FYI every GR level has monster HPs increased by 17%
So let’s look if this is small or big nerf.
If the buff is 200% our final buffed damage is 300%. So it is triple 3x
And let’s say we lose X amount of GRs.
x (log 1.17)= (log 3)
x=(log 3)/(log 1.17)=7
That nerf causes us to lose 7GRs.
Let’s think for a second about Darkpotato’s 140 clear: It was a clear made with (80-90% close to) perfect gear, 10000 paragon, perfect floor composition and finished the rift at +14 minutes. This is the fishing range
So basically he starts fishing at 140-7=133 now and we had WW barb able to clear 130 pre-buff.
This is the outrage.
As a streamer and public figure what you say sounds more and reaches to more places and the blizzard developers might do a serious mistake here. I don’t think the outrage is personal but calling it a slight nerf is not a correct description. It is a nerf to oblivion.