Suggestion : Make full offline mode and allow modders to save this ship

You can add upcoming C&C remasters to the list of moddable games.

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As much as I would personally love for this to happen – and it’d be a step in the right direction for Blizzard that’d make me reconsider my decision to never support them financially again after the brazen BS that is WC3R – I’d have to say there’s no way in hell they’d ever do this. Their pride runs too deep and they love using as DRM way too much for this to ever be feasible.


Heck, we have exhaustive lists:

We host 259,172 files for 978 games from 107,173 authors serving 21,424,383 members with 3,975,799,537 downloads to date


Forgot all about Nexus mods. Surely that place is a ghost town since online only is the new black, amirite?

checks Nexus Mods

Oh my, looks like online only was never the only viable option, despite what a few online only fanatics tried to claim. Imagine that! If only Blizzard will realize this for the next installment…


That is not good enough reason to give offline mode. The other sets had similar problems as well. It took them a little while to hammer them out into something decent. This is just the first iteration of the patch.

So, you want to pretend that they actually made the new sets AND tested them? Are there no server issues (both on live and PTR)? This game already knows when it will go down - when D4 will launch, servers for D3 will go down. Now, money I have invested in D3 will just go poof? Like, show me any ARPG where this will happen - the only one I can imagine will be POE, but I did not have to pay anything to play. GD is offline for the most part. Maybe this is not good enough reason to give us modding tools, but it is a good reason to give us offline only mode.


Offline won’t happen… DRM

Why do you think newer low to mid-range laptops don’t have a CD/DVD/BR-R or better? CDs and DVDs had their heyday, Bluray won late, but it is/was great.

Some internal testing to make sure that they work as they are intended to work. Nothing more than that though sad to say. But still this is not a good enough reason for offline mode.

Heck with this being an issue for all games that either are online only or online with offline mode is a good enough reason for one. Then you had better destroy at least one whole genre of games that doesn’t deserve to be online only either and that is MMOs. Get rid of them and make all other games that have online mode where it is such a small thing it really doesn’t matter. Where offline is the real king. Where if players want to PvP they do it during a Lan party play.

Lol that is the biggest laugh I have gotten in a long time, thanks. To think that a game is a sentient being capable of knowing things about its own future along with the future of D4 long before it happens. Along with long before even Blizz does is a laugh to the extreme.

These things happens and still it is not a good enough reason to get offline mode. You have to remember Blizz is trying to protect both game integrity as well as their IP. It might not matter if Blizz loses a lot more money if offline mode exist. But to them it does so they have to care and they have chosen to make D4 like D3 online only.

No it isn’t, just because a lot of games are either offline only or online with offline mode doesn’t mean all of them have to be the same. If that was the case then MMOs should cease to exist.

Even though you are right, still you will still have to have a way to make a system repair disc or recovery discs that can reset the computer to factory settings if the need ever arises.

I think you answered your own question:

Welcome to USB Flash Windows installer territory.
New folder “Drivers”

I started this topic as a SUGGESTION. It turns out, that some people like ShadowAegis will rather not play their favourite game rather than have some sensible options after the game shuts down. Well, I would rather play offline than not play at all.

What PvP is in D3? There was, is and will be none. It is non-existent. Next, what does MMOs have with D3? You are now comparing apples and oranges while going away from the original topic of this post. You did not answer my question, so you probably (my assumption) think that I have spoken truth, but you have no justification for that.

Any sentient being would understand, that I mean team behind current D3 knows when the shutdown will happen (statistics are rough for some people, I understand that). For my justification of the original sentence - people are already leaving the game, updates does not bring any new , interesting things. And when D4 will be like 1-2 days before release, how many people will play D3? If you think that there will be millions of people (not bots) playing , well…

They are trying to protect, blah , blah, blah. Private servers of WoW. Look at them, then try to get some arguments together for your point. This is like reading a PR bullcrap. Bad one, at that.

For the TheDarkJedi comment - why not do anything like D2 already has? If the remaster of D2 (D2: Resurrected) is real, they should have everything they need. And I sincerely doubt that IF D2 remaster will happen, they will use totally new engine - imo, reskin in the D3 engine will we get + if it will be fiasco as WC3R, a lot of people wont touch D4. And that people will want their offline mode.

Last thing - why are you in the forums, when you are so easily offended by things that are optional to click on? Can you, in your own words, PISS OFF FROM THIS THREAD?


They would never allow full modding in D3, but they can at least allow partial modding with private servers like PoE did.

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My 2nd post (3rd post from top) is about private servers possibility. Great to see someone else got that idea too :slight_smile:

The guy is just being realistic. I also think there is little chance of there being an offline mode for D3. What monetary gain is there for Blizz? Whether you like it or not, it’s not about what you want, it ends up being what Blizz can gain from this. And no, this is not Blizz being greedy. It’s about time, resource spent, etc vs reward. You wouldn’t work for free too, would you?

One can argue modding and D2 sales and whatnot, so let’s see the numbers showing that, the correlation of how many amount of recent D2 sales are due to modding.

Also, yes, I do think Blizz prefers to move away from there being modding in their game. You can’t really blame them. Just like you or any modders want to tinker stuff in the game you bought, they also want to protect any asset they could potentially lose. What was it? Was it regarding W3 reforge modding/map editor thing? I heard players didn’t like that new clause. Sucks for them. If any modding or editing is gonna be allowed in Blizz’s games, it will more likely come with that clause.

Yes, this is really easy to implement on their end - making user-adjustable variables for core stats and multipliers.

The League of Paragon Poofing - private server with a cap of paragon to 800. Who’s in?


Yes he is realistic. It will not happen,due to EULA that ruined WC3R launch.

If they are good at business strategies, they would understand what this and monthly private server fees mean:

They will both get their asset protection AND potential cut from server earnings. Bring in some sort of protected editor (which allows change of the item values, affixes,etc. for gear + some sort of map editor) to further protect your precious assets. If this still did not show what these posts are about, PoE would like to have a word with you (they are milking it a lot).

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What’s even better is this won’t take a portion of their expected D4 cosmetics sales (since it isn’t a cosmetic). Everyone wins.

The League of no grouping - private server for SSF-ers. Who’s in?

That’s the whole point, sweetie. The game would now be in the hands of modders, who could completely transform it.

Other more ancient games are still being played, so D3’s age is no excuse.


Yes you can have DRM in offline games. Not amazingly effective, but it helps a little.


most of those who want to buy it bought the game long ago. who is so crazy and will waste his money on something like that now? it’s not about profit for a long time. it’s about the company’s reputation and the game should be remembered.
but now they keep digging their hole. and bring out absolute garbage. how many players on ptr are satisfied? hardly anyone. feedback from players is very important. and they ignore them from the beginning. big lol here.
whoever runs the company has long lost wire to reality.

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