Suggestions for season start

Not really what you asked in the first place?
You asked for suggestions, not predictions.

Now we know when season 28 ends:


This means that S29 will most likely start on Friday 15 September :wink:


suggestion to start it next year! Love the altar too much to let it go :frowning:
or start the season on a friday - end the season by sunday, add season 30 (with altar the next friday)

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Yeah please make S29 record short. I will play nonseason until S30.

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the altar isnt a permanent fixture post S28???

It will be from season 30 onwards

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interestingā€¦ the altar was a fun new addition i guess S29 wont be as interesting as i imagined

Pretty much the least interesting season since themes became a thing.

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For those that donā€™t know, like OPā€¦ this Friday, Sept 15.

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Keep in mind that this thread was created a month ago. The Season 29 Blog was only posted 3 days ago.

Still, thanks (on behalf of players who may not have seen it) for posting the link for the Blog.