Strafe/gen weave technique for GoD6 made easy! New video!

I know, I know. I’ve already made a video on this topic, but there’s a “new” development that’s been passed on to me by Woogmoog that makes the technique MUCH easier to do! Super excited to share this with you all. Video below!

If you haven’t watched my previous video on this topic, you may want to check that out first. Enjoy!

Scroll Weaving with GoD6. D3 RoS DH - YouTube



Does it take a gaming mouse to do this trick?

I’ve got just a regular normal everyday mouse and can’t seem to make it auto-fire like the video. I’m thinking it’s my mouse but maybe there’s something I’m missing.

And if it does take a gaming mouse, could folks recommend a good but affordable one I could look into. $30 or less would be ideal but I can go higher if it means better quality.

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Doesn’t necessarily have to be a gaming mouse. Any mouse that enables infinite scrolling will work. Some mouses use a different term, like hyper or super fast scrolling.

If you’re looking to upgrade, here’s one at a very good price point if you’re not trying to play FPS games competitively.

Less than $25.

Forum won’t let me link it :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually went to amazon and found one. It’s not there top pick because their top pick was wireless and I don’t think wireless would work with the way I have my computer set up. It sits higher than where I put my mouse normally. But it ran $60.

The “runner up” was a PICTEK and came to just over $30 after taxes and shipping and is wired.

I’m just wondering if PICTEK is a good company or is it something no one has ever heard of before. lol


Never mind, I don’t need the recommendations. DiE set me straight and gave excellent advice. I don’t know about you folks, but if the DH’s need a “Free” type figurehead without the ego, I nominate DiE. The dude knows his stuff and offers help to anyone willing to ask about anything Diablo, DH, or gaming related.

I don’t mean to gush, but seriously folks, the dude and his cohorts like Iria and Varadia are some of the most awesome people I’ve ever had the pleasure to have contact with, internet or otherwise, outside family of course and even better than most of them. lol

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Nope, DiE used his infinite button because he has that LOL. I originally found out this method during PTR but I was using a regular mouse as well so the only difference is because those who have an infinite scrolling mouse would be a bit easier to do that but if you don’t have there’s no problem you just gotta keep scrolling your wheel in between to be able to shoot the arrows to maintain the bonus up.

Good vid Die, you’ve made it easy to see how to do it and how it works. Oh yeah and props to woog for pointing this out.

Now to dust off my old Anywhere MX mouse…

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I just checked and my mouse does not have the infinite scroll feature… Does numlocking the primary skill work? (I will try after work.) If so, this will be one of the funniest builds, in that I will want to numlock 5 out of 6 skills… LOL

I don’t have the infinite scroll on my mouse, so I would have to get a new mouse anyway.

But now I’m wondering if it will mess with the numlock trick. I’m thinking it won’t since the infinite scroll acts like a button push to interrupt Strafe. My old way of doing it, every time I interrupted strafe with a primary gave the things I had on numlock a chance to pop when they come off cooldown, otherwise if you just hold down strafe and don’t interrupt in anyway, the numlock trick won’t work until you release your mouse button.

But like I said, I’m thinking this trick with infinite scroll will allow the numlock trick to work. Just have to check when I get my new mouse.

alternatively, a mouse that support macro can easily do this, simply make a macro that hold right click and shift left click once every 4 seconds.

my good old G602 can do this, and i am pretty sure my mouse is a fairly low tier gaming mouse.

that’s the thing, macros are a no-no to Blizzard. And if it’s a no-no to Blizzard then I won’t use it.

But there are things Blizzard allows as long as they act in a “one button push, one action” manner, like the numlock trick. Infinite scroll I’m pretty sure falls into that category. I’m pretty sure at least.

I mean, technically, the numlock trick isn’t “one button, one action”. It’s “one button, repeat action many times”. I really don’t think they care about that one though, even though technically it breaks their “one button, one action” mantra.

The infinite scroll trick definitely sounds like it falls in the same category as the numlock trick. It’s more of a “one button, repeated action” thing. But given numlock is accepted, infinite scroll should be totally fine too. It’s a similar mechanic.

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I get what you’re saying, Tinne. But I think, if infinite scroll let’s the numlock trick work, then we’ll have our answer. Otherwise, If you have to release your mouse to let numlock do it’s thing then I’m better off not using infinite scroll and just do the manual primary firing, so that numlock will work. lol

But like I said, I think infinite scroll will let numlock work, (maybe someone can confirm) and in that case, I’ll definitely use it.


Basically what I’m saying is I’d prefer letting numlock manage the cooldowns and do the manual firing myself if its a choice between the two but if it’s thing that both work together, then that works for me.

I think infinite scroll will let numlock work.

If infinite scroll essentially acts like you are constantly spamming scroll, that’s not the same as holding down a key, and so it shouldn’t break numlock. It would only be if infinite scroll worked by essentially “holding down” scroll that it would be an issue. But I don’t think it works that way.

Spinning your scroll wheel rapidly counts as a bunch of independent keypresses. I actually make use this for Sprinter/speedrun attempts, I bind close all windows to scrollwheel up/down so I can spin the scrollwheel to advance non-windowed dialogue (windowed dialogue boxes you can use the escape key to fully cancel, non-windowed dialogue you can advance with ‘close all windows’, but a line at a time instead of a full escape). It’s spacebar by default, but I got tired of spamming spacebar. Scrollwheel works nicely, because it spams it a bunch of times really quickly, so you can spin the scrollwheel to advance a multiple lines of dialogue very quickly. Very helpful for non-escapable dialogue in speedrun attempts.

Infinite scroll should behave the same way as just spinning the scrollwheel manually, shouldn’t it?

I think if it does, it should work together with the numlock trick. You’d have to test it out I guess though.

I just tested on my cheap mouse and though it doesn’t have infinite scroll, I bound the primary to mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down, and it let numlock work perfectly while I maneuvered the mouse wheel manually.

The primary button on the skill bar flashed every time I moved the mouse wheel, so yeah, I’m thinking infinite scroll will let numlock work with just this rudimentary test.

Someone else can confirm, hopefully, but it looks to me like it’ll work.

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How lazy does one have to be to need to automate play in a game as easy as D3.

Sign of the times I guess.

I don’t know, but I’ve always thought it was smart to make things easier if they can be.

Ever hear the saying “Work smarter not harder”. Yeah, that’s been my philosophy pretty much my whole life, taught me to by parents.

But I guess some folks just enjoy making things harder for themselves.

Slippery slope is slippery.

Yeah, I get what you’re saying.

But managing cooldowns in this game is stupid design in my opinion. And “automating” that is a far cry from running a frickin’ bot and I don’t appreciate the inference.

Thank you.


Agreed, even Starcraft 2 has autocast on some abilities (e.g. SCV repair, Medivac heal, etc.) not to mention in co op mode, there are a lot of autocast abilities.

The game should support autocast officially for skills you want to be used as often as available: Vengeance, Fan of Knives, Companion (when you don’t care about CoE timing). Furthermore there should be settings to autocast an ability when the effect wears off (like every 5 seconds for Shadow Power).

While this does seem to automate gameplay, it doesn’t takeaway much. You still have to aim and shoot everything, avoid attacks, and activate abilities that require some aiming or strategy.

Yes, a turbo controller (i.e. rapid fire inputs) isn’t the kind of automation that Blizzard is against. They are concerned with AI bots which do bounties and rifts by doing everything for the player.

Edit: I forgot to mention top SC2 players use a rapid fire method as well to be able to spam cast abilities (e.g. Warpgate warp-ins, Corrosive Bile, Steady Targeting, Feedback, etc.).


I agree. I’d love to see CDs over 15 seconds go away completely.

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