The D3 reality - why S28 should not be nerfed

As understood there will only be 1 week of ptr, big chance it will go bad either way.

Hi there, another ACTUAL ā€œcasualā€ here. I am 100% solo, have been for quite a few years now. My record GR is 120. That was the Ethereal season, and this past season. I probably could go MAYBE one or two higher if I get a lucky rift, but I donā€™t lol ā€œfishā€ for rifts. I play this game to have fun, and when the fun is over, I take another break from it. :astonished:


Blizzard,give noobs a chance to clear GR150 in S28.Plz.We need a strongest buff in the last theme 28 season.

Even with none of the buffs, there are only 2 things you need for the altar that will take considerable time to acquire and those the RNG screwed ones Staff of Herding and, from what people are saying, Never Ending Questions. There will be a lot of people done with the altar the first 2 weeks, with or without any buffs.

Again, I do not get how Conduit is going to destroy this season. History has shown most people will be done with the season 2 weeks in no matter what the effin theme is. If anything, more people will play longer this season since GR150 is doable and you get double bounties. I bet if you look at the seasons where 150 was easier to get than others, the average play time wasnā€™t very different.

I seriously doubt most players are concerned with the sanctity of the GR150 as you are.

Well, traditionally if you look at the solo GR150 clears, they are done by players with high paragon (one of your criteria) of say 5000+, their play time is in the several hundreds of hours up to 1000s of hours. 4 months = 17 weeks x 40 hour work week = 680 hours. Yes, I consider working over 680 hours in 4 months working full time.

Will this Theme with or without potions speed things up? Sure, so leave the potions in and let the kids have fun. Let us have one season where Gr150 isnā€™t for just the very small handful of no lifers who play 8+ hours a day and the cheaters who run a script to get their 150.


Help me understand, how can one enjoy clearing GR 150 when Blizzards hands it out for free? Whatā€™s the point? 150 is not some magical number that means something. It means absolutely nothing. Itā€™s the challenge in reaching it that adds meaning to it. Remove the challenge and an arbitrary number is truly all that is left.


You would have to ask anyone who has ever cleared a 150. Every 150 ever cleared is due to Blizz pounding in insane power creep and/or pumping in an OP Theme. This season is no different and should be a celebration of Blizzā€™s constant dedication to power creep as content.

It is from the fact that you cannot have higher gems/augments than 150. I would love to have some 150 gems and augments just from a completionist stand point. I do not love the idea of getting them if I need to grind several hundred to a few 1000 hours every 4 months to get them.

If the challenge is increasing your skill to get their, fine. Unfortunatel, the challenge is can you grind enough time to get the power to see if you have the skill. And again, the challenge is based on how much power creep or not power creep they pump into the game each season.

You should be asking if anyone completely dissatisfied about getting to 150 in a high power creep season or with an OP build. I am sure most are happy they did it and less interested in if that season/build was easier than other seasons.

For those that want the challenge it is still there. Donā€™t use the Theme. Use a gimped build. Challenge is always there. The problem in general for the 150 is the carrot is miles from most the horses nose.


Iā€™m so sick of ā€œelite GROUPā€ players who tell me how Iā€™m supposed to play my game and what Iā€™m allowed to do in it or not, because I donā€™t spend over 10h a day per whole season or botting using any exploits available in game for my benefitā€¦

I have put 1000s of hours in this game and am SICK and tired of people telling me Iā€™m NOT allowed to reach 150 GR, BECAUSE I donā€™t do META Group runs!.

For F*s sake not everyone is a teen or in his 20s and his real life is all daisies and roses and can afford to no life the game for over 10h a day, so why the hell canā€™t others who donā€™t spend their WHOLE life playing this game, enjoy it too, especially if D4 is getting close to be releasedā€¦

Stop trying to tell others whats FUN and whatā€™s NOT, just because they donā€™t fit your way of playing the game (META groups and than show off how you SOLO 150 GR in season)ā€¦

D3 RoS will be a ghost town when D4 hits the shelves, so just let EVERYONE enjoy the game not just those who dedicated their whole life or only do META RUNS!!!


This thread:

Diablo III has been a failure for over 10 years, please donā€™t make it a fun game now devs! We like grinding the same pointless GR for 10 years straight!

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With over 65 million players in those ten years.

They have not even been in the game for ten years.

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Pokemon Go had more than that in the first sixth months, and that game is garbage. Youā€™re just committing bandwagon logical fallacy.

What the baby Jesus on a motorbike is this thread? Iā€™m also a super casual, but some of these statements ftom other casuals, hurt my brain.

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Also as a casual player who strictly plays solo, I agree. GR 72 is the highest Iā€™ve ever gotten and only because of the sanctified weapons that will be removed from the game soon. The bloodshards for example. If you have to submit 1300 at once and not a bit here and there, itā€™s unobtainable to me.

Honestly, Iā€™m wondering if the season is worth playing knowing Iā€™ll never be able to unlock more than half the altar. Iā€™ll probably play anyway, but this is a dampener on the experience.

And take the Ramaladniā€™s Gift requirement. As a casual player, in over 800 hours play over 10 years how many of those did I see drop? One. A single one.

Now I donā€™t mind the game is geared toward players who sink every last moment into the game, but to expect everyone to have the same exact experience of leveling up to 70 in less than hour and hitting hundreds of paragon before the end of the first night, is insane. Most casual players wonā€™t get past 70 paragon, tops.

In other words, something needs to be in the season that appeals to these players and not just nerfs and balancing to appease the smaller audience of full time dedicated playersā€“like the sanctified weapons of the season 27. Really is a shame those wonā€™t be kept for the non-season game. Would have made playing long term far more enjoyable.


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Traditionally, youā€™re wrong. All classes hit the cap with way less than 5k para. Necro did it sub 2k. WoL and Tal Rasha iā€™d argue are equally as powerful.
S27 's theme, while powerful for some classes, pales in comparison to what S28 brings to the table.

So here we are. 6 nodes that give extra damage, 4 that reduce incoming damage, 2 x bounties, 41% more exp, 2x DB, Time saved auto salvaging, Triune circles.
Way more powercreep than last season. ITā€™S THE EASIES ITā€™S EVER BEEN TO HIT GR CAP.

And yet yā€™all still crying for the removal of an I WIN button.

Bottom line is, even if there was no pylon potion, S -tier builds will have an easy time clearing. If your goal is hitting the GR CAP, play one of those

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So thats why. U want free stuff in a game and all challenge which u cant beat removed so u can feel better about yourself. Thats pretty sad tbh.

There are plenty of mobile games which hands out free stuff. Try those.

U could also step up your game. That is a option.

Only bad players believe its only about grind. Its just a excuse for bad players. There are lower lvl paragon players which reach gr150. And the upcoming season is the most powerful ever seen in d3. Ppl are doing gr150 with 1k paragon ez.

Or u can set a goal based on your own skill and dedication. U are asking a sprinter to run slower or jumping on 1 leg because the fluffy person cant compete.


I donā€™t wanna come off as condescending or elitist but if youā€™re gonna try off meta builds youā€™re going to get bad results, so hear me out:
I see you play necro, next seasonā€™s haedrig is Masquerade wich has been HUGELY buffed.
If you complete the journey and make it a priority to get Haunted Visions amulet , youā€™re going to clear higher than GR72 then and there. If you get the other off pieces as well and cube the right items, i GUARANTEE youā€™ll do higher than 110 with less paragon than you curently have seasonal even with 0 nodes unlocked, it;s that powerful.

yes RNG sucks, weā€™ve all had issues with Ramaladni, but if you do get this build going , itā€™s capable of running GR90ā€™s in under 3 minutes. If you spam those, youā€™ll get one eventually.

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I want to point out one flaw in this counter. This is not an average of all players, this is an average of skilled/experienced players. Do you think a player with a highest GR lvl of 72 knows how to play a GR 150 with any meta build?


If you cared to look on the post just above yours you would have seen that I tried to help him achieve much higher next season.
Iā€™d argue in s28 anyone can hit 150 in 4 months with the proper build and time spent. Some will do it faster , i suspect cutting edge people will have solo 150 done at the end of the first week at most, but it will be achievable by anyone even with a tuned down pylon potion.

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You missed the point of casuals do not spend the time. Topic is why it should NOT be nerfed not how to change your playstyle and time spent in order to do 150 GRs?
But Iā€™m not here to argue with you. Iā€™m just putting things into perspective.

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Iā€™d argue they do but they spent it in a very non effiecient way. Iā€™m not advocating everyone start running rat runes but for example, the poster to whom i was replying to said he maxxed out at gr72 whilst having a respectable 757 paragon in season.
That to me means he played a lot and did low level runs.
Iā€™m not suggesting not playing what you find fun far from it, I actually didnt play Tal Rashsa this season cuz i had immense fun playing DMO Magic Missle and I always like to play off meta builds FOR FUN.

BUT if your goal is to hit the GR cap you have to play as efficient as possible and that means playing the best possible builds.
There are a ton of guides out there for every single high lvl build on how to gear it and how to play it.

This is how D3 has always worked and ARPGS work in general.

Unless the season theme is intended for free 150s for all. You nor I know this. We will once the season starts.