Holy cow everyone here listening to metal and here I am liking city pop lol
No point sharing my music tastes here though, it’s not music fit for a demonic slaughter
Holy cow everyone here listening to metal and here I am liking city pop lol
No point sharing my music tastes here though, it’s not music fit for a demonic slaughter
post it…
even if its pure horror.
No, I like to keep my gems to myself
Don’t know what city pop sounds like, but as someone said recently: “Good music is good music. Period.”
I do listen to (symphonic) metal a lot recently, but I also listen to completely different genres. For example something like this:
Note: No, this is not “hyper hyper” as the thumbnail suggests. It’s the second b-track on this single, a rather nontypical track for Scooter.
It’s japanese chill pop music from the 90’s. For example, Tatsuro [literally can’t spell his last name here because the bad language detection is dumb]'s Ride on Time.
I was a metalhead in high school. Played on a Megadeth cover band. Now I can’t stand the genre anymore most of the time lol. Got burnt out on the louder music
But o.f.c. ∆Kiss∆ is the solution.
Since heavy metal is popular here, I’m posting my latest addiction. I’m normally a grind, thrash, black metal dude.
No, if you’re read/see/listen the posts above. I think everybody is open-minded about music.
A little metal gift for you:
and soccer ofc.
England vs Danmark act. 1:1
thx DestinyLord:
England wins 2:1 GZ!
final party ENG:ITA on Sunday in Wembley