That Alpha survey... (Charm Inventory)

If they leave an option to play 1.14 balance wise, I could care less what additional options they add. I don’t need a big player base, I farm 1/8s and 2/8s

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You know what? I will cave. I will accept a charm inventory.
Under these conditions:

It’s 3x4 in size
Charms only work in the charm inventory
Every time you defeat Hell Baal you lose 1 spot in this inventory until only a 1x4 space is left.

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Because there’s a demand for that feature, just like there was a demand for a larger, shared stash.
Both larger and shared stash are features, that exist in mods and make the game much more enjoyable.

The way you’re describing this, you make it sound as if characters will become twice as strong… but let’s see what the actual difference would be between my current inventory and how it would look like, if I had a dedicated space for charms:

1 more skill point to a dedicated skill tree (while your character likely has ~40 on the skills he’s using) and 60 more life (while your character already has several thousand HP)… and 0 difference to resistances, as you’d likely be capped anyways with or without the change.

Oh, wow! Such a major balance change! That one skill point and the 60 HP will surely be the difference between life and death in a game, that is pretty easy, as the basic gameplay and combat are pretty much secondary aspects to the game when you’re playing over battle net.

Again, total nonsense. Old devs trying to retroactively claim, that lack of foresight and what were most likely technical limitations from 20 years ago were deliberate design decisions.
Meanwhile, actual payers, that have played the game throughout the last 20 years (hellavalot more than the devs have played their own game) just wanna be able to ware their BiS and still be able to loot and not waste their time.

In Single Player that’s a non-issue… Charm inventory should absolutely be allowed there.
As to public runs over battle net, I simply don’t see why someone, that is wearing his BiS gear and carrying his BiS charms, probably contributing the most to the exp farming, shouldn’t be allowed to loot at all, and everything should go to those, that don’t have full set of charms and to the pickit users.

The only people, who should be potentially afraid of dedicated charm inventory are people, that are leeching from public runs.
I’d say the devs should absolutely do it, as well as consider other changes such as modernizing the interface and control scheme, allowing proper hotbar, similar as to what MMOs and D3 have. I’d like the interface to be something along those lines:

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I see you have to rely on reductio ad absurdum to rationalise a ‘point’.

To those who have an instant gratification complex.

Speak for yourself, because you most certainly are not speaking on my behalf. I played this game and it’s expansion at launch and I still play it.

MMO’s and Diablo 3, huh? Stopped reading right there. You aren’t even worth debating with.

I wish I shared your optimism, friend. I’m certain the surveys have intent.

I’ve been playing Blizzard games since 1997; started in my late teens. I’m genuinely curious how many responses that are advocating these gameplay changes come from players who were even able to play Diablo 2 when it was released.

You know what the survey WILL prove? that the vast majority of players do not want a lot of the proposed changes. So i think the survey will backfire against anyone who thought it would bring change. lol

If this thread is anything to go by, there is a concerning enough amount of Diablo 3 players / sympathizers that think this is a good idea. One even thinks MMO mechanics belong in an ARPG that was created when MMO’s barely even existed.

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it really isn’t. People tend to forget Diablo 2 literally sold millions of copies. The fanbase is MILLIONS of people. Not 1000, not 4000 like the reddit survey. That’s not even a fraction of 1% of the total players. And a very small fraction visit these forums. So you literally can’t base anything on what any forum consensus seems to be. The blizzard surveys most likely went out to tens if not hundreds of thousands of players.

I hope so. I really do. :slight_smile:

I have to completely disagree, as your claims of;

“A Charm Inventory will cascade well beyond being QoL. You’ll be tampering with Damage, Skill Boosts, Resistances, Loot Find, Loot Capacity - just to name a few.”

Is provably false. Please name the items we as players will be able to put into our backpack, if there’s a separate charm inventory, that will boost ‘skills, resistances and magic find’. The answer is there isn’t any items that do that.

The ONLY things a ‘charm inventory’ would do is lets players use their backpacks to pick up more loot before returning to town. There would be ZERO actual gain in player power, and a whole lot gained in QoL.

Please Blizzard, consider a charm inventory.


And I see you’re not even relying on expecto patronum (if you can’t tell, I’m mocking you with your pathetic attempt to bring latin terms in order to seem clever) or any logical argument, in order to address anything I’ve said.
In fact, you’re refusing to, because you got triggered due to the mere mention, that MMOs and D3 have better interface than D2… which they do.

I’ve already explained in sufficient detail in other comments and threads, so I’ll give you the short version here. Many so called veterans conveniently forget, that we’re all getting older. All the constant clicking throughout the last 20 years puts a strain on my fingers and I take pills several times per year in order to help me regenerate my tendons. In the alpha you can see so called accessibility options, but nothing when it comes to the controls as of now…

I don’t wanna have to cast with just the left and the right mouse button, while constantly swapping with the keyboard. I wanna see a hotbar and I wanna be able to cast with the keyboard, while pointing with the mouse, in a similar fashion as to what I can do in D3.
D3 is bad in many regards, but the controls and the interface are superior, and if you were objective and logical, you’d be willing to admit it, but you’re clearly not.

So if someone is playing in single player and wants to carry a full set of charms he’s assembled AND also not have to place one or two items in the cube and port back to town as often as it’s currently needed, this is the same as “instant gratification”?!
Latin bla bla right back at ya!

I’ve been gaming since 1999, I’ve played D2 and LoD on release, but unlike some weird individuals, that for some reason seem to have only ever played D2, I have played various games and I’ve gained some perspective.

You talk about “gameplay changes”, and yet you don’t seem to understand, that the gameplay of D2 is pretty easy and rather secondary aspect of the game compared to how it works over battle net.

It’s not like you need precise aim and strafing like in an FPS;
it’s not like you juggle 30+ skills while coordinating with other players like in an MMO;
it’s not like you need super good APM, macro and micro like in an RTS;
super quick reflexes and precise timing for combos like in fighters ala MK;
and so on…

Whether you’re willing to admit it or not, D2 has always been about game knowledge and a trade simulator, while the basic gameplay doesn’t take much skill, if any.

So no, fixing the interface would not change the gameplay in a manner, that would ruin the game. It would only make it more enjoyable.
And no, the stupid interface was not a deliberate design decision. If it was, when Brevik made Marvel Heroes (his very own D2 clone, which unfortunately was shut down), he would have had the old D2 interface and not modernized interface similar to that of D2 and MMOs…

Adding a dedicated space for charms would be a welcome addition, that people already have seen in mods. It does not ruin the game, it makes it more enjoyable.

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Nope, it’s an actual debating terminology, but thanks for reinforcing my decision to ignore you.

I didn’t read anything beyond what I just quoted and I have no intention of debating your wall of diatribe either. Stick to your MMO’s and Diablo 3.

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And said tactic, which is intellectual dishonesty and arguing in bad faith is quite literally what you accused me of doing, and then you did it yourself to a far greater extend.
I’m sure there’s a latin term for that out there somewhere…

Seriously, someone wants to ware his full BiS, including charms… meaning he already acquired them, and you calling that “instant gratification” suggests, that you either don’t know what this means and in what context it’s typically used, or you’re being dishonest… Jesus Christ…

Because you have no valid argument to counter me with, as what I’m saying is truth in the objective reality we all share.

I am quite capable of playing D2:LoD as is. The proposed suggestions (better interface and controls, charm inventory) would only make the game more enjoyable for me, but I would still play, even if they are not implemented.

You on the other hand seem to be almost vitriolically opposed to those changes.
I wonder… If the devs do indeed decide to oblige and those changes end up getting implemented… would you’d be willing to play Resurrected?.. and if not, how would it feel then to be told “stick to Classic D2”?
Probably not very nice…

I mean, in facts that game needs some changes. Because some mechanics are totally outdated.

I guess some fanatic try harder fanboy will wonder when the game comes to release :wink:

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Nailed it. Good post! :slight_smile:

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I would be willing to buy a expansion just with qol changes and extra content later, so i could play on a new patch with out the purist cryers, they can stick to LOD, and everyone is happy

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How exactly does a Charm Inventory allow to “cheat”?

In pub games people have always relied on trust and honor that your opponent doesn’t BM you.
And if it did happen anyways you either BM’d them back or left the game to find a more worthy opponent.

And if it gets more serious (leagues/tournaments), there is always the option to fill leftover inventory space with items to make sure that no one carries swap equip in there, that isn’t allowed.

A charm inventory affects neither of the two.

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And clearly, players want them. I was never about to fill 90% of my inventory with charms. That’d mean I’d spend 90% of my time not playing but running back to town to sell things. At most I used one grand charm and 1 medium and 2 small ones, that’s all, nestled around the cube. I am all for a charm inventory that would remove all the ridiculous min-maxing. Charms should be simple extra small bonuses, not a munchkinfest of how can we cram the most +% bonuses into our backpacks.


The only thing I will accept is a system that automatically splits the inventory, and categorizes charms by its lonesome on the far left or right side of the window.


0 Grand (a), 0 Large (b), 0 Small (c)


1 Grand (a), 0 Large (b), 0 Small (c)


2 Grand (a), 0 Large (b), 1 Small (c)


4 Grand (a), 2 Large (b), 1 Small (c)


This is a QoL feature. It organizes your junk, yet doesn’t impose on the mechanics. If you want to fill your entire inventory with junk, then you’re not going to have any inventory space as usual.

Played D2 since the beginning like a madman.
Made dozens and dozens of characters to lvl 85+.
Picked the game back up many times.

Im all for numerous changes to the game because I’m capable of abstract ways of thinking instead of being overwhelmed by fear that then causes you to clench tightly to old, proven ideas.

Bring on a charm inventory, because like people said, going to town to sell crap sucks.

Im also for personal loot as an option for public games because i know how cut throat the game is which kind of takes priority over just enjoying the game and killing monsters together with allies. With personal loot (while not changing how drops currently work % wise, loot is just round robined to each person eligible) the game instantly becomes less stressful in public games and enjoyable.

stop holding on so tightly to the past, its unhealthy.


Yey, a sane person here!

A quick question:
Would you be opposed to a change to the interface, so that it’s something like this?

Because I am pretty sick and tired of constantly swapping and not being able to see my skills on the bar, especially on characters that have many one-point-wonders like necro curses?

Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but swapping skills often could even cause disconnection problems on the old battle net? So would you be opposed to such a change, if it gets implemented in a manner, that would alleviate those problems?

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