The D3 reality - why S28 should not be nerfed

I don’t find that condescending or elitist, but indicative of one of Diablo 3’s biggest problems for casual play. But I appreciate the advice if I choose Necro again. I’m aware that my current build only works because of the weapon. But it’s a fun build. The most enjoyable I’ve played–and that’s why I keep playing this season.

However, I do feel that players should not be forced to funnel themselves down into a handful of very specific “meta” builds. I play for fun. For a break from reality. The only reason my paragon is so high this time is the holiday gifts. That’s it.

Incidentally, my combined paragon for all other characters since release day is 376. A 150 of that comes from a Crusader character I enjoyed back in a single digit season.

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Returning casual here. Haven’t played the game in years, but my interest has been piqued for season 28.

I wouldn’t want the broken mechanics that have been found in the PTR to be in the actual season, nor would I enjoy being “given” the ability to solo GR 150.


No one is going to be in full primals in under 1k paragon like in PTR. The quality of gear that is easily attained in PRT is not reality.

I say fix the bugs, like the shadow build bonus, but keep the altar as is.


The conduit seems to cause the most problems. It seems to be hitting harder than normal GR conduits. That and the interaction between the necro curse that reduces potion CD, all you need to do is stack DRs and spam the curse and the potion and run around.

Conduit is just flat broken and that’ll be fixed. Flavor of Time appears to work correctly but the longer duration aids in creating combinatory problems.

the whole point of this thread was that it should not be even if it was clear as day it was overpowered and probably not what they intended.

Yeah, that probably needs to be addressed too. Not sure how though without removing the ability.

“People who don’t play this game like it’s their full time job, like me, might clear GR150! Fix it now!!!”

^^Half the posters in this thread


Jesus Christ, for the milionth time

This is going to be easiest season ever to reach max GR , even without a broken and most likely unintended mechanic regarding the pylon potion.

For most people it’s an efficiency issue more than a time constraint. After a month of a season has past, All S and A tier builds would have cleared 150.

But it won’t be handed out for free.

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“People who play this game like it’s their parasitic right to be handed top plaudits for just logging in, like me, will finally clear GR150 with no effort! Nothing to fix here!!!”

^^The other half of posters in this thread


But why do you care SO MUCH about other people’s progress in this game? It’s a little weird


Good lord, isn’t that just a little over the top? This game is end of life. Who cares


because the season theme affects everyone in equal ammount. If i can just slap all damage reduction items as soon as i unlock the potion pylon and clear all the way to 150 in the first 3 days like you can on the ptr right now, wheres the challenge. It’s just going to be resetting rifts till you do it.

As i posted above , i’m willing to help others with better builds if they need to.

What i do hate is hand outs and entitlement.


You are really clueless, it is not about people’s progress : this game became more and more casual because of whining and very less experienced players and brightless persons.
Easy contents of the game ruined the progression of the game.
It is a Hack and slash game folks !

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This game always had a clear progression path for it’s endgame:

Get a build going (either a set or LoD/LoN) get the rest of the required items, change stats to the stats you need and start pushing GRs
By this time T16 content should be trivial regardless of build if its complete, with very few exceptions.
After that it’s time to replace your gear, piece by piece, with ancient items , preferably with better stats as well, all the while doing higher and higher grs.
When you’re satisfied with the gear you have you start augmenting them, made easier with the petrified screams.


It’s far from a job commitment to achieve this. With double DB’s and double bounties it will be even easier.

Game becoming more casual is not a thing. It’s seasonal theme, it’s there for people to have fun to their heart’s content. Some build require this amount of thought process, that amount of decision making; all the while dedication of loothunt and backdraws being considered too.
Developers just up the ante by power creeep and now same build has to perform in a more hectic environment where risk at the stakes are greater. That doesn’t mean game is becoming more casual at all. To stand a chance you still have to grind your way. That’s not a casual way to play, it’s natural that sinking time will be well rewarded and casual players can’t just do that.

Alas, even if some features of PTR got nerfed for this upcoming season, I don’t think it’d be significant change to matter. Most of the builds will still go at it just like Season 22, lightning breeze of Tempest, or Season 19 angels of Pandemonium, flatting everything down to a rubble. I don’t get it. This scene repeated in the Diablo 3’s previous seasonal themes if you were to follow the line. Why it’s “outrageous” now?

Also yes, ZDPS specs could clear GR150 with rank 150 augments like it’s “nothing” because they grinded for those in groups for hours to an end. Seems fair if they manage to pull the aggro right and get some luck on their side.
People complained about only damage numbers mattered, and now they still have to grind their way in 4-player meta runs to solo clear GR150 “easily” and I find this humorous. That’s a joke from the developers and it’s not sitting well with some folks.


The only entitlement I see, is coming from the ones who whine and want nerfs because they don’t want so many people making it to their level. It’s odd logic.

My friend, this game is 11 years old. It’s sequel is coming out in a few months. This game is already dead and will be almost completely abandoned the day D4 releases. Do you really care this much about the integrity of this games progression?

You guys are ridiculous


Then get your eyes checked mate. I hope everyone gets as far as possible in s28 with the tools at their disposal. But by playing the game the way it’s intended and has always been, not by pressing an overtuned I WIN button.

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The pylon potion drinking has me absolutely chuckling with raw chaos. I absolutely agree that it needs to tone down a bit because I’d love for my gear to mean something by working on it.

As has been said, the conduit pylon effect from the potion is working far too well. It should not be stronger than finding an actual conduit pylon, it should be the same power. Just as proccing a shield, power, or channeling.

With that being said and the obvious fix to things like Impale’s 2 piece. The altar perks are incredibly fun. They are reminiscent of previous hilariously broken seasonal themes like Angels and Snowballs, that were literally worked around to delete the RG in seconds.

In my testing of potion procs inside of greater rifts, I am finding that the ability to overlap several pylon affects has disproportionate levels of power. As you might expect if you have Squirts with a shield pylon and you land a power pylon while having an occy ring to step in. Add in a super-powered conduit and a pile of nicely gathered elites and mobs and you’re looking at hyper-speed progression on that bar. But my general experience has been tons of shrine procs (some of which don’t even work in greater rifts due to no gold, etc).

Tune it down a bit, fix the potion-conduit damage to correctly align with the given conduit pylon in your GR level. Several builds this season are STRONGLY capable of absolutely demolishing high greater rifts with very little difficulty involved. I personally think Flavor of Time should remain in buffing the duration of a potion buff, given the RNG nature of shrine procs vs pylon procs. However, I won’t be up in arms if they remove Flavor’s buffed duration on the potion variants of pylons.

I will say that this PTR has been an absolute ball of a time, my friend and I had a blast toying around with the elements of the Altar. Lots of things I hope end up as permanent QoL’s. I see lots of back and forth in this thread and I’m more of the mind to “let things be” outside of the changes I listed above.


In my memories of the seasons, one of the first big hit as a casual game was the introduction of the Haedrig gift : you just play 3 hours and the full set is given ^^
It will be worst in S28.

Easiest way to fix it imo is remove conduit from the procs all together so it just enhances the build you are playing with speed, invicibility, extra damage and CDR. That way it remains powerful and can still benefit from Flavor of time and it prevents builds that just try to take advantage of spamming until you get conduit regardless of their damage output.