Suggestions for season start

so what you guys think?
Ill go with friday 1st or 8th


My starts 2 weeks after starfield.

One week after season end date.
Season end date 5 Swptember ish.

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PTR end 29th august

Season 28 end 3th september
Season 29 start 8th september



When its ready.


And so it begins “when does it start” same old same old. Like always it will start when they are ready.

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Im hoping for the 15th but I’m guessing the 8th.

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Well he asks when you think it starts, like a guess game, not the usual “idiot” asking for an exact date.

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Let him be, those people fishing for attention nothing else.

“and so it begins…”

Everyone knows the season starts when they are ready, but thats not what i asked in the first place.

There are some people in this forum who are just Idiots like this guy.

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Except for S28 where they really rushed the start, we always got like a two weeks warning for the season end during the late days of ptr.

If ptr ends on 29th, this would mean 10th Sept. is the most probable season end, with S29 starting 15th Sept.

This is, if everything goes smooth. The fact that we still don’t have mid-ptr patch notes might be a sign that things don’t go smooth.


I’m glad I kept reading through the thread because for some reason I thought the season was ending this Sunday so I was thinking there is no way I can grind for enough hours to push (And fish since Trag’s) those last few levels to 150 and now I might have a chance.

10 Sep 2023 (sun). Based on the gap for season 28 between end of ptr 2.7.5 and end of season 27.

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Always silly that we have to guess.

Not really. D3 is still on the old blizzard “when its done and dusted”.

D4 is on the new system, we said this date, so just ship it bugs and all.

I prefer the D3 way. Just release it when its good to go.

They busy fixing d4. D4 is a mess.

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This is also the first season of D3 to be released when D4 is out… I too am of the mindset that D4 is taking priority so we may see them taking their time with D3 if D4 requires more resources at any particular time.

D4 Season 2 starts on 17 October. My guess is that the D3 devs have got some leeway to release S29 any time up until two to three weeks out from this date. S29 looks a bit lackluster anyway and two weeks will be enough for players to get their D3 fix before going back to D4 with the older title stepping on the toes of the newer cash cow.

Hopefully it drops in the next 6hrs… normally PTR patch notes are out by the time I wake up and it’s approaching 1pm here.

This is a very small patch. We may see some tweaks to the two class adjustments, maybe some tweaks to the paragon cap, but there really isn’t a whole lot here that needs more testing.

Wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t even see a mid PTR set of patch notes this time.

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Wouldn’t that be sad?

It always follows the same timeline so not really a guess.

Not really. Have a look here