Suggestion : Make full offline mode and allow modders to save this ship

Because every time I enter here I see a topic about this for either D3 or now D4 somewhere at the top and it is always the same discussion with always the same answers for always the same question.

It’s annoying as hell and brings nothing to the table.

As I said, this was a suggestion. Sure it can be annoying to see this again and again…and again, but now there is incentive to consider for Blizzard - PoE (via that, Tencent) is making cash through this (they would not allow that if it wasnt financial success) and if they will send this to Activision, it will get approval as it generates money for keeping servers up (it will need some work, but not that much and when there will be possibility for a great mod/tweak , there can be substantial income from the game that does not generate any money). There is also problem with what will happen after D4 goes live. I did not mention this as what they should do, hell no. I am just suggesting possible things that can be taken into consideration. If I am right in terms of D3 shutdown after D4 release, they will not generate money at all from this game. Sure, they can do remaster later, but who will buy this again?

And as I and Skelos have written here:

Seems like a possibility , doesn’t it? So why not talk about this since we already have D4 announced?

Meh. I somehow doubt a lot of modders would test things any better. There are some ridiculously broken mods out there.

Don’t post your opinion as fact. There is no evidence that D3 servers will go down when D4 launches. I mean, D2 servers didn’t go down when D3 launched.

And no, the money you invested doesn’t go poof when the servers go down anymore than it went poof when you spent it on a movie.

D3 already has 3 forms of offline play on the consoles.

Ehh, I have D3 on the Xbox and the Switch, so I can still play it.

Same argument could be made for D2. Obviously enough people played that.

Yeah, D3 (and even D2) servers will go down eventually. But it doesn’t bother me. I got more than enough enjoyment of them. Unless D4 is a catastrophic failure, there’ll be plenty of time to get my enjoyment out of it too.

If D4 is a fiasco, why would I want offline mode? I’d be playing something else.

They really haven’t been generating that much money from the PC version of D3 for a long time now.

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I know there are times when players need to move on to find new games that become their new favorites.

I was commenting on your fact of server issues such as DDoS attacks and error 37. Since all online only games suffer from this then all games in time must become offline only. After all it will prevent those issues because there are no servers. Then there wouldn’t be the cost for running a server except for maybe the server needed to download the game.

That is why you are saying to get rid of an entire genre (s) of online only games.

Do you actually believe that Classic as been told that by x date that the D3 servers will shut down for good. If that is indeed the case then how in heaven’s name are the D2 servers still running. By that token they should’ve been shut down more than eight years ago when D3 launched.

Do you understand the cycle of how D3 players play the game. At the beginning of a new season players that love to play season will play the new season even if it is a bit lackluster because they love doing that stuff. Then the drop off after they are done with the season.

Again to say that there are millions of botters is almost saying that everyone bots. Or it gets really interesting. if there is about an even share of botters and legit players then you would mean that the number of ones actually playing would be very high. Besides even botters do occasionally play to do a variety of things after their bots have done what they wanted them to.

Remember WoW was launched in 2004 and I don’t think that DRM tools where that widespread enough for WoW to have them. So WoW doesn’t have DRM. Where as D3 does and you see the results. The possibility that only one private server that has D3 vanilla patch 1.0.4 shows that there is no way that you are gonna have the same amount of private servers as you would with WoW.

Not if they have the same company that made the other successful remaster it won’t be that bad. So if the one that made the Starcraft remaster then D2 could very well be in good hands.

Look if in eight years this game hasn’t gotten offline mode then it never will. Their online only DRM will still be here for another eight years. That is unless Blizz gets stupid or someone invents something that is superior to the always online DRM.

Its age does mean something, it means that it isn’t likely gonna get an offline mode for the PC version.

D3 is an eight year old game that isn’t getting a lot of extra money coming in. Because if it did then it wouldn’t be in classic’s hands. There would still be a dedicated team developing it and possibly even have already given us a second expansion or the third expansion.

They would have to change the core of the software of D3 in order to give an offline mode. They are not likely to do that unless like I said they get stupid. Or someone invents something that is far superior to DRM.

I don’t think that D4 will cause Blizz to shutdown the D3 servers for good. That is unless the success of D4 is so great that it becomes the WoW of the Diablo series.

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Blizzards games attracts way too many mod-sellers.

Its still viable strategy for many companies. Especially if you’re small indy company for example. Blizzard is one of the best with best staff and biggest crew so this doesnt make any sense.

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They made 3 billion with Overwatch as they sold some in-game stuff. Thats where they should head if they want to grow financially.

They don’t have to “grow financially.” In fact, the way things are going, “growing financially” is probably a very BAD thing for a company that’s already too big. Those values they claim to hold to the highest standard, the ones surrounding that statue on their campus, are constantly thrown to the wind in the new Activision era.

Telling a business not to grow financially is like telling you to throw out your Xbox.

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So do we really want Activision to become the Disney of video games? Because at this rate I can easily see that happening.

You can sell in-game stuff and have an offline mode at the same time.

Hopefully loot-boxes become illegal at some point though.
I dont mind Blizzard selling cosmetics in-game as long as it is done right.

That is certainly arguable.

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I would certainly appreciate an offline mode for D3, better playability without lag or disconnects, and a possible modding community, whats not to like about that. As it is now, D3 has very little reason to be online only. Its not an MMO, there’s very minimal trading or pvp, playing with random people in public games is meh at best, and couldn’t really care less about the leaderboards.
I guess time will tell if blizzard will just let the game die.

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I’m pretty sure what you or I would want doesn’t really matter on this.

Well, for one thing, it tends to ruins multiplayer. Mods generally aren’t compatible with different ones, meaning that in order to play with someone else your mod packages and versions need to match.

And I’m not sure you’re aware of this, but the Diablo franchise has been pretty good with multiplayer. Most other ARPGs don’t bother or it leaves a lot to be desired.

Yup and D4 will be even better at multiplayer with the importance being placed on couch co-op!

Mods should of course not work online, so hardly seems like an issue.

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Diablo is not a game well suited to modding. That’s because it’s all about progression systems which must be tightly controlled. Diablo is largely a “theme park” game, not a “sandbox” game. In a sandbox modding is natural. In theme parks it often breaks everything.

I quite clearly expressed my opinion on the current D3 multiplayer. Dont get me wrong, playing with friends is still good fun in my opinion, but the public games are nothing but rushing the endgame bounties or rifts. It gets repetitive and boring very fast.

As for modding ruining multiplayer, thats debatable, I’d say mods like Median XL, Path of Diablo or Plugy beg to differ. Also compared to developers of a bloated company, mod creators can actually practise artistic freedom. Many of the bigger mods get their own niche communities who play their favorite mods online.

Diablo 3 could easily have lots of new random events, new unique bosses, new sets and legendaries, graphical tweaks just name a few obvious ways to mod the game. So yeah, in my opinion, D3 would be a better game if it had offline mode and modding.

Also, what does it matter that mods arent all compatible with each other? You can pick and choose what you like. Sometimes you can tweak them to be compatible, or you could just play vanilla. Its all choise.

It’s possible to play Grim Dawn multiplayer with mods. Or at least it was.

Grim Dawn doesn’t have any online servers, it is all peer to peer. Not comparable to Diablo.