The Announced Dclone spawn mechanic is great

nothing more blood boiling than having a spawn in your public game with a char that has a hard time killing him. super thrilling and fun. can end in frustration or happyness, thats what D2 is all about


Meh, Dclone isn’t like Uber meph, you can kill that sucker with a Blizz sorc.


Do you guys know of that old 3D show in the 90s called Reboot? It was cool getting a similar in game experience as “warning - incoming game” when your game started randomly shaking and you see “Diablo walks the earth”. I’d be surprised if any modern game has ever done anything similar.

The way its currently set up definitely has its flaws, it would be nice if they could be addressed in some way so it would be harder to exploit.


I remember Hexadecimal fondly.


link to where they announced this?

if it were up to me I would make it 500 SOJs for a D-clone spawn to appear


Smite does not work with d2clone.

In what game? xDDD

get to the OG and leave pd2 my friend

Never played pd2, my friend.

I think it would be funny if they made the spawn require a large number of the popular skiller-life gcs lol.

Selling that many legit sojs will be an extremely rare thing, hopefully the whole ip thing works and we can hunt dclone cause in 8 years playing I only ever found 2 sojs.


OP should never be allowed to make another thread again after this conclusion. SOJs were common back then because of mass dupe. It’s no longer the case anymore. Unless you want a single Anni to cost an entire account…just stop.


Then you neither played d2, or you dont know what you talk about, as smiter is the fastest and cheapest clone killer.

75-120 sojs? A good system to catch dupe and bots

Torch is still in the game and pretty easy to get.

Never cared to wrap my head around this garbage rinky-dink sink system when it came in 1.10. Hope they remove it, or give me an option to hide the useless spam.

I’d argue charged strike is faster, though not cheaper.

(you’re right though that smite is very good, I don’t understand how someone could say smite doesn’t work on Dclone.)

You can make a very cheap zeal but you do need a fleshripper.


all you need is a source of crushing blow and crap gear, a black flail with a random spirit is enough

Okay sorry I should have said I prefer fleshripper as you can pretty much do it with just that. I’m sure we could put our heads together and find dozens of combos but as you figured out the reason for my choice was clear.