Question about Shield

Does anyone know how the shield value is calculated (the number at the top of your red health globe)?
I would like to know what can raise the shield number higher.
I am playing a wizard with Ashnagarr’s blood bracer’s

Increasing your health is a surefire way to do it.

Most of the time, the shield is a flat % of your life pool. Certain Skills/Talents and items grant a temporary shield. The value is a % of your max life. So to get more shield, increase your HP.

Those braces alone do nothing.

Wizards have a number of skills that grant shields. They all grant shields as a % of your max life. And function basically as an extension of your health pool (so benefit from all your sources of damage reduction). Increasing your max life means each skill with grant you are larger shield, since it’s percentage-based.

The skills are:

Magic Weapon: Deflection
Spectral Blade: Barrier Blades
Galvanizing Ward
Diamond Skin

With Magic Weapon: Deflection and Spectral Blade: Barrier Blades, they grant shields when you attack that last for 3 seconds. If you attack faster, you can get more shield stacks active at the same time before they start to expire. (Side-note: this is part of what makes Deflection so good for Vyr’s Archon. You attack really fast and get lots of shield stacks). The other skills are pretty self-explanatory. Blood Bracers increase the shield value from all those wizard skills.

There are a few other places you can get shields from, however Blood Bracers won’t buff the shields from these other sources. Blood Bracers only work on shields from wizard skills. A couple of examples of non-wizard skill shields are the level 25 effect from a Molten Wildebeest’s Gizzard gem and the active effect from the monk Mantra of Healing. These can increase your shield further, but won’t benefit from the Blood Bracers bonus.


I increased my HP but the shield value remained constant. No change.

You may need to re-apply your shield effect (for example temporarily take off the “Galvanizing Ward” passive skill, then put it back on) for your shield value to update itself.

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Yep it turns out that all shields are calculated based on Health. So thanks for the help everyone.

Thank you for your help, i difficult understand along , but your explain is very good!