to go to sleep now, but thank you guys for your constructive opinions :+1: ]

Bear in mind, I am not asking for a charm inventory. The game is fine for me without it. However, if it was properly implemented then I would just use the additional space freed up in my inventory to pick up more items and not return to town as often. Depending on its size I might also carry more resistance charms or MF than I currently do.

I use the character mostly just to pick up loot. I do have a switch weapon but it just adds resistance.

I do not thing a charm inventory would improve the game for me at all to be honest.

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Yeah, basically a small equip zone. You would be limited and have to play some Charm Tetris with large, medium and small charms. But only charms would be allowed within that space, so you couldn’t actually use that for other things. The charms also don’t work outside of that space.

For me, something like that would seem more balanced overall. It would also feel like you’re making a build by actually having to equip something, rather then just gaining bonuses from hoarding things within your backpack.

You would also have to take into account personal preference when it comes to organization. Some people would prefer one side to store things, while another person may use the opposite side.

I’ve seen a charm inventory before. In Last Epoch. It was balanced well. They also added prefixes and such that were only available on charms/Idols that actually complimented and changed your builds. But since this was within a controlled space, it’s not abusive.