Suggestions to make DH set actually viable

I think the worst part is the 4p effect of the set. In the patch notes it’s stated that it fires automatically when Strafing. Buuuuuut. The actual in-game set says “shoots your last Primary Skill if you have Momentum” meaning the patch notes are factually wrong. It hasn’t been mentioned anywhere to my knowledge. If it was like the patch notes said, it would be a much less screwy set-up.

btt: The current state of the set is… questionable at best. It’s fun if you find a workaround but as things are, GR70 is impossible for me on 976 Paragon, 100% uptime Vengeance and FoK… I simple deal too little damage and that with a Primal Leonine Bow of Hashir with a rank 75 Gem of Ease as Augment and a flawless royal Emerald… my sheet damage is 1,150m … and funnily enough, my previous Whirlrend Barb had less sheet damage and was able to skate through 90s without damage fall-off.

And of course I 100% agree with op and the others. The momentum Stacks are gone before you even notice them.


Now you know what they did “fix” before releasing the PTR as announced.

ya i would bet they are going to have to rework it like they did with the Monk set because right now there is WAY to many problems with this build

And then, there will be 4p zDH with bola and momentum and will be pulling mobs instead of/or with barb…

The biggest problem is the 2 pieces buff. It only last 1 second, AND it doesn’t stack correctly when alternating strafe and primary skill, AND it lost when switching to another primary skill.


Those are not the only issues plus I think most people are not paying attention to one thing on this set.
Strafe is not meant to be your go to skill to channel as much as you want and here is why:
1 - The primary shots from strafe doesn’t benefit of the attack speed from Hunter’s Wrath only casting primary manually you’ll get the bonus, meaning if you shoot your primaries yourself having more attack speed you have much bigger dmg on screen then strafing.
2 - Strafe primaries doesn’t proc Area dmg. That itself on higher GR’s would be a huge problem because you loose dmg overall. Which I saw you suggested as a fix but then again you’d have a much higher chance to proc area dmg more consistently if you have higher attack speed meaning with hunter’s wrath is best if you cast your primary and not strafing.
3 - The stacks of momentum shouldn’t be attached to primaries it should be a global bonus with a icon just like Taeguk for example, when you have stacks it shows above your skill bar that way you could switch primary attacks without resetting your momentum stacks.
4 - There’s no indicator for the defense buff, that also should have a global icon indicating when your defense is going out just like Unhallowed Essence set.
5 - The 4 set bonus is just ridiculous, I have no idea why they put such a low number there. That only shows me that they have no freaking idea of how things perform and that they also do no testing what so ever.
6 - The healing bonus from Simplicity’s Strenght doesn’t work either with strafe shooting primaries.
7 - They should change the defense bonus from set that they changed last minute before PTR went live. What was showed before didn’t have that “If” you have stacks of momentum. So before as soon as you’d cast strafe you’d have the defense bonus regardless of momentum stacks.
8 - They should remove the “If” also for shooting the primary as it was before when they first presented the patch notes. I don’t understand why of this last minute change since its clear they didn’t do any testing themselves as I’ve mentioned because if they did the 4 set bonus wouldn’t be the number it is currently.

Anyways I also want to see the DH getting a decent set for next seasonas most of you guys want too.
So I should point it out a Thread on DH forums that was done and has a lot of insights on things that were already tested and that currently are broken.

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I know this isn’t about the new set but I’d like to see HPS damage upped to around 2-300% like the other DH offhands. Just my thoughts.

I gave the new set a 5 hour test yesterday and have the following general comments:

  • Never felt in control of anything!
  • Does plenty of damage at lower GR with ancient gear but what happens to the Discipline? Primary resource seems to not immediately build when using generator skill.
  • Strafe does not last long enough to make it a main skill - needs to properly channel and not stop when manually proccing other discipline hungry skills.
  • The essence of DH for me was always that it was fun and easy to use , with good control feedback - this set blows on these counts.

Berserk - are you aware of this forum…

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Yep. Didn’t even notice the buff, to be honest. Played the new necro and dh and was sad.

I think the demon hunter just needs some chloroquine.
He obviously has been infected by the corona.
oh wait… must be ebola… (ebola, bolas, get it?)


The notes are correct but a little misleading. You have to cast a primary to get a momentum stack. IF you have at least 1 momentum stack then strafe will cast your primary, which does NOT create a momentum stack. IF you are strafing and spam a primary then you will get momentum AND strafe will cast an additional primary for you, which will be the the last one you used during the momentum effect. You do not have to use strafe while casting a primary, just added that for people who think you have to stand still to use primaries.

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DH is my fav class, I will not be playing the new set as it is now. Strafe, stop, cast primary, strafe. No. Just no. I’m not doing that.

The suggested changes would probably change my mind :smile: Otherwise I will be playing the Shadow set next season - assuming I play at all.

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is the least of the problems with this set. Just bumping up the %'s isn’t going to fix it.

Right now you can ONLY use ONE generator because if you use 2. the 1st one with any stacks gets WIPED OUT. this is bad design, Monk can use 2 primary skills and not miss a beat because they both count. If you have 6 stacks with Hunting arrow and switch to Bolas they should stay at 6 and go up from there not BACK to 0.
If you are asking why do this? Bolas instantly clump up all mobs in the area. but it’s damage is B>A>D//// The hunting arrow is really good at damage but you can’t get mobs together to hit them all. so if you could bounce back and forth between the two you’d have a better time… not to mention they have Entangling shot at +100% damage from all sources. and you can’t even use it~ for the previous reasons.

I soloed GR85. i could do GR90 but my damage was to weak and couldn’t get it ““IN TIME””… meh~

no one reads there… at least here there’ll be some visibility


Been toying around with this set for a while and the trick is to use strafe as a movement skill only…

I’m using Strafe on Rclick and Bolas on Lclick, Leonine Bow and Emimei’s quiver. Using only 1 primary skill makes the build less clunky and stacks only drop off after you’ve obliterated everything in the room.

Agree it needs more damage for higher GR pushing and Momentum stacks need to last longer.

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1% chance to go on an automatic flourish of instakills to the rift guardian, but you are reduced to 1 health and all buffs are dropped when the RG appears.

Hey, the game plays itself pretty much already, why not? :rofl:

edit: If this did happen, could you imagine the abuse of it? lol

Hmmm, Fortress Ballista OP if that just got you to 1 current health point and stopped all healing sources from going on (shielding would still get max health values)!

If you want developers to see your suggestions, then follow the link and post there.