Stop trying to make d4 into d2

There is no “no respecs “ crew. Just those who want them to be rare and difficult to earn. Basically incentive to be required to think and give meaning to characters and added replay value to the game.


The second. I’ve hated every game I played without respecs. I can only play Skyrim on PC so I can “Respec” via console commands

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it seems like RPGs are the wrong genre for you :slight_smile:


Arpg elitism yet again.

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So we should get another game full of clones and meaningless characters because you are allergic to the potential consequences of poor decisions. Gotcha.


Ahhhhh yes, the ad hominem attacks. It was only a matter of time. “It teaches you that ARPG elitists think the world revolves around their “hardcore experience””. Just like how casual players want every game to be a cake walk and have everything handed to them by playing 30 minutes a week. Literally everything you say to attack “elitists” can be redirected back at you. You’re a complete hypocrite.
If you want to try different builds, then play the game and learn. You know what franchise this is, right? This franchise was built on depth and players learning from their mistakes. You’re trying to change it when the large majority of the players want it to have depth. If you’re going to respec, there needs to be a heavy cost to it.

No, YOUR stupid playstyle was forced on everyone with Diablo 3. This is why the game died months after release. Don’t try to say such bull like “The game is still alive”. The game died long before RoS even came out, RoS was the last smack to the head with the shovel and the burying of the coffin. Jay Wilson and Activision catered to Candy Crush fanatics like you to make good sales and stained the name of the franchise, forcing a change that did not belong there. It was all about quantity over quality in the end. Path of Exile and it’s large community that’s still continuing to grow; is living proof that this genre is about depth and players don’t want their hands held. This franchise and genre is not for you if you want to play something for 30 minutes a week and expect to get far.


False dichotomy. The game can have depth in other, more meaningful ways than lack of respec.

That’s not what ad hominem means :roll_eyes: people misusing that word is my biggest pet peeve. An ad hominem is an argument that attacks the credibility of the opponent rather than the content of their argument. Not the same thing as an insult. Though my post wasn’t really even an insult, just expressing exasperation with the constant purists demanding everything strictly follow arpg conventions.

D4 should be itself before it’s an ARPG. It shouldn’t try to be an ARPG at the expense of fun, accessible gameplay.

Dry heaves into a bucket

It sure sold pretty well for a game that died “months after release.” Especially strange that it’s supposedly dead when it still has a pretty large playerbase even now, given the game is 8 freaking years old.

Reaper of souls was an awesome expansion pack. If you actually think it killed the game you’re clueless.

Even if this was true (and it isn’t lol), so what? The game exists to sell itself. If a more casual type of game sells better, that is what blizzard will produce.

You are delusional if you think “the vast majority of players” are Diablo 2 fanboys who hate d3. Diablo 3 sold so well blizzard would be crazy not to build off what it brought to the franchise.

In reality, most of the buyers are what you claim are “candy crush fanatics” (aka relatively casual players) and their money is just as good as yours. Seeing as there’s more of them, I think it’s safe to see who blizzard will listen most to

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I guess it’s a good thing then that Lolli wasn’t arguing in favour of a game without respecs.

You may not have done an ad hominem, but you’ve definitely got a strawman going on =P


Aight, the Elder scrolls 6 can be a car race game then? At least its going to be itself, right?


From D2 keep the composer, trash the rest.

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D2 is the superior game Compared to D3:s shallowness,


LOL - no. you have to be kidding me. - LOL


The lack of respec in D2 made it so that every character was different in some way. Yes, there are cookie cutter builds but in some shape or form, every character was different even if it was minor, you could tell the difference. A character using 50 stat points on strength to wear something vs someone putting 50 stats in vitality by using Enigma/Stat charms to boost their strength was very noticable, especially in dueling. That’s another thing, there’s builds specifically designed for PvP and builds designed for PvM. BvC’s (barb vs caster) is an example of a PvP build, and it was very popular. There’s many, many builds rather than people thinking there’s just Hammerdins. Where do you see this in D3?

Either way, I’m telling you that I don’t care if there’s respecs as long as there’s a cost to it. A decent cost. I think D2’s current respec system is great. You get 3 free respecs, 1 for each difficulty by talking to Akara after finishing the Den of Evil. After that, you need to farm essences from Andariel/Duriel/Mephisto/Diablo/Baal to create a respec token, which will take hours of gameplay to do.

Changing around what I wrote and then proceeding to call me an elitist could easily be perceived as an insult. Covering your pile of turd in sugar and gold won’t change what it is.

The term “Fun” is very subjective. Jay Wilson said Diablo 3 was “Fun” and many, many people disagreed with him. Elaborate on what you think “Fun” is without insulting me, I want to hear your opinion.

What is…? What are you saying? What kind of rebuttal is this?

I’m pretty sure D3 sold as many copies as it did because of it’s predecessor’s success and name. Having good financial success doesn’t mean the game was good quality. If they made Diablo 5 a G rated puzzle game I’m willing to bet my house and car to you that it will still sell well just because it’s called “Diablo 5”.

Exactly how many people are on right now? I’m not trying to sound condescending, I’m asking you a legit question. What do you consider a “large playerbase”? Right now I just logged on D2 on East realm and it says there’s 30,104 people online. Let’s just say 50% of those are bots. That’s roughly 15k people. If D3 has anything less than that, then it’s laughable considering this is almost a 20 year old game.

Malthael was awesome. The atmosphere was darker and better than vanilla. The dialogue was slightly better. Music was better. But gameplay wise? nah. It made it worse.

This is why the game sold 30-something million copies and got the title of fastest selling PC game of all time, yet died months after release.

You just contradicted your own statement. You just destroyed your argument with your own argument. You just described why Activision Blizzards boarding the same ship as EA and Bethesda and many are losing hope. :sweat_smile:


I don’t get it… why can’t I as a proud boomer say what I liked about the games I played in my day that I liked in the hopes of seeing some of that intensely satisfying features in a newer installment? I get it you like other stuff then me, and rightfully so… but we can atleast agree we both love Diablo and are hoping that the devs find a way to make both ends of the spectrum satisfied with the game. Arguing amongst eachother and moaning about how you do not want this and don’t like that does not help to make a better game… instead say what u want to see then. Keep it constructive and not destructive. I hope we can both enjoy Diablo 4 and create some awesome new memories… and for me I’m hoping to pass some of that Diablo fever to my kids… and that they may get it soon. :blush:


LOL relax, they don’t pay any attention to the comments made by forum posters… they don’t even read the forums.

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IMO D4 should be an ARPG.

This implies 2 things. First an ARPG is an action game which means fighting. Not mowing down mobs with total abandon but actual action like contra. Secondly an ARPG is a role playing game which means character building. Character building means meaningful decisions with effective consequences which are a projection of ones cultural schemata and intellect. Video games which fall under rpg genre should provide higher dimensional character progression than life which is what partly what makes rpg games interesting. The opportunities they provide for discovering new things are greater. And the locus of resulting character builds when applied should create a higher dimensional contra which lifts the spirit of the player into the occurrence viz. the character is a projection of the player and the character is the player and everything around the character is around the player and everything around the player but not around the character is null.

As far as D4 as it relates to D2 and D3 goes in general game designers know best. However because of youtube videos which gives a player the opportunity to copy and paste what is done in the video and then say everything is to easy viz. cookie cutter to the highest degree, creativity gets throttled. It’s difficult to say whether D2 as a whole or D3 as a whole is a better model without a thesis because of how much cookie cutter has been amplified. Maybe something new and innovative is needed.


I’d argue D2 is a bit better but only because D3 has insane multipliers which creates a lot of limitations if you want to make any decent progress in rifts, even with their LoD/LoN attempt to band-aid the set problem.

That said D2 wasn’t exactly miles ahead of D3. The non-optimal builds were a bit more feasible sure, but builds mostly still came down to which particle effect you want to see on screen.

My Frozen Orb Sorceress didn’t play very differently from my Lightning Sorceress. Even my Whirlwind Assassin wasn’t that different. Enigma meant I was still teleporting all over the place, and I was just AoEing everything down. The only real difference is that my AoE was melee instead of ranged. Rather than fire a Frozen Orb forward, I fired myself forward with Whirlwind.

Which we could argue that different mechanics on abilities makes for different gameplay. Lightning is a line while Frozen Orb is a radius while Whirlwind is a melee radius. However if we’re going to argue that, the same can be said for Diablo 3. Multi-shot is a cone while Fan of Knights is a melee radius.

It’s pretty clear D2 fans who don’t like D3 aren’t happy with that as the main determining factor in what makes a character different from another.

The core underlying problem of both games is that the classes never really go beyond the thematic in terms of their differences. Barbarian uses things like Frenzy and Bash while Paladin uses things like Vengeance and Charge. They’re both fairly durable melee characters who just hit things until they die that you can play more or less in the same way.

I’d like to see more variance in the mechanics of the class. An Assassin should be fragile but agile and tricky. I should have a bunch of tools and dirty tricks to help me gain the upper hand, but be in trouble if I ever have to fight a fair fight.

A Barbarian should be the epitome of going all in. They’re a bit risky because they’re so offensive oriented, but their raw power in physical combat should be unmatched.

A Sorceress should be a master of elemental magics slinging spells around but be reliant on those spells to defend her if enemies ever get close. She has to manage her defensive spells properly or risk being caught without defenses in a bad place.

There will be disagreement on how game mechanics should work. I don’t like high health regen and prefer potion chugging since with potion chugging you can anticipate a big attack and chug when it hits rather than health regen through everything. You can do potion chugging on a monk because of the spirit spent → health passive and mantras insta-casting without a target. Other people might think potion chugging is archaic and everything should be health regen management. e.g. If I health regened through my battle with what’s her face act 5 boss it would have been boring. instead I died many times and had to keep tweaking a build until I found something that prevented a OHK and could plow through the blobs that muck around to create a safe zone and keep my spirit up and so on. Eventually I won and it was glorious.

As for how each class should play I would stick with game designers know best. They are payed to know and have great imagination.

One notable thing about diablo 3 is it only has an entrance fee. There is d3, the expansion, and the necromancer unlock. Which in turn means the game isn’t monetized. If the game isn’t monetized why isn’t it open to modding? If people increase the value of D3 through mods and open avenues to future possibilities in future products why has it never been a thing? Skyrim uses the same buy and play model and was open to modding. Same with torchlight. PoE is monetized I believe which would explain why it wouldn’t be open to modding.

When it comes to health I don’t think D2 or D3 have a good system. D3 is too much about passive regen while D2’s limitless potion lets you regenerate too much.

I’d leave the class design up to the game designers, I’m just throwing out my opinion that I’d like to see a bit more variance in how the classes play out rather than what mechanic of AoE attack and particle effects you get.

We’re still here to give them feedback on what we want, and they take that and decide the specifics of the all the tiny details and what to do with the classes based on what we’ve told them.

I’d have liked to see modding, but it’s not open to it mainly because they forced an always online component to the game by making half the game run on a server.

and Blizzard isn’t in the habit of giving us their server code so we can do modifications ourselves.

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lifesteal can be in sockets (skulls), in the skilltree (cobra strike), as a simple item stat just as regeneration, you can do so much and leave it up to the player, how they want to manage their sustain