Zerocool14200 we have room for new members but your are already in a clan. Blizzard does not allow us to send an invite to someone who is already in a clan. This is likely because a player can join only one clan at a time.
Hi, need a clan,im a solo player but lookin to span out . TY in advance
UnholyGrave your invitation is on its way. I too played solo for many years until someone talked me into a group. Wish he had talked me into it years earlier. Some things are soooo much easier in a group. And that’s not to mention the new friends and wealth of knowledge other players have. Don’t forget to check our clan news for the address of our TeamSpeak and Discord servers. Myself and several others are most often found on TeamSpeak and you’re not only welcome but encouraged to join us there.
I would be down to join up
Invite is on its way. One of the other guys beat me to it.
Sent request to join guild
NightSpectre you’re already in a clan so the system won’t let me send you an invite.
Sound like good. Can I get an invite please.
You go it Valesti, invite is on the way. Hope to see you in the game.
I just bought the game and looking for a good group of people to hang out with. If it’s possible, would like an invite to the clan.
eXop I’d love to send you a clan invite but the system won’t let me. You are already in a clan which blocks me from sending an invite. If and when you leave your current clan I’d be happy to send you an invite and have you join us.
Okay brother. I had left that clan. Thank you for sending the invitation, I will be waiting for a future one if the opportunity is still available. Take care man
Your invite is on the way
I would love an invite as well…need some friends to play with.
Ok AngryMidget your invite is on the way. Glad to have you join.
I would appreciate a invite please.
HarvKor on xbox
The clan sounds great. Please send me an invite. Thanks!
Halfmoto I tried to invite you but you are on xbox and the website won’t allow me to send an invite. I can send invites to pc players only.
Jimbo your invite it waiting for you
im looking for a good group, got back into the game on pc and im getting there again with all the new updates, plz add