String of Ears/Galvanizing Ward

Does String of Ears legendary effect activate before Galvanizing Ward goes down or afterwards?

I believe it does, but you’d realistically never use String of Ears. Anyway, what I believe happens is you take 100 damage. it’s reduced by all your armor, resists and DR, and that damage is applied to your shield.

String of Ears is a half decent item, it just needs to be a little better. 40%-45% DR would probably be a usable item!

Source: Question about Shield - #4 by TinneOnnMuin-1187


Thank you!! So would you recommend switching out my String of ears for a primal Krelms Buff Belt?

It depends on your build, which I cannot see. Vyr’s HAS to use Fazula’s. Channeling builds generally uses Hergbrash’s. Witching Hour has niche uses.

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My build has pride’s fall and cindecoat. No way to move faster exceptthepoints in paragon.

It really depends on what skills, sets, legendaries you are using.

Krelm’s belt is not usually useful outside speed builds, so if you are pushing GR’s, String of Ears may be better for you. For farming easier difficulties… Krelm’s.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to give you advice if we can’t see your character profile.