Tal Rasha set bonus not work correct with channeling

Meteor effect triggers once at mob when I press skill key for Ray of Frost, Disintegrate or Arcane Torrent and doesn’t happen again as long as I channeling this skill. So to get it I have to use skill again and again instead of just channeling it.

Not a bug. User error. Read the set bonus.


You about Storm Armor with Shocking Aspect? I don’t see any reasonable reason why lightning, periodically striking near enemy, begins to deal electrical damage only at the very moment of my attack, when I deal cold damage, and not doing it the rest of the time.

It’s simply due to your critical hits

Shocking Aspect

Critical Hits have a chance to electrocute a nearby enemy for 425% weapon damage as Lightning.

Yes, I know that. To make it easier for you to understand - electrocute attacks another target, not my current target of attack, and make lightning meteor falls on that. Only when I attack myself by pressing skill key. And when I’m not attacking, electrocute doesn’t trigger lighning meteor. I wonder why.

To proc meteors you have to actively use skills. Storm Armor passively zapping enemies has never procced meteors.

Working as intended.

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Even when I don’t deal that electrical damage by my active skills?

The armor skills are not offensive skills so they proc meteors on activation where the cursor is pointed. Offensive skills on the other hand require hitting the enemy.

No, lightning meteor falls at another place where there is no cursor. Well, no so no, at least it doesn’t make it worse.

Then there remains the problem with the part 1. And the question with the part 3 - tell me the channeling Ray of Frost is considered for the active use skill or not too?

As for point number 3, read the Tal Rasha set bonuses again. The 2p bonus says clearly that the same meteor can’t proc twice in a row. That means you have to switch between skills to proc meteors.

What kind of switch between skills? It forces me to release the skill key and then immediately press it again for proc meteors. Again and again. Spam attacks of one skill until run out of my mana or enemies will die. Looks like another weird game mechanics decision.

Yes, exactly. You are supposed to alternate between skills. Channel skill A briefly and release, channel skill B briefly and release, use skill C, use skill D. The whole set is about skill rotations.


Again, what kind of skills change are you talking about if it’s enough to use it again? Use only channel skill A again and again. Why do need all the other skills B/C/D if they don’t give anything special? Usually phrase “same meteor cannot happen twice in a row” you can understand how only one can be present at the current time and have cooldown. Anyway, then need to add to the description that “twice in one (channeling) skill” - it will be more correct.

Тhe saddest thing is that no-channeling skills proc meteors great if you just hold down skill key until run out of mana. Might be worth adding a proc meteor cooldown for channeling skills so they don’t get spammed all the time.

Оk, that’s clear too, although not to say that it is logical. Then we left only problem with point number 1.

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Sorry, but point number 1 have bug. Since meteors only fall once at all after I enter in area or when I revived. Тhey don’t reappear until I activate Shock Armor skill and then starts work correct.

Also I noticed that Arcane Orb with Spark also not proc meteor.

Just check it all, please.

If you think there is a bug, record a video where devs (and other users) can see your items, your skills (actives with their runes and passives), and run one or two Nephalem rifts or (Quick) Greater rifts.

Upload it on YouTube and post the link here.

Can I make video without rifts, just usual gameplay in adventure mode?

If you want


You want to make a video showing what you believe the game bug is.

If it only happens in Rifts, do Rifts. If it only happens in Campaign Mode, video capture it in Campaign Mode.

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Again, this is NOT A BUG. It is user error, because you haven’t bothered to understand the set bonuses. Again, re-read and try to understand how the 2-piece set bonus works. Nothing you showed in the video is a bug.