Streamer banned for botting, already 3.5k paragon

The time before Diablo III ends your game session if you go AFK is pretty short. Around 10 minutes, I think? There’s no way your play-time will be 24 hours a day if you repeatedly go AFK.

We talked about this before. There are npc trick and numlock for example. Pretty ez. Ppl did this even in vanilla.

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the only incentive to do this is when server queues are full.

im starting to think you might bot.

i can understand Kargon’s argument being the lawyer type, but all this thread is doing is pointing out the red flags in some of the posters.

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It also shows how heavily some rely on conjecture.

Besides the parent/child tandem weirdness… my second impression about the whole conversation is the mental/verbal gimnastics some use to “corroborate” botting/cheating…
If the players itself urge to defend it… why should Blizz give a damn about?

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I don’t see anyone in this thread defending botting or cheating. I do see some people saying “So-so 100% IS botting” and others questioning how they came to that conclusion with no real proof other than theories and conjecture. Questioning how they came to that conclusion does not equate to them saying “botting/cheating is ok!”

The whole parent/child thing is again, only 1 of MANY things that “could” be the case with some of the people but it seems to be the one that people keep falling back on while ignoring any of the other listed possibilities.

If someone is botting/cheating, I agree… throw the book at them. They knew exactly what they were doing but I do believe distinguishing between direct and circumstantial evidence.

The thing is though you are trying to equate the parent/child, mental illnesses and such options as probable as all other options, where we all know this is at least pretty debatable. Yes, exceptions may exist where playing 21.5 hours a day for 3 months is done in a non-cheating way (where account sharing is overall cheating, holiday periods do exist but tend to not last 3 months and normal and even abnormal people also have some form of a social life, need some sleep, need some food and so on) and what you can do for 3 days cannot be safely extended to 3 months without crashing hard, severe depressions or even death as consequences.

In a way for those that truly would play 3 months 21.5 hours a day Blizz might actually have a duty of care to them to stop them playing the game, since they are harming themselves. Especially for a company that prides itself on leading responsibly. :stuck_out_tongue:

For the one that brought law in, remember this is not criminal law but civil law. That means Blizz does not need to proof beyond a reasonable bound, but just has to make it likely and well 21.5 hours a day makes it likely in itself. It is then up to other party to make it more likely Blizz is wrong and well I would not claim before a judge I let my underaged child play 14 hours a day and neglect him/her even further by playing those other 10 hours myself. :stuck_out_tongue:


As stated earlier, probability of each is very debatable.

Regardless of the probability, circumstantial evidence alone isn’t enough to say “Yes, he IS 100% in fact, botting/cheating”. It may be enough to warrant looking into but it doesn’t prove for a fact, they were as some seem to think.

If Blizzard does any kind of real investigation, they could determine if someone is or is not guilty. However, being their game, they can go the :poop: route and damn someone without really proving it. There is no rule that says you are limited to how long you can play. Witch-hunting is silly and you’d think we learned from our past mistakes. Just because she was dancing in the cornfield does not mean she is 100% verfied a witch.

The whole child/neglect thing is not even the focus of the conversation, it’s a complete side smoke/mirrors topic.

Save money.

They simply can’t. They have just 1 account.

Read the post under yours…

The point is Blizz does not need to proof. Just making it probable is cause enough for a ban under civil law. You are acting though as if the improbable exceptions should be a reason why Blizz should hold their hand, they should not. Ban and let them proof they do not cheat and not with a sap story, if they do play 21.5 hours per day for 3 months you are helping them by banning them and referring them to mental health help anyway even if they do not cheat.

People going wild for a few days up to a week at start season or during a short holiday or weekend, no problem. 90 days in a row? BS’ing.


Probable cause is needed for an arrest. Reasonable suspicion is needed to investigate. All anyone here has done was use reasonable suspicion and want the person executed.

We can call BS or say “we know for sure” all we want but that doesn’t make it verified as true unless you’re some kind of psychic.

Think whatever u want. My statement is that it is possible to be online without cheating.

Obv ppl with tunnelvision might think cheating is the only possibility. Just like there are ppl who accuse their wife for cheating whenever they leave the house.

The fact is that there are other possibilities. Like it or not


My God, man… how much more proof do you need!?


This is civil law, forget about Matlock or all your other lawyer series on tv. In civil law all Blizz needs to be able is to defend it to a judge if the player would take Blizz to court in first place. For banning, just a reasonable suspicion is more than plenty especially if you give the banned player the right to appeal their ban. Hell, the player does not even have to be guilty in the end to stay banned. 21.5 hours a day over a long period makes a more than reasonable suspicion, even if there might be exceptions. Still even in most of those exceptions any judge would accept Blizz argument they would be protecting player from him/herself in that case.

I really think you do not get how much 21.5 hours a day is over a longer period. It is not just partying with your friends over the weekend and even then, most of my friends needed a time out of more than 2.5 hours. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re not getting the point being made.

The point is that some here are wanting nothing more than hunches to say “They are 100% confirmed to be cheating”. No matter how you try and spin it, that doesn’t work. Going off hunches is what gets people into a lot of trouble and makes them look very foolish in the end. Thus why witch-hunting is bad.

Again, Blizzard can, if they want, ban someone simply for a report. They’ve done it before. While no, 21.5 hours a day is still only reasonable suspicion, if they want to ban someone simply on that, that’s their mistake to make.

Yes, I do get how much 21.5 hours is. He said average, not every day but again, that was his statement that he never even showed to be true and given his post history, anybody would be well within their rights to be highly skeptical. Either way, we’re talking about 1 person.

21.5 hours a day for 90 days is way more as reasonable suspicion, you know something is wrong there, just not what. Cheating, botting or self-harming. Each are reasons in themselves to stop a player from playing your game. That is not a witch hunt. A witch hunt would be if a player did it one day, you are trying to make the 0.00001% the rule and because it might exists make your decisions on the very lone exception, not on what is the way more logical explanation and then give the exception a chance to make their case.

Incorrect. It’s still only suspicion. Suspicion are circumstances that warrant an investigation. Finding a program on their computer called “diablo3cheat.exe” would be probable cause. That program would warrant an arrest. Now it’s up to the courts to prove he actually used that. Just having it isn’t a violation… using it is.

No I don’t and neither do you. There “could” be something wrong or maybe there isn’t.

It literally is by definition.

Doesn’t matter what you personally “think” is logical. It’s what you can prove.

Stop watching lawyer series and go to law school, any judge will accept that as evidence, just will give other side a chance to disproof it. This is not CRIMINAL law, where you have to proof guilt beyond reasonable doubt. The fact you think different about 21.5 hours a day over 90 says as something you can easily do, shows more you are kind of out of touch with life or are trolling, sorry but it is true.

Oh come on, don’t go there. That’s such a dated and sad way to concede a disucssion when you know you’re wrong. Being vigilent and standing up for what you believe in is not trolling… this isn’t 2005.

Nobody once in this entire thread said staying up 21.5 hours per day for 90 days was easy to do. That’s a strawman argument. Some said it was possible. What you feel is probable is irrelevant.

Nobody is going to convict someone based soley on someone’s hunch. If your TV shows told you that, shame on them.