While I appreciate the effort to help out fellow DH players with this new armor set, I have to question the legitimacy of using the technique suggested.
If we have to wonder whether this technique would be approved by Blizzard, then it’s probably not. I think this is plainly a hardware exploit.
And sadly, the fact that we’d need to consider this complicated way to play disappoints me further. It suggests that we DH’s are so desperate to be viable that we’ll resort to inventing new exploits.
I won’t be rocking this set if it turns out this is the only way to play effectively.
This is not an exploit. Strafe-weaving is 100% doable without this technique, but it just helps execute the timing easier. Basically, this technique allows you to frame-perfect interweave generators and strafe.
While strafing, if you press the generator too soon, the input isn’t registered. And if you press it too late, you weren’t optimal in your damage output. If you have really good timing, you can do the weaving manually for a really close effect, but the scroll wheel technique will time it perfectly for you.
This scroll wheel thing has been used for years for force move in many other builds. The the difference here is that the scroll wheel activates your generator(s) instead of force move.
My confusion, Zarkano, came from what the button on a gaming mouse is called. It’s called “infinite scroll” but that’s not what it does and that’s what confused me. Instead of keeping your finger on the mouse wheel “infinite scroll” allows you to hit a button and the mouse wheel spins on it’s own for a few seconds and then stops.
You’re still manipulating the wheel, it’s just every few seconds and not the whole time in a rift. And it doesn’t mess with numlock as DiE showed me on his stream. It’s a “trick” to get the timing of generator weave technique frame perfect and that’s it, you still have to manipulate the wheel, just not as often as you would without the button.
Let’s set this straight for all people that are wondering.
1 - If you weren’t supposed to use mouse wheel, why would it be allowed on Key Bindings? I take that as it is allowed because you can actually map that option within the game except for the 2 primary attacks (Left and Right click) since those are not allowed to be remapped I believe that already tells you what they didn’t want players to do with those buttons. So there you go it is allowed in game.
2 - The whole idea for this play style is that you’re gonna use the mouse scroll wheel in order to fire your attacks. It doesn’t matter if you have a mouse that can do a few continuous shots or if you do it manually yourself at the end of the day it’s the exact same freaking thing. Props for those who are avoiding carpal tunnel
3 - No one is forcing a game play style on you, you choose to play the way you feel better with and that you think it is suitable for you.
4 - No one needs to buy a new mouse just because someone found that you can do a bit less work and achieve the same exact thing. It is doable with a regular mouse as well.
So after all that, seriously something that is actually a possibility to help people that never had before the experience to stutter step you have a way that you can start learning something new and that is fun and first thing most do is complain. It almost sounds like the majority are all masochists.
I got this to work on my Sensei wireless, and I love it! Can hardly wait to try it on the new set/season!
I have always been stutter-step challenged. I’m older, and wasn’t brought up playing video games, like my kids were. My hands are not as flexible and my reflexes not as fast as they were in my 20s. This kind of technique makes the game sooooooo much more fun for me! There is still player skill to develop with this technique.
Yeah, I cringe at the term “infinite” scroll. Instead I would call it “extended” scroll or something similar. When you spin the mouse wheel, it stays spinning for about 10 seconds or so depending on the quality of the mouse and how much of a spin you gave it. Maybe you can extend the spinning time to about 40 seconds if you use WD40 (which is obviously where the number 40 comes from).
For it to be truly infinite scroll, the gaming mouse would need to come with a small motor to add a tiny bit of angular momentum to the spinning wheel slowly over time to keep the wheel spinning forever (to counteract friction losses).
This is exactly the reason of why sharing this information about new ways to play. I’m very glad this might be of good use to you Eaglesong. Hope you have a ton of fun playing next season!
Hope that other people also understand that sometimes the smallest things can actually help a ton of players to have a different experience.